Being in the Body and Serving in the Church to Enjoy the Bountiful Supply of the Spirit

For I know that for me this will turn out to salvation through your petition and the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Phil. 1:19

Just as the holy anointing oil in Exo. 30 was to anoint the tabernacle with all the things and persons related to it, so the anointing is for the Body; we need to be in the Body, functioning in our measure and being related to the saints the Lord put us with, to enjoy the anointing of the Spirit and partake of the bountiful supply of the Spirit. Amen!

The Gospels reveal how God became a man, lived a perfect human life, died an all-inclusive and all-terminating death on the cross, and resurrected to become a life-giving Spirit.

God went through many processes in order to become a life-giving Spirit, and this Spirit is compounded or blended with all the processes He went through and all His attainments. In the Spirit of Jesus Christ today there’s a bountiful supply that includes God, man, incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension.

This Spirit today is with our spirit, even mingled with our spirit as one.

If we want to live the Christian life, we need to pay attention to the Spirit and exercise our spirit, for only in our spirit, joined to the Lord, can we actually live Christ.

On His side, God went through a process and was consummated to become the all-inclusive compound Spirit. As such a Spirit, He reaches us to regenerate us, sanctify us, renew us, transform us, conform us, and glorify us. Hallelujah!

God in Christ as the Spirit reaches out to us to gain us and make us one with Him and for Him to be fully one with us. Hallelujah!

He anoints us with Himself, making Himself one with us and making us one with Him.

Today we believers in Christ have the anointing, which is the compound Spirit living, moving, acting, and speaking in us.

Each one of us knows God inwardly, subjectively, and personally by means of the anointing.

The anointing moves in us to cause us to know God. As we heed the inner anointing, we abide in the Lord.

The Spirit anoints us with Himself not only to lead us and guide us in our daily life but even more, to “paint” us with Himself, adding layer after layer of God to our being.

Day by day, as we exercise our spirit and turn our heart to the Lord, the Spirit has a way to anoint us and add all the elements of His being to us.

We may be in a situation where we need to experience the death of Christ, and in ourselves, we don’t really want to die; however, when we turn to our spirit and contact the Lord, He applies the death of Christ to our being. Hallelujah!

It is the Spirit who can live the Christian life. It is the Spirit who can be a Christian. The Christian life is a matter altogether in the Spirit and by the Spirit.

The All-inclusive Compound Spirit is the Bountiful Supply of the Spirit for us to Magnify Christ

For I know that for me this will turn out to salvation through your petition and [the] bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, According to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I will be put to shame, but with all boldness, as always, even now Christ will be magnified in my body, whether through life or through death. Phil. 1:19-20Phil. 1:19-21 is a wonderful portion in the Bible written by a brother who was in prison. Paul was in prison for the Lord and His testimony, and he had all the reasons to complain and desire to be freed from prison.

However, he testified that he knew that this, even this situation he was in, would turn out to salvation through the petition of the saints and the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Wow!

On one hand, Paul was a member of the Body, and the fellow members of the Body were petitioning concerning him before the Lord.

On the other hand, there was a bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ which enabled him to not be put to shame but rather, even now in all things, Christ would be magnified in him. How about that!

There is a supply that can enable us to magnify Christ in all things, even in the lowest situation.

The Spirit of Jesus Christ with a bountiful supply is signified by the holy anointing oil in Exo. 30.

The Spirit of God is signified by the olive oil; He is not just pure oil but has been compounded with certain ingredients. Hallelujah!

Regarding this, John 7:39 says, But this He said concerning the Spirit, whom those who believed into Him were about to receive; for the Spirit was not yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.

When the Lord was on the earth, before His resurrection (which was His glorification), He was not the Spirit with a bountiful supply.

Before the Lord’s glorification, which was His resurrection (Luke 24:26), the compound Spirit was not yet.

It was after Christ’s resurrection that the compounding or the blending of such a Spirit was completed.

In other words, as the Lord went through the processes of incarnation, human living, death, resurrection, and ascension, He was being processed and consummated to become the Spirit of Jesus Christ with a bountiful supply for us to enjoy and magnify Christ. Amen!

But this He said concerning the Spirit, whom those who believed into Him were about to receive; for the Spirit was not yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified. John 7:39 When the Spirit was the Spirit of God, He had only the divine element; after He became the Spirit of Jesus Christ through Christ’s incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection, the Spirit had many things added to Himself.

He is now the compound Spirit, for He has both the divine element and the human element, with all the essence and reality of incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection of Christ.

