Our life as Christians is not only individually before the Lord but also corporately in the church life and in the Body of Christ. Praise the Lord, year by year – month by month, even week by week we gather together to feast on the Lord corporately! Many of the pictures can also be found online either via Conferences and Blending facebook page, or via Church News website or facebook page.
There are many events all around the world, and each continent and area has their own local, regional, national, and international conference or training, and it would be impossible to list them all here…so here are some of the 2019 Conferences and Feasts in the Church Life that we have noticed, enjoyed, and maybe even participated in!
2019 Conferences and Feasts in the Church Life
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December
26 Dec 2018 – 2 Jan 2019 – National Blending Conference in Sydney, Australia.
Topic: The Reality of the Body of Christ.
18-20 January 2019, Southern California Spanish-Speaking Conference.
General Subject: praising. Download and listen to the messages here.
19-20 January 2019 – International Blending Conference In Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Topic: The Crystallization-study of Numbers
20 January 2019 – Full-Time Training in Malabon, Philippines, 64th Term Culminating Meeting.
Lord, we consecrate ourselves to You anew. Cause us to devote ourselves, our everything to You for Thy purpose to fulfill and do the Father’s will.
Leviticus 27:28 …Every devoted thing is most holy to Jehovah.
25-27 January 2019 – Nordic-Baltic Blending Conference Tallinn, Estonia
We pray for the Lord’s rich blessing on this time of fellowship and hope many saints can come. The meeting place for the conference is BlissTray Conference Center. The address is Mehhaanika 21, Tallinn.
Blending conference – конференция смешивания Melitopol Ukraina Мелитополь Украина
29-31 January 2019 – Jubilee Training, South Korea.
January 2019 Metroplex Conference
Topic: “Enjoying the Riches of Christ for the Building up of the Church as the Body of Christ” – the Church in Irving, Texas. Messages online via, Church in Irving.
1-3 February 2019 – Mid-South Blending Conference
8-10 February, 2019 – Spokane conference with Ricky Acosta
Listen to or Download the messages via ChurchInSpokane website.
15-17 February 2019 – International Chinese-speaking Conference, Anaheim, California, USA
16-17 February 2019 – College Conference in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Topic: The One New Man.
22-24 February 2019 – Church in Irving, Texas – February 2019 “Raising Up the Next Generation in the Church Life”
1-3 March 2019 – Spring College Conference, The Student Station, 249 Waddell St. Athens, GA 30605 United States
9-10 March 2019 – Chinese-speaking Conference in Bower House, London, UK.
16 March, 23 March, 30 March, 6 April – Weekend Retreats at Bower House, London, UK
23-24 March 2019 Mini-conference in Glasgow, Scotland, at the church in Glasgow meeting hall.
Introduction to the Lord’s Move in Scotland, from John Knox to today.
29 March 2019 – Churches in UAE Combined Lord’s Table Meeting
Topic: The Commitment, living, and service of a person who serves the Lord. Selected Messages from 2018 Lord’s Move to Asia Conference.
29-31 March 2019 – Spring University Conference in the Netherlands
Save the date: Spring Uni Conference in De Hoof, Netherlands. More details via, UniStudents.eu.
29-31 March 2019 – 2019 Southeast Blending Conference in Atlanta, GE, USA.
Topic: Living an Overcoming Life in the Recovered Church to Consummate the Divine Economy and Become the New Jerusalem
Messages: the messages from this time can be downloaded here.
March 2019 Mini-conference in Cerritos, CA, USA.
Topic: Experiencing and Enjoying the Heavenly Christ
March 2019 Phoenix Blending Conference
Topic: Living in the reality of the kingdom to participate in the manifestation of the kingdom.
Download the messages via, Church in Phoenix, or listen via anchor.fm.
March 2019 South Africa Blending Conference
Topic: Living in the Reality of the Body of Christ by Keeping the Principles of the Body.
Listen to the messages / download them here.
5-7 April 2019 – International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones, Anaheim, CA, USA. Topic: The Development of the Kingdom of God in our Christian Life and Church Life
14 April 2019 Annual Blending National Conference in Nairobi, Kenya.
Topic: Eating Jesus corporately to become humanly Jesus.
