Praising Christ the King in His Fairness and Sweetness, Victory and Majesty (Psa. 45)

Psalm 45 provides a complete view, a full picture, of Christ's beauty unveiled in the entire New Testament. Psalm 45 presents a full picture and a complete view of Christ’s beauty; the psalmist is praising Christ’s beauty in Himself as the King, in the church as the queen, and in the overcoming believers as the princes, the sons.

In the first eight verses we see the beauty of Christ as the King (typified by king Solomon) in four aspects: his fairness, His victory, His kingdom, and His virtues. Christ’s fairness and victory, His kingdom and His virtues, are balanced one by the other, and together they paint a wonderful portrait of Christ in His incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection, that is, Christ in the Gospels, Christ in the stage of His earthly ministry.

In verses 9-15 we see Christ’s beauty as unveiled in the church as His queen, and in vv. 16-17 we see Christ’s beauty in His sons, the overcomers as the princes.

In order for us to be prepared as the bride of Christ, thus going in the direction of the Lord’s move today, we need to praise Christ in His beauty and be infused with all His attributes and virtues so that we may become His duplication and reproduction today.

We have no beauty in ourselves; rather, because of the fall of man, we are ugly when we live in our natural man, our flesh, or our self. No matter how “nice” or “gentleman” we may behave, in God’s eyes we are beautiful only when we have Christ lived out and expressed through us.

Only Christ’s beauty is real beauty, and the degree to which Christ has been wrought into us is the degree to which we are prepared to be His beautiful bride.

We need to love the Lord, open to Him, and let Him fill our inner being with all His riches, and our tongue will be like the pen of a ready writer, ready to write our love for Him and our praise to Him.

The more we enjoy and experience Him, the more we can speak of Him and express Him according to all that He is in His full ministry in the stages of incarnation, inclusion, and intensification.

We need to see Christ in His beauty, and we need to be infused with His beauty so that we may be His duplication and reproduction as His bride.

Praising Christ the King in His Fairness: He is Fair, Sweet, and Full of Grace

Psa. 45:2 You are fairer than the sons of men; Grace is poured upon Your lips; Therefore God has blessed You forever.As believers in Christ we are learning Christ as the reality is in Jesus (Eph 4:20-21); the reality in Jesus is the actual condition of the life of Jesus as recorded in the four Gospels. What we see in the gospels is that Jesus did everything in God, with God, by God, for God, and through God; God was in His living and He was one with God.

The reality in Jesus in the gospels is being reproduced in us so that we may have a God-man living that is exactly the same as the God-man living of Jesus in the gospels.

Psalm 45 praises Christ the King as unveiled in the four Gospels (Psa. 45:1-8; Matt. 1:1). The psalmist praises Christ the King in His fairness; Christ is fairer than the sons of men (Psa. 45:1-2). Similarly the beloved in Song of Songs considers Him as the most fair among all, the most beautiful One, the One altogether desirable (S.S. 5:9-16).

This fair One caught us: when we heard the gospel concerning this wonderful One, we were captivated by Him – we were hooked and we believed into Him. When we see His dying love and His tender care all throughout our life, we fall in love with Him; the issue of Christ’s showing us His fairness and beauty is that we enjoy Him and fall in love with Him.

Grace is poured upon Christ’s lips; when He was on earth and lived and spoke among people, they all testified of how the grace of God was upon His lips (see Luke 4:17-22). While the religionists of His days hated Him and wanted to put Him to death, all those around Him were drawn to Him, enjoyed the grace of God in His speaking, and loved being in His presence.

Today we also enjoy the word of His grace, and in our speaking we need to let no corrupt word proceed out of our mouth but a word that would give grace to those who hear (Eph. 4:29-30).

We need to let the word of the Lord’s grace saturate us by abiding in His word and praying over His word in the Scriptures until what comes out of us would give God as enjoyment to those who hear.

