Christ must be our Life Practically: We need to be Daily Saved in the Divine Life!

Rom. 5:10 For if we, being enemies, were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more we will be saved in His life, having been reconciled. The fact that Christ is our life (Col. 3:4) is a strong indication that we as believers in Christ need to take Him as life and live by Him, that we day by day need to be saved in the divine life in a practical and experiential way.

After believing into Christ, He came into us to be our life. He is not only our Savior and Lord, but also our life, so personal and subjective. Christ is our life, and this life is hidden with Christ in God. We need to enjoy Christ and experience Him as our life, our person, for the one new man.

Just as our human life is something all-encompassing, something spontaneous, something we live our by default day by day, so the divine life needs to become so real to us that we live Christ and are saved in His life day by day for the living of the one new man.

We were raised together with Christ, and we were seated with Him in the heavenlies. Christ is our life, and our life is hidden with Christ in God. The life we should live today is not a showy life, a life that is on display for others to see and appreciate, but a hidden life with God, a life that is Christ Himself.

Our life is hidden with Christ in God just as the manna was hidden in the golden pot, which was in the Ark, which was in the Holy of Holies. Through regeneration we received Christ as life, Christ became our life, and our life is hidden with Christ in God, for us to be incorporated with the Triune God.

Christ dwells in us, we are in Christ, Christ is in the Father, and the Spirit dwells in our spirit, for the incorporation of God with man. This is something intrinsic and organic that takes place as a reality in all the genuine believers in Christ.

Christ has done everything to prepare the ground for us, His believers, to experience Him and enjoy Him as life so that we may be saved in His life. He not only made us with a spirit but also came to dwell in our spirit and be the indwelling Christ as our life.

Now as our life, Christ wants to spread from our spirit into our mind, emotion, and will, to saturate our entire being with His life and make us the same as He is for the one new man.

There’s nothing but Christ in the one new man, so Christ needs to be our life and everything until we are filled and replaced with Christ for the living of the one new man.

The Triune God is working Himself into us to such an extent that God and man, man and God, will produce a great universal divine human incorporation, the Body of Christ as the one new man, consummating in the New Jerusalem.

We need to eat Christ, drink Christ, and experience Christ day by day so that we may be saved in His life, even to be saved to the uttermost, until Christ is our life and our living for the one new man.

Christ must be our Life Practically: We need to be Daily Saved in the Divine Life!

Christ must be our life in a practical and experiential way; day by day we need to be saved in His life (Col. 3:4a; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Rom. 5:10): To be saved in the divine life from the slavery of sin, the law of sin, is by the release of the law of the consummated Spirit (8:2). To be saved in the divine life from the present age of the world is by the sanctification of the consummated Spirit (12:2a; 6:19b, 22b). To be saved in the divine life from our natural being is by the transformation of the life-giving Spirit (12:2b). To be saved in the divine life from individualism is by being built up in the Body of Christ (v. 5).Brothers and sisters, we cannot be content with the mere understanding of “Christ is our life” in Col. 3:4a; Christ must be our life in a practical and experiential way.

This means that we need to be saved in His life day by day by taking Christ as our life and living by Him, so that we may live Him in our daily life (1 Cor. 15:45b; Rom. 5:10). We need to experience God’s organic salvation daily.

It is not enough merely to know that Christ was crucified and resurrected, and that He is our savior and Lord; He must be our life practically and experientially, so that in the one new man Christ would be all and in all.

We need to experience God’s salvation in life; He reconciled us to Himself, and now much more He wants to save us in His life (Rom. 5:10).

The inward constitution of the one new man is Christ and only Christ; there’s no color, culture, social status, or distinction – Christ is all and in all.

If we do not experience Christ’s organic salvation, how can we become the same as He is for the one new man? Now that we are reconciled to God, we have no problem with Him, we still have some subjective problems, some issues in our being that need to be dealt with.

Therefore, even after we have been reconciled to God, we still need to be saved in Christ’s life – we need to be organically saved!

Lord Jesus, we take You as our life practically and experientially that we may live by You and live You out. Save us much more in Your life. May You be so real to us day by day. We give ourselves to You, Lord, to be daily saved in Your life. May we daily be saved from the slavery of sin, the natural man with its issues, our disposition, our individualism, our worldliness, and anything that is not You. Amen, Lord, save us much more in Your life today!

Being Saved in the Divine Life from the Slavery of Sin by the Law of the Spirit of Life

The first thing we need to be saved from is the slavery of sin, the law of sin, the bondage of sin. Even after we are saved and live the Christian life, we are still subject to the law of sin.

A very quick check of whether we still sin is this: do we still lose our temper? If we still do, then we have not yet been released from the law of sin.

How can Christ save us in His life from the law of sin? It is by the law of the Spirit of life, which has freed us in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death (Rom. 8:2).

When we turn on the switch, that is, when we turn to our mingled spirit, the automatic and spontaneous function of the law of the Spirit of life functions to deliver us and release us from the law of sin and of death.

When we are about to lose our temper, we can turn to the Lord inwardly and call on His name, Oh Lord Jesus! In this way we are saved in His life from the law of sin again and again.

Being Saved in the Divine Life from the World by the Sanctification of the Spirit

Rom. 12:2 And do not be fashioned according to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind that you may prove what the will of God is...The world is so attractive to people, and its current modern form is so enticing to us all. We may love the latest gadgets, cars, smartphones, or we may be up-to-date with the big sales and chase the style of this world to be modern.