14 April 2019 blending in Philippines – Southern Philippines Blending Meeting @ MCC, Tubod, Lanao del Norte.
God has blended the Body together (1 Cor. 12:24).
16-18 April 2019 – European Brothers’ Training in Bower House, London, UK
19-21 April 2019 – Spring College Conference in California
Location: the LSM Conference Center, Anaheim, CA, USA.
Topic: That I may Gain Christ!
In today’s society, we use the word gain in common phrases like gaining weight, gaining speed, and gaining permission. However, the ultimate object that all human beings must gain is a wonderful Person—Christ!
In Philippians 3:8, the apostle Paul wrote that everything is trash compared to gaining Christ. Have you personally seen the supreme preciousness of this Christ? Are you freshly gaining more of Him each day? Join us as we explore four key ways for today’s college students to gain Christ!
“But moreover I also count all things to be loss on account of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, on account of whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as refuse that I may gain Christ.” Philippians 3:8b
Register via: college-conference.com.
20-21 April – Spring 2019 International Blending Conference in London
Location: Novotel London West, Hammersmith, London, UK
Topic: Maintaining a Healthy Christian Life and a Healthy Church Life.
“The way to maintain such a healthy Christian Life and healthy church life is to be under the healthy teaching of God’s economy. God’s economy is not about finance or money, but it’s God’s plan, His household arrangement (1 Timothy 1:4 – economy in Greek is “oikonomia”, which is composed of “oikos”, meaning house or household, and “nomos”, meaning law), His way of distributing all His riches into His people. These aren’t material or physical riches, but even better, they are the riches of Christ Himself. Christ is the centre, the circumference, element, sphere, means, goal, and the aim of God’s economy. The contents of God’s eternal economy is simply Christ!”
“What a blessing it is to be reminded to have a healthy Christian life and a healthy church life by calling on the name of the Lord and by pray reading His word! He breathed Himself out and we can breathe Him in by praying His word to inhale God and be perfected and equipped as men of God with the breath of God!”
“According to the desire of His heart God’s eternal economy is to dispense Himself into man and make man the same as He is in life and nature but not in the Godhead and to make Himself one with man and man one with Him, thus to be enlarged and expanded in His expression, that all. His divine attributes may be expressed in human virtues.”
“The Bible is God’s breath, this breath is the Spirit, and the Spirit gives life. Our reading of the Bible should be our inhaling of God to receive life, and our teaching of the Bible should be our exhaling of God to impart life. When we pray-read God’s word, the word of God becomes a two-edged sword, slaying the adversary within us (Hebrews 4:12). How we need this!”
Download and listen to the spoken messages here.
26-28 April 2019 – Conference in Paris, France (Conférence annuelle de l’Église à Paris)
Location: Holiday Inn, Bougival (Paris), France
Louons le Seigneur pour Son avance, qui aujourd’hui est de plus en plus dynamique, dans les pays francophones en Europe ! Par conséquent, nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que la prochaine conférence des pays francophones d’Europe aura lieu, du 26 au 28 avril 2019, à l’hôtel Holiday Inn, à Bougival. Cette conférence sera une occasion pour les saints des pays francophones, pour les nouveaux contacts, ainsi que pour ceux qui veulent goûter aux bienfaits du recouvrement du Seigneur, d’être fortifiés dans la communion afin de porter encore plus haut le témoignage de Jésus et de consolider l’avance actuelle du Seigneur dans les pays francophones en Europe ! Tout en comptant sur votre participation et au plaisir de vous rencontrer, nous vous prions de croire à nos meilleures salutations en Christ!
More details and registration at this link.
27-28 April 2019 – First Lord’s Table Meeting in Novi Sad, Serbia
“We inform you that after meeting for five and a half years as the church in Novi Sad, and after many prayers and fellowship in the Body, the Lord has brought us to the point to take the ground for His testimony in Novi Sad. At the same time, this will also be the first lampstand in Serbia as the expression of one Body on this earth. The Lord has given us the sense that we should have the first Lord’s table on the 28th of April 2019. We are immensely thankful to all the dear saints and to many local churches for their prayers offered for us, and for the encouragement and supply that we have received in the Body.