How can we live Christ and be like Him in all our situations? It is only by means of this bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

All our situations, whether good or not so good, whether positive or negative, whether joyful or sorrowful, can turn out to salvation through our being in the Body and through receiving the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

When we exercise our spirit to partake of the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, we have an earnest expectation and hope that in nothing we will be put to shame but with all boldness, as always, even now Christ will be magnified in our body, whether through life or through death! Amen!

For to us to live is Christ (Phil. 1:21a).

May we be those who partake of this bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ today so that, no matter what happens to us and what we go through, all things will work for good for us to be conformed to the image of Christ, and Christ would be magnified in our body!

Lord Jesus, thank You for going through many processes to become the Spirit of Jesus Christ with a bountiful supply! Hallelujah, today we have the bountiful supply of the Spirit with our spirit so that we may live the Christian life and church life! We exercise our spirit today, dear Lord, to contact You and receive the bountiful supply. We exercise to enjoy You and partake of all that You are. Supply us with Your bountiful supply as the Spirit of Jesus Christ so that all things and all situations may turn out to our salvation. Praise the Lord, in the Spirit of Jesus Christ we have both the divine element and the human element, and we have all the essence and reality of incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection of Christ! Hallelujah, the Spirit of Jesus Christ with His bountiful supply is with our spirit, and we can turn to our spirit, magnify Christ, and in nothing be put to shame! Amen, Lord, we want to magnify You by partaking of the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ!

Being in the Body and Serving in the Church to Enjoy the Bountiful Supply of the Spirit

For to me, to live is Christ...Phil. 1:21a I am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live in faith, the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. Gal. 2:20 The holy anointing oil in Exo. 30:23-26 can be seen in Paul’s experience in Phil. 1:19-20.

Paul testified that he enjoyed the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ (typified by the holy anointing oil) and he was in a proper relationship with the Body to receive the supply of the Body (the ointment was for the building of God).

The bountiful supply of the Spirit is not just for individual persons to enjoy a personal salvation.

Just as the holy anointing oil was used to anoint the tabernacle (God’s dwelling place) with its furnishings, utensils, and all those who served in the tabernacle, so the bountiful supply of the Spirit is for the Body.

The compound Spirit is for the Body, the church, God’s house, and also for God’s service.

This means that, if we want to enjoy and partake of the supply of the Spirit today, we need to be in the Body and, even more, we need to be part of the priesthood, the service in the church life.

We all can testify from our experience that, if we have a problem with the church or refuse to participate in the service of the church, we don’t enjoy the all-inclusive Spirit with His bountiful supply.

We may pray very much, but our prayer is not that effective.

We may even claim the anointing, telling the Lord how much we need Him, but we may not experience the bountiful supply of the Spirit.

This is because we have severed ourselves from the Body and are not part of the tabernacle with its services in a practical way. Oh, Lord Jesus!

May we realize that the anointing is on the building of God and on the service related to God’s building, and may we remain in the Body, be properly related to the Body, and participate in the service of the Body (Phil. 1:4).

The apostle Paul was physically separated from the saints in the church life, but he was still in the Body; being away from the saints for a period of time during the week doesn’t mean we’re not in the Body.

Being a member in the Body and functioning in the Body in our measure is something in spirit and by the Spirit.

The compound Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, is for the Body of Christ, which is the tabernacle of God, and for God’s service, which is the priesthood.

Because many Christians today are cut off from the Body and from the priestly service, they cannot partake in full of the bountiful supply of the Spirit.

May we be those who live in the Body, fellowship in the Body, pray in the Body, do all things in the Body, and be involved in the service in the church life.

We all can testify, on the positive side, that when we begin to participate in the church service, we sense that we’re under the flowing of the bountiful supply of the Spirit (Acts 16:7; Rom. 8:9; 1 Pet. 1:11). Amen!

When we exercise our spirit, pray with the saints, coordinate with them, and serve together as one, we enjoy the rich supply of the Spirit and the anointing of the all-inclusive Spirit is upon us.

When we’re in such a fellowship and coordination in the Body, being properly related to the Body and to the Head, a simple calling on the name of the Lord releases the flow of life and we partake of the anointing.

And when they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, yet the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them. Acts 16:7 But you are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Yet if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not of Him. Rom. 8:9 If a husband has a problem with his wife, being upset with her about a particular matter, and he is in the meetings of the church and touches the Lord, he is inwardly released, and all the problems are gone; he is now shining, for he enjoys the anointing.

When his wife sees him and realizes that his face is shining, she will also rejoice in the Lord.

This is not by outward correcting or perfecting but by experiencing the anointing of the Spirit in and upon the Body.

This all-inclusive compound Spirit, typified by the holy anointing oil, is the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the supply of the Body of Christ, by which we can live Christ for His magnification in the Body, through the Body, and for the Body (Phil. 1:19-21). Amen!

