The Glory of God is Involved with Christ from His Incarnation to the New Jerusalem

The glory of God is involved with Christ’s incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and coming again, and in His being the lamp in the New Jerusalem. Christ sought God’s glory, He was glorified by God, and He shines forth God with glory both in the millennial kingdom and for eternity! Hallelujah! Our Triune God […]

How Christ as a Grain of Wheat was Glorified in His Resurrection to be Enlarged

Hallelujah, Christ as a grain of wheat was glorified in His resurrection to be enlarged and expanded, and we all are included in the divine-human incorporation of God and man! We can experience, enjoy, and express Christ as the grain of wheat; through His resurrection, Christ was glorified to become a life-giving Spirit, regenerate us […]

Being Absolutely in the Resurrection Life having the Resurrected Christ as our Life

In order for us to be in the reality of the Body of Christ, we need to be absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ, having the resurrected Christ as our life, our living, and the resurrection life within us, and serving the Lord in and by the resurrection life. Amen! We believers in Christ […]

The Compound Anointing Spirit and the Lord Spirit for our Transformation for the Body

The life-giving Spirit with our spirit is the compound anointing Spirit as the anointing to anoint and seal us for the impartation and application of all that God is to our being, and He is the Lord Spirit for our metabolic transformation and for the growth and building up of the Body of Christ. Oh, […]

It is as the Consummated Spirit that Christ can Live in us and we can Abide in Him

After passing through the processes of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, death, and resurrection, Christ became a life-giving Spirit, and He came to breathe Himself as the consummated Spirit, the holy breath, into the disciples; it is as the Spirit that He can live in us and we can live by Him and do all things […]

Christ became a Life-giving Spirit to be Rivers of Living Water flowing into us

As the reality of the Feast of Tabernacles, Christ went through a process to be consummated as the Spirit for us to drink and flow as rivers of living water; the consummated Spirit is the Triune God after passing through many processes to flow in us and out of us. Amen! In John 7 we […]

Daily Enjoy the Life-giving Spirit in the Word to Eat Christ as the Bread of Life

The Lord Jesus came as the bread of life, and we can eat Him in His word; the means for us to receive the Lord as the bread of life is the word of life – we need to exercise our spirit to pray over God’s word and digest the word so that we may […]