We invite all those who feel led by the Lord to join us at this meeting.”
More info via this link.
28 April 2019 – The resumption of the Lord’s table meeting in Albany, NY April 28.
29 April – 2 May 2019 – USA National Campus Team Reunion
Location: the meeting hall of the church in Irving, Texas.
Note: this year’s team reunion will not include college students or community saints – only the full-timers on the college campuses.
April 2019 Ohio Blending Conference.
Topic: The Kingdom of God as the Kingdom of the Son of God’s Love
Download / listen to the messages here.
29 Apr – 24 May 2019 – One-week Trainings Bower House, London, UK
Each training will begin on a Monday and conclude on the following Saturday.
There will be four sessions in May 2019 beginning on 29 April, 6 May, 13 May, and 20 May.
The overall theme will be The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel. This was the theme of Brother Lee’s book from messages given in 1984 shortly after he completed the Life-study of the New Testament. These training sessions will be very helpful for all the saints throughout Europe regarding each of the four crucial pillars in the Lord’s recovery. We feel that these times will also be appropriate for the saints’ contacts and for seeking ones from the campuses, radio, publications, etc. We encourage all the saints to come in groups as much as possible.
There will be a variety of special meetings. Attendees will spend some time with the FTTL (Full-time Training in London) and its activities and with the brothers and sisters in the church in London or surrounding churches. There will be particular fellowship regarding our daily life before the Lord, practicing the vital groups, entering into the spread of the divine truths throughout Europe, fulfilling the Lord’s desire that we all would be fruit-bearing branches in the vine, and developing our function for the building up of the church in our respective localities. There will also be a special outing related to the history of the Lord’s move in Europe.
More info and registration: here.
3-5 May 2019 – International Conference in Warsaw, Poland
3-5 May 2019 Conference in Tokyo, Japan.
God’s eternal purpose is fulfilled in the recovered church, where we can live an overcoming life to consummate the divine economy and become the New Jerusalem, the wife of the redeeming God.
3-5 May 2019 National Conference in Yaounde Cameroon.
General Subject, Man in God’s Eternal Plan. In the Church life we care only for One person, and the Person is Christ! No place for our opinions, works, Philosophy, ways. We care only for Christ to be in all the believers and all the believers.
3-5 May 2019 – Gospel for all the Nations Conference in New York
“We invite the brothers and sisters in the churches to join us for a conference on the weekend of May 3-5, 2019 in New York City. The burden of the conference is the gospel to all the nations with a view to gaining African-Americans and those of African descent for the Lord’s testimony.”
In fellowship, four matters were initiated:
- gathering the brothers and sisters who have a burden in this direction for prayer, coordination, and fellowship,
- preaching the gospel of the kingdom to the nations,
- being refreshed in the vision of Christ and the church, and
- being encouraged in the practice of the God-ordained way.
In the upcoming conference in New York, we will continue with these four matters, praying that the Lord would take a further step in gaining this group of people for His move and ultimate goal in this age—the building up of the Body of Christ, consummating in the New Jerusalem.”
Date: 3-5 May 2019
Location: Ingersoll Hall of Brooklyn College, 2900 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11210
Website: http://onenewman.retreatpages.org/
4-5 May 2019 – Conference in Milan, Italy. Topic: Living in the reality of the Body of Christ by Keeping the Principles of the Body.
We warmly extend to all the saints an invitation to participate in the upcoming weekend conference in Milan, Italy on May 4th and 5th. We thank the Lord for the prayers of so many saints and churches throughout the earth. We invite you to consider coming to blend with us, that together as one Body we might testify of the victory of Christ. The detailed information for the conference is listed below. You can also find the registration form at the end of this invitation. The due date is April 21st. Please contact us at italy@amanatrust.org.uk if you have any questions about the conference. We pray that the Lord will bless this gathering for His further move in Italy, Europe, and the whole earth.
Location: STARHOTELS BUSINESS PALACE, Via Privata Pietro Gaggia, 3, 20139 MilanoMore info and registration via this link.
18-19 May 2019 – The Victoria Conference in in Montreal, Canada.