Song of Songs 5:9-16 v. 9 What is your beloved more than some other's beloved, O you most beautiful among women? What is your beloved more than some other's beloved, That you adjure us so? v. 10 My beloved is dazzling white yet ruddy, Distinguished among ten thousand. v. 11 His head is the finest gold; His locks are wavy, As black as a raven. v. 12 His eyes are like doves Beside the streams of water, Bathed in milk, Fitly set. v. 13 His cheeks are like a bed of spices, Mounds of sweetly fragrant herbs; His lips are lilies, Dripping with liquid myrrh. v. 14 His hands are tubes of gold, Set with beryl; His belly is an ivory work, Overlaid with sapphires. v. 15 His legs are pillars of white marble, Set upon bases of gold; His appearance is like Lebanon, As excellent as the cedars. v. 16 His mouth is sweetness itself, And he is altogether desirable. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.When the Lord Jesus was on earth, people marveled at the words of grace proceeding out of His mouth. As His reproduction and continuation today, we need to minister God as enjoyment to those around us.

Because the Lord Jesus was so fair, so sweet, and so full of grace, God has been moved to bless Him forever. In Rom. 9:5 we are told that Jesus is God, blessed forever.

Praise the Lord for His fairness! Praise Him for His beauty! Praise Him for His sweetness and loveliness! When we contact Him and behold Him in His word, He is so lovely, fair, and sweet!

When we hear His voice as we turn our heart to Him and exercise our spirit, we receive words of grace, and we have God as our enjoyment.

Our Christ is the most lovely One, the most fair One, the sweetest One, and the One who is full of grace; this One was blessed by God forever, and He Himself is a blessing to us in Spirit, making us a blessing to others!

Lord Jesus, we praise You for Your fairness, Your beauty, and Your sweetness! Lord, You are fairer than the sons of men, and grace is poured upon Your lips. God has been moved to bless You forever. Thank You Lord for showing us Your loveliness, Your sweetness, and Your beauty. You speak to us the words of God’s grace, and when we contact You we have full enjoyment of God. We love to look at You, dear Lord, and behold Your beauty in Your presence. We love to be infused with Your words of grace as we see Your shining face! We love You, Lord Jesus!

Praising Christ the King in His Victory as the Mighty One, the One with Majesty and Splendor

Psa. 45:3-5 Gird Your sword upon Your thigh, O mighty One, In Your majesty and Your splendor. And in Your splendor ride on victoriously Because of truth and meekness and righteousness; And let Your right hand teach You awesome deeds. Your arrows are sharp: The peoples fall under You; The arrows are in the heart of the King's enemies.In Psa. 45:3-5 the psalmists praises Christ the King in His victory; He has girded His sword upon His thigh, He is a mighty One in majesty and splendor, and He rides on victoriously because of truth and meekness and righteousness.

To us, His loving seekers, the Lord is fair, beautiful, and full of sweetness and grace, but to Satan and all the fallen angels, Christ is the mighty One who has girded His sword upon His thigh, the One with majesty and splendor.

Christ has already won the victory, and now in His majesty and splendor He displays His victory and He rides on triumphantly.

When He was on earth, the Lord was transfigured one time before His disciples on the mountain (Matt. 17:1-2), but after His resurrection and ascension, He showed Himself in His splendor and majesty to Paul (Acts 26:13-15) and to John (Rev. 1:9-20).

In His splendor Christ rides on victoriously because of truth, meekness, and righteousness! Hallelujah for our victorious Christ! Regardless of what the situation is right now on the earth, regardless of what the nations are doing, Christ is riding on triumphantly and prosperously.

From the day of His ascension, Christ began to ride on victoriously, and He will continue to ride on until He comes back in victory (see Acts 5:31; Rev. 6:1-2; 19:11-16). Christ is the Leader and Savior; He is the Prince, the Ruler of the Kings to rule over the world, and He rides on triumphantly.

He rules sovereignly over all the earth with His authority so that the environment might be fit for God’s chosen people to receive His salvation.

Just consider your situation: for you to get saved and come into the church life, the Lord has worked out so many things and has arranged the whole situation, making sure you enjoy His full salvation.

In Rev. 6:1-2 there is a white horse (typifying the gospel) and the One on the horse had a bow and a crown; the bow had no arrow because the arrow has already been shot into the heart of His enemy. Amen!

In His splendor Christ rides on victoriously because of truth, meekness, and righteousness; regardless of what the situation is on earth, regardless of what the nations are doing, Christ is riding on triumphantly, prosperously; from the day of His ascension, He began to ride on, and He will continue to ride until He comes back in victory (Acts 5:31; Rev. 6:1-2; 19:11-16). 2016 Thanksgiving Conference, outline 4Christ is riding right now triumphantly in His majesty and splendor all over the earth, in country after country and continent after continent.