No matter how advanced we are in the Lord, how much we are used by the Lord for HIs move, and how mature we are in the divine life, we still need the Body, we still need to be related to the saints the Lord put us with, and we still need to be involved in the service of the church, for only in the Body can we enjoy the bountiful supply of the Spirit.

It’s not a small thing to not have the anointing upon the Body.

It’s not a small thing to lose the flow of life because of having a problem with the Body. Oh, Lord Jesus!

When we’re in the Body, we enjoy the bountiful supply of the Spirit; when we are not properly related to the Body, the supply stops.

It is by the petitions in the Body and the bountiful supply of the Spirit that all our situations turn out to our salvation and we can magnify Christ in, for, and through the Body.

Lord Jesus, thank You for bringing us into the church life to enjoy Christ with the saints, grow in life, be built up together, and live the Body life in oneness. Hallelujah, we are members of the Body and we participate together in the service of the church, enjoying the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ! Amen, Lord, keep us here, in the proper fellowship and coordination with the Body and in serving together with the saints so that we may enjoy the anointing! Hallelujah, the anointing is upon the Body and for those who serve in oneness in teh church! Amen, Lord, we give ourselves to You today to be in the Body, properly related to the saints You put us with, coordinated together in oneness, so that we may enjoy the anointing which is on the Body! What a privilege it is for us to partake of the bountiful supply of the Spirit in the Body so that we may live Christ for His magnification in the Body, through the Body, and for the Body of Christ!

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References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Minoru Chen in the message for this week, Life-study of Philippians, msg. 33 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Christian Life (2024 Memorial Day Blending Conference), week 3, The Intrinsic Significance and Revelation of the Compound Ointment as the Holy Anointing Oil— a Full Type of the Compound, All-inclusive Spirit of the Processed Triune God.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    The way to receive and enjoy the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, a portion from, The Economy and Dispensing of God, Chapter 4, by Witness Lee.
    Enjoying Constant Salvation by the Bountiful Supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, via, Holding to Truth in Love.
    The bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, a portion from, Life-Study of Philippians, Chapter 5.
    The Triune God as Our Daily Supply is a Foretaste of New Jerusalem, via, New Jerusalem blog.
    Enjoying the bountiful supply of the Spirit in our spirit, a portion from, The Divine Economy, Chapter 11, by Witness Lee.
    The Spirit as Our Bountiful Supply, via, Holding to Truth in Love.
    Experiencing the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, a portion from, The Subjective Experience of the Indwelling Christ, Chapter 8, by Witness Lee.
    How to Receive the Bountiful Supply of the Spirit, via, Bibles for America blog.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – Now in Christ, in the anointing, / We are the anointed ones. / Oh, how blessed is this ointment / Poured upon the many sons! / The anointing, seal, and earnest— / In our spirit are all three. / Such a wondrous, blest deposit / God has given you and me. (Hymns #1121 stanzas 2 and 8)
    – With God’s own essence it anoints me, / God to know subjectively, / That I may have His very element / Fully saturating me. / ’Tis by this inner life-anointing / I in fellowship may move; / In God, the light of truth, I’m walking, / And the love of grace I prove. (Hymns #266 stanzas 3-4)
    – Pray with one accord in spirit, / Not according to our thought, / But alone by the anointing, / As the Lord has ever sought. / Pray with one accord in spirit / Seeking God in unity; / In the Spirit of the Body / Ever pray in harmony. (Hymns #779 stanzas 1 and 6)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
6 months ago

Suppose a brother is unhappy with his wife. However, during a meeting he turns to the Lord and begins to say, “Lord Jesus, I love You.” Because he is watered and anointed, his feeling of unhappiness disappears. When he comes home after the meeting, his face is shining. His wife realizes that her husband has experienced a fresh anointing of the Spirit. When she saw him last, his face was sad, and he was unhappy. But now his face is shining, and he is rejoicing in the Lord. This comes from experiencing the anointing of the Spirit. With the Spirit of Jesus Christ there is a bountiful supply. This supply is an all-inclusive drink containing many ingredients. Everything we need is in this divine beverage…When we pray in a genuine way and when we call on the name of the Lord, the compound ointment is applied to us in our situation, and we enjoy the riches of the bountiful supply of the Spirit…By the petitions of the Body and by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, our circumstances turn out to be for our salvation. Then we are not put to shame in anything, but Christ is magnified in us.

Life-study of Philippians, 2nd ed., pp. 284-286

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
6 months ago

The anointing of the Spirit is not just upon one person but upon the Body.

We need to be in the Body, functioning in the church life in our measure for the building up of the Body, so that we can receive the anointing.