Topic: The Development of the Kingdom of God in our Christian Life and Church Life
24-27 May 2019 – Memorial Day Conference – Seattle, WA. Topic: The Experience of Christ.
Location: Hyatt Regency Hotel in Seattle, WA
8-10 June 2019 – Conference in Germany (Bad Wildungen, Germany)
We would like to update you on the plan for the annual German-speaking conference in spring 2019 so that you can begin to make arrangements and book your accommodation for this wonderful time of blending.
Location: Hotel Maritim, Dr.-Marc-Straße 4, 34537 Bad Wildungen, Germany
More info via this link.
15 June 2019 – FTTL Graduation – FTTL Training Centre, Bower House, London, UK
Topic: Cooperating with God for the Fulfillment of His Eternal Purpose.
14 – 16 June 2019 Blending Conference of the Church in St. George’s, Grenada
22 June 2019 Middle-age Training Anaheim – Graduation
22-23 June 2019 – Conference in Bulgaria (Sofia, Bulgaria)
29 June 2019 – FTTA Graduation Meeting (Full-Time Training in Anaheim)
1-6 July 2019 – Semiannual Training (Summer Training), Anaheim, CA, USA.
5 July 2019 – Conference Cali-Colombia
14-20 July 2019 – North America Summer College Training in Champaign, IL United States.
2019 North America College Training Announcement – see collegetraining.org/2019. Topic: the Jubilee.
When: July 14-20, 2019
Where: Champaign, IL
Pray for the divine flame to spread throughout the campuses in North America! Plan ahead to join this special event, which occurs only once every four years! Manage your finances wisely to save up and come!This summer, 2,800 saints (with 1,900 college students from 385 campuses and 41 countries) have registered to join the training—representing a 55% increase in enrollment compared to four years ago! This is sign both of the Lord’s abundant blessing upon His recovery and of a heart and hunger for God among a new generation of our young people.
We now bring to you our deepest burden related to this upcoming training, that is, the need for much and thorough PRAYER AT THE INCENSE ALTAR BEFORE THE THRONE. In sincerity and boldness, therefore, we ask that you join us in earnest and persistent intercession on behalf of the NACT this year. Specifically, we hope to have forty days (June 11—July 20, the last day of the training) of dedicated prayer on the part of the churches and the saints in the following five general directions:
- To fully gain a new generation of college-age saints for God’s eternal purpose of Christ and the church—Psa. 24:6; Eph. 1:9-10
- To bind the strong man Satan and to plunder his house of young vessels chosen by the Lord for His use—Matt. 12:29; 2 Tim. 2:21
To prepare the hearts, strengthen the spirits, and preserve the health of the saints so that they can partake of the training—Eph. 3:16-17; 1 Thes. 5:23- To grant the serving saints the love, faith, grace, wisdom, energy, and endurance to minister to the young people—1 Thes. 1:3; 1 Tim. 2:1
- To rule over all things in the outward environment (weather, transportation, food and lodging, safety) related to the training—Rom. 8:28; Eph. 1:22
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me…to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, the year of jubilee.” –Luke 4:18-19
Amen, Lord, we stand in prayer with You and with all the saints for the 2019 NACT – the National College Age Training in the USA on 14-20 July 2019! Amen, Lord, we consecrate the National College Training to You for the fulfillment of Your purpose in these dear students!
We pray for Your appearing to each one of them. We pray that they would be returned to their family, be freed in Christ, be recovered to our portion, and have a living in the jubilee.We pray for a week set apart, participation in the church life, confession of sins and of Christ before men, being transferred from darkness to light, for the opening of the eyes, for morning revival, and for all the singing.
Amen, Lord, we pray for the verse memorization every day, the testimonies given by the saints, the small groups, the high-school graduates who are there, the blending of all the students, and a clear sky.
Lord, we pray for oneness and one accord among the serving saints, and that the heart of each trainee would be prepared for the training. We pray for all the facilities at this location, the safety and security of all the saints, the practical services, the weather, the arrival on-time, the health, and the safe travel of the saints.
Amen, Lord, pour out Your blessing during this time, and gain what You are after – a generation that gives You the full ground in their being for You to move freely and do what You want to do!
More info via, here.