At the end of this age, He will have gained some overcomers who are one with Him to follow Him up to the third heavens; then they will come back with Him to fight the battle at Armageddon, and they ride with Him on white horses.

Christ with His overcomers will crush the human government as a corporate smiting stone, and He will fill the earth as the kingdom of God.

Hallelujah for our Christ! His right hand performs awesome deeds; Christ’s awesome deeds include His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension (Psa. 45:4).

Actually, everything that the Lord Jesus does – whether great or small – is awesome!

We have an awesome Lord who does awesome deeds! And His arrows are sharp in the heart of His enemies, and the peoples fall under Him (Psa. 45:5; Rev. 6:2). Praise the Lord!

Lord Jesus, we praise You as the King in Your victory! You are the mighty One who has girded Your sword upon Your thigh, and You ride on triumphantly with majesty and splendor. Praise You, Lord, You have won the victory, and now You ride on victoriously because of truth, meekness, and righteousness. We praise You that, regardless of what the situation is on earth and what the nations are doing, You are riding on from the day of Your ascension until You come back in victory! Praise the Lord for His victory!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message by brother Ed Marks for this week, and portions from, Life-study of the Psalms, pp. 251-254 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Direction of the Lord’s Move (2016 Thanksgiving Conference), msg. 4 (week 4), To Prepare the Bride as the Counterpart of the Bridegroom (2) – Praising Christ as the King in Himself, in the Church as His Queen, and in All His Sons, the Overcomers as the Princes.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus, / All I have I give to Thee; / Who like Thee—so fair and comely? / Who like Thee—so sweet and lovely? / Matchless One, unrivaled beauty, / None can e’er compete with Thee! (Hymns #1158)
    # Lord Jesus, Thou art fairer / Than all the sons of men; / Thy goodness is transcendent— / Hallelujah! Amen! / Upon Thy lips most holy / Abundant grace is poured; / Forever God has blessed Thee, / Our gracious, glorious Lord! (Hymns #1098)
    # Praise Him! praise Him! Christ is Victor! / He has won the victory! / Sin is judged, old Adam finished, / Full redemption now we see! / Vanquished all the evil powers / Thru the Cross triumphantly! (Hymns #124)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
8 years ago

Psalm 45 is a praise to Christ the King, who is typified by Solomon. The first section, verses 1-8, is a praise concerning the King Himself, the second section, verses 9-15, is a praise concerning the queen, the King’s wife, and the third section, verses 16-17, is a praise concerning the King’s sons, the princes.

Verses 1-8 are the praise of Christ the King from four directions: His fairness (v. 2), His victory (vv. 3-5), His kingdom (vv. 6-7), and His virtues (v. 8). In this praise there are two balanced pairs: Christ’s fairness and His victory, and Christ’s kingdom and His virtues. Christ’s fairness is balanced by His victory with its requirements (cf. Matt. 5:20; 25:14-30; John 15:2, 6), and His kingdom, the issue of His victory, is balanced by the sweetness of His virtues. (Psa. 45:1, footnote 1, Recovery Version Bible)

John A.
John A.
8 years ago

Amen !!!

Jigz D.
Jigz D.
8 years ago

Amen praise Him for His victory…

Charis H.
Charis H.
8 years ago

Amen! Lord Jesus we love You!!

Jose A.
Jose A.
8 years ago

Oh Lord Jesus we love you!

Adin G.
Adin G.
8 years ago

Amen PTL

Trevor K.
Trevor K.
8 years ago

Amen praise Him for all He is

K. K.
K. K.
8 years ago

Amen. Therefore God has blessed You forever.

O. R.
O. R.
8 years ago

Amen! None, no one can ever compete with Thee!

C. S.
C. S.
8 years ago

Matchless One! Unrivaled beauty!

Laz V.
Laz V.
8 years ago

Amen. Lord we just love you. You are peerless in everyway.

Ioan B.
Ioan B.
8 years ago

Doamne Isuse Te iubim. !!!

Arlene A.
Arlene A.
8 years ago

He’s the apple tree of trees….and He is the fairest among the fair..