We all can testify that, when we participate in the church service with the saints, we have the sense that we’re under the flowing of the bountiful supply of the Spirit.

Hallelujah, in this Spirit is all we need, for the bountiful supply is in the Spirit, and the Spirit is poured out on the Body!

Amen, Lord, we love You! Keep us in the Body, functioning in our measure in the church life, being under the anointing of the Spirit!

Christian A.
Christian A.
6 months ago

Amen brother. The compound Spirit is for the Body, the church.

If we are in the Body in a practical way and in God’s service, we are in a proper position to receive the flow of the ointment.

The ointment is not for individuals; it’s for the Body.

So, to be “painted” by the ointment, we must be in the church.

Mario V.
Mario V.
6 months ago


With the Spirit of Jesus Christ there is the bountiful supply, an all-inclusive drink with many ingredients for our daily salvation to live Christ for His magnification in whatever circumstance we are in!

But in order to enjoy such a wonderful Spirit we need to be part of the tabernacle and the priesthood, the dwelling and of the service. The Spirit of Jesus Christ is for the Body and for God’s service.

Thank You, Lord for Your marvelous availability as the wonderful Spirit in us. Thank You that we can enjoy You in the Body through the Body and for three Body. Give You today. Supply us not to put us to shame but to live You today. Be magnified in us.🙏🙏🙏

K. P.
K. P.
6 months ago

Phil. 1:19-20 For I know that for me this will turn out to salvation through your petition and the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, according to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I will be put to shame, but with all boldness, as always, even now Christ will be magnified in my body, whether through life or through death.

Praise the Lord! 🙌😃

brother N.
brother N.
6 months ago

The intuition is the place where God’s anointing teaches us. “And you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know….The anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone teach you; but as His anointing teaches you concerning all things and is true and is not a lie, and even as it has taught you, abide in Him” (1 John 2:20, 27). This passage of Scripture very clearly indicates how the anointing of the Holy Spirit teaches us.

Before we consider this passage of Scripture, let us first differentiate between the meaning of “know” and “understand.” The spirit “knows,” while the mind “understands.” A believer “knows” a thing by the intuition of his spirit. The mind can only “understand.” Strictly speaking, the mind cannot “know.” (Naturally, all this refers to the relationship between us and God.) Believers are so confused about the matter of seeking the thought of the Holy Spirit, because they do not know the difference between “knowing” and “understanding.” According to the common usage of the words, there is not much difference between knowing and understanding. But in spiritual matters, knowing and understanding are as far apart as the heavens are from the earth. To know is the work of the intuition; to understand is the work of the mind. The Holy Spirit enables our spirit to know, and our spirit makes our mind understand. It is hard to distinguish between these two words, but in experience they are as different as wheat and tares.

Is it not true that many times we have an indescribable feeling in our inner being as mentioned above? This feeling enables us to know whether or not to do a certain thing. It is true that in our spirit we may know the thought of the Holy Spirit. However, in many cases, we know in our intuition what we ought to do, but our mind may still fall short of understanding the meaning and reason of it. In spiritual matters, it is quite possible for us to know but still not understand. Is it not true that many times our thoughts reach a dead end, but our spirit receives teaching from the Holy Spirit; at these times we cry, “I know it!” Many times when we deny the thoughts and reasonings in our mind and obey the thought of the Holy Spirit expressed in the intuition, we must wait for a long time before our mind is enlightened and before we understand the reason the Holy Spirit led us in a particular way. Only then are we able to cry out, “Now I understand!” These experiences tell us that we “know” the thought of the Holy Spirit in the intuition of our spirit, but we “understand” the leading of the Holy Spirit in the mind of our soul.

Collected Works of Watchman Nee, The (Set 1) Vol. 13: The Spiritual Man (2), Chapter 5, by Watchman Nee

Sister Gail
Sister Gail
6 months ago

“Being in the Body” has become more challenging in this post COVID society. Our various local churches meet less, at least in person. We zoom for prayer, we zoom for Bible studies, we zoom zoom around in a virtual holiness and wonder, does this please God? Is this nourishing my Spirit, transforming my soul?

I have found that “being in the Body” , at least for me, does not require a meeting, or even a phone call. When I turn my heart toward the Lord, not only is He there, but the entire Body is there with Him. Because saints, as the Body, we are always in the Body.

Having said that, meeting with saints, zooming, texting, serving, is all very good and necessary, practically speaking. Because we are not entirely spiritual beings, not yet anyway, we need our humanity fed and nurtured with the right things. We need direct contact. We need each other.

May the Lord have mercy on us that we continue to pursue each other with Him, in Godly friendship and fellowship, serving and building His Church. Amen.