For reports and sharing from this college training see 21centurynazarites.com, beseeching.org, and ageturners.com.
18 – 21 July 2019 – International College Training in Asia, held in Thailand.
With a burden for the Lord to gain today’s Ezras, priestly teachers, the churches in Thailand will be hosting the 4th International College Training in Asia (ICTA). The training will be held from Thursday, July 18th to Lord’s day, the 21st, followed by blending trips from Monday, the 22nd to Wednesday, the 24th of July, 2019. The training will be held at Thai-Singapore International School, 1000 Moo 5, Srinakarin Road, North Samrong, Samutprakan, 10270, Thailand. We look to the Lord that through the ICTA, the college students in the Lord’s recovery from different countries in Asia would rise up to pursue the Lord in the present truth, practice the corporate God-men living in the training to have a proper spiritual habit in the church life, and participate in the Lord’s move all over the world as the one new man to bring the Lord back. We pray that the young people’s vision of carrying out God’s economy may become clearer, and their experiences of the riches of Christ be richer, for the building up of the Body of Christ. To facilitate the learning of language for the furtherance of the fellowship and coordination of the one new man, this training will be conducted in English. In the release of the word for this training, co-workers from the United States will coordinate with brothers in Asia and serve in a blended way. It is our earnest desire that this generation will be produced as today’s Ezras, knowing God’s heart’s desire, and be constituted with God for His corporate testimony to bring in the kingdom of God.
More info and registration: ICT Thailand.
19-21 July 2019 – Young People’s Conference in Ecuador (Conferencia de Jovenes Quito Ecuador 2019).
Tema: Da vid un Joven conforme al corazón de Dios.
Subject: David, a man according to God’s heart.
More info at, Iglesias En Ecuador. You can watch the messages via youtube: msg 1, msg 2, msg 3, msg 4.
19-22 July 2019 – Nordic Conference in Oslo, Norway
We warmly welcome you to the 2019 Nordic Conference held in Oslo, Norway from Friday, 19 July to Lord’s Day, 21 July and the following Brothers’/Sisters’ fellowship on the evening of Lord’s Day, 21 July and Monday, 22 July (until 3 pm).
Location: The conference venue is Haraldsheimen in central Oslo.
More info: via this link.
28 July – 3 August 2019 – European Young People Conference in Poland
Location: Male Ciche, Poland
Over 1500 are at the Young People’s/Parents & Children Conferences. Please pray for the weather, for the Lord to really flow in this conference, the best atmosphere for the Lord to speak, the binding of the enemy (illnesses, accidents, distractions and his blinding tactics) and for the young people to open up to the Lord. Also, for many shepherds to be raised up to help take care of the young people in the churches.
Details: via YPconference.eu.
In these last days before the Lord’s coming, we must be those who have great resolutions in heart and great searchings of heart.
Every “today” that we have is truly the Lord’s grace; as long as we have today, and as long as we still have breath, we should love the Lord and His appearing, await the Lord’s coming, and always take His coming as an encouragement.
Matt. 24:27 – For just as the lightning comes forth from the east and shines to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.
28 July – 4 August 2019 – West Africa Perfecting Training
There is a Perfecting Training in Ejisu, Ghana this week. Saints from Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Cote D’ivoire are in attendance. Among this, 87% are first timers to the training.
Please pray:
- That the Lord would use this training to raise up many young people who would consecrate 2 years after college to the full-time training on this continent.
- Thank the Lord for the trainee from Burkina Faso and Cote D’Ivoire who are attending the training for the first time. That they would be enlightened to see Gods economy in a clear way, and that the Lord would raise up lampstands in Burkina Faso (Koudougou and Ouagadugou ) and Cote D’ivoire (Abidjan and Aboisso).
- That the Lord would build up the serving ones and be their wisdom and supply them for the carrying out of the practical administration and affairs of the WAPT.
19 August 2019 – FTTL Autumn Term Begins
Location: FTTL Training Centre, Bower House, London, UK
24-25 August 2019 – UK and Ireland Blending Conference in Nottingham, UK.
The conference will be held at Albert Hall Conference Centre, North Circus Street, Nottingham, NG1 5AA. Registration via this link.