The world is so luring and attracting that it is so easy to be worldly, just to be like those in the world. We all need to be saved in the divine life from the present age of the world by the sanctification of the consummated Spirit (Rom. 12:2; 6:19, 22).

We can be saved from the present age of this world not by our strong will or mind but by the sanctifying Spirit. We need to be saved in His life from the current trend in this world and from being fashioned according to this age.

We may read the news to realize something concerning the world situation, but we don’t want to be modern or be conformed to this age. We may own a smart phone because we need it for so many things, but we want to be saved in the divine life to have the living of the one new man.

Lord Jesus, save us in Your life from the world by the sanctification of the Spirit. Transform us, Lord, for the practical daily living of the one new man. We do not want to be fashioned according to this age but be transformed by the renewing of the mind, that we may prove what the will of God is – good, well-pleasing, and perfect!

Being Saved in the Divine Life from our Natural Being by the Transformation of the Spirit

It doesn’t matter how good a person we may be, if you’re in your natural man, you still need to be saved in the divine life. We need to enjoy the Lord’s word to be renewed in the spirit of our mind, to have an inward metabolic change that is expressed in a spontaneous living.

May we not have a superficial makeup of being a Christian but be inwardly transformed by the life-giving Spirit (Rom. 12:2).

We need to be transformed by the renewing of our mind; the way to be transformed is by setting our mind on our spirit (Rom. 8:6). Formerly our mind was set on other things, but we must change the position of our mind by setting it on the mingled spirit; this will cause our mind to be transformed by being renewed.

Transformation is a metabolic process of being saved in His life; the element of the divine life spreads into our mind and all our inward being, and Christ grows in us and transforms us metabolically.

We all need to spend much time in the Lord’s word to eat Him and enjoy Him until inwardly we have a metabolic change or transformation, so that we can be free from our natural being. The only way we can be saved from our natural being is by the transformation of the life-giving Spirit.

Lord Jesus, save us in Your life from our natural being by the transformation of the life-giving Spirit. Save us from being superficial with You. Save us much more in Your life from our natural being. We want to enjoy You in Your word so that there would be a metabolic change going on in our being, until we are changed into the same image as You. Yes, Lord, sanctify us and transform us much more today!

Being Saved in the Divine Life from Individualism by being Built up in the Body

Rom. 12:5 So we who are many are one Body in Christ, and individually members one of another.Do we have a feeling that we are built into the Body of Christ? We may be connected and built up with some of the saints around us, but are we built up into the Body of Christ?

Although we are on our way of being built up in the Body of Christ, we all have to admit that we are still too individualistic, and our being is still filled with so much individualism. We need to be saved in the divine life from individualism by being built up in the Body of Christ (Rom. 12:5).

We are still too individualistic.

We need to present our bodies as a living sacrifice for the Body life (Rom. 12:1) and not think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think (v. 3); this will save us from being a trouble in the church life.

May we be saved in His life much more from individualism by being built up in the Body of Christ!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message given by the brothers for this week, and portions from, The Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 29 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery – to Bring Forth the One New Man (2018 ICSC), week 4, Experiencing Christ as Our Life, Our Person, for the One New Man.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # Now we’re rejoicing, standing in grace, / Oh hallelujah! Sin is erased! / God, in us flowing, in our hearts growing, / We are saved in His life! (Hymns #1131)
    # This Spirit shall transform our natural life, / Save us from self, build us in one new man, / Till we’re conformed to be like Jesus Christ, / Thus finishing our God’s eternal plan. (Hymns #1195)
    # I long for fellowship in spirit, / That mingled with the saints I’ll be, / Long to be saved from independence / And to be built with saints in Thee. (Hymns #847)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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sprocket 45662
sprocket 45662
6 years ago

Praise Our Savior Jesus Christ THE Son of God..
Thank you for your sacrifice Jesus, so that I may be forgiven and made whole through The Holy Spirit.. Amen..!! ✝

Piripi M.
Piripi M.
6 years ago

Amen Lord Jesus….

Stanislav V.
Stanislav V.
6 years ago

Amen, Lord, we need to be Daily Saved in Divine Life! <3

Keven B.
Keven B.
6 years ago

That Christ is “our life ” is a strong indication that we need to experience Christ in our daily living. May the Lord save us more today in His life, through renewing and transformation from sin, death and individualism. So that we would be built up into the Body to be the one new man!

Salvo P.
Salvo P.
6 years ago

We must experience Christ like us life. We must to have a real experience, so we’ll have most impact among people!

M. V.
M. V.
6 years ago

we were reconciled through the Lord’s death but much more we are being saved in His life!

R. S.
R. S.
6 years ago

Hymn 505

4. There’s a Man in the glory
Whose Life is for me.
His peace is abiding;
How patient is He!
He’s joyful and radiant,
Expecting to see
His Life in the glory
Lived out in me;
His life in the glory
Lived out in me.

brother L.
brother L.
6 years ago

In salvation Christ is not only our objective Savior; He is also our subjective life. In Colossians 3:4 Paul speaks of “Christ our life.” The expression “our life” is a strong indication that we need to experience Christ in our daily living. Christ, not our self, our soul, should be our life.

[Romans 5:10] covers both the reconciling death of Christ and the saving life of Christ. Reconciliation includes redemption and justification. Christ died on the cross for our redemption. Through redemption we have been justified by God and reconciled to Him. Now there is nothing between us and God. However, we still have a number of subjective problems. For this reason, even after we have been reconciled to God, we still need to be saved in Christ’s life. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 312, by Witness Lee)