Praise the Lord for the International Blending Conference in Nottingham, UK (24-25 August 2019)!
The topic was, Experiencing and Enjoying Christ as the all-inclusive, extensive, and preeminent One. And the messages can be found here.
27 August – 1 September 2019 – Nigeria Young People’s Conference 2019
A lot of life changing experiences await you! “…remember your Creator in the days of your youth.” Young people conference is a unique privilege to blend with young people from all over west Africa and pursue the Lord together for His interest. It’s a five day full of life and experience of Christ, each conference day comes with different activities which includes corporate morning watch, songs learning, messages, group time, outdoor activities, door knocking, baptism, and lots more.
30 Aug – 1 Sep 2019 – Conference in Montreal, Canada.
30 August – 1 September 2019 – Conference in Buzias, Romania.
Topic: The reality of the Body of Christ.
The saints in Romania and Amana Trust, in fellowship with the churches in Romania, had a weekend conference at the end of August and beginning of September 2019 in the Western side of the country in a small locality called Buzias. There were a total of 90 brothers and sisters from Romania, United Kingdom, Hungary, Slovakia, and Russia, and there was a wonderful blending together!
The reality of the Body of Christ is the corporate living by the perfected God-men, who are genuine men but are not living by their life but by the life of the processed God, whose attributes have been expressed through their virtues.
31 August – 2 September 2019 – Middle America Labor Day Conference in Chicago, Illinois
Topic: The Seven Spirits and Our Spirit. Download / listen to the messages via this link.
31 August – 2 September 2019 – Labor Day Weekend Church Blending Conference in Denver
Topic: Crucial Factors for the Vital Practice of the Church Life. Download / listen to the messages via this link.
20-22 September 2019 – Autumn Chinese Speaking Conference in Paris, France
22 September 2019 – the First Lord’s Table Meeting in Bielefeld, Germany
First Lord’s table Meeting in Bielefeld, Germany on 22 September 2019! Hallelujah for His move in Germany: a very glorious testimony! First Lord’s Table Meeting of the church in Bielefeld, Germany! Saints came from all over Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands and the UK!
27-29 September 2019 – College students’ and young working saints’ conference at Gut Elim, Germany (Young Adults Conference in Germany)
May the Lord speak to all the nearly 200 young saints who have registered so that He can grow in them for His spreading in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria.
28-29 September 2019 – Blending Conference in Bratislava, Slovakia.
The saints in Slovakia, Czechia, Hungary, Austria, Croatia, and Serbia warmly extend an invitation to all the saints and churches in the Lord’s recovery to participate in the upcoming weekend conference in Bratislava, Slovakia on 28-29 September, 2019. We’re so thankful to the Lord for the prayers of all the saints and churches throughout the earth, and now we invite you to consider coming to blend with us for the strengthening and spread of the Lord’s testimony. We pray the Lord will bless this gathering for His further move in Central Europe and the whole earth.
Meeting Place: Hotel Sorea Regia, Kráľovské údolie 6, 811 02, Bratislava, Slovakia
Registration: here.
On the 28th and 29th of September 2019 a blending conference was held in Bratislava, Slovakia. In the conference there were approximately 160 saints from 13 countries and 33 localities. Besides the saints from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia and Austria, there were also saints from Poland, Ukraine, Germany, Lithuania, Romania, Russia, and the UK.
The main subject of the conference was: Living in The Reality of the Body of Christ, by Keeping the Principles of the Body.
„Do not forget that whatever you do in your locality or universally for other countries should be done in a full realization that you are building up the Body of Christ. You may have a real burden to take care of the church in your locality, yet you should always realize that you are not doing a work just for the building up of the work. When you are working to take care of the church, always keep a view of the Body. You should say, “Lord, what I am doing here is not for this but for Your Body. I am under Your sovereign assignment, or arrangement, to work in this locality. It seems that I am doing a work to build up the local church here. But, Lord, actually I am not doing things to just build up the local church here in my locality. What I am doing, Lord, is altogether for the building up of Your Body.” (The Practical Way to Live a Life according to the High Peak of the Divine Revelation in the Holy Scriptures, Chapter 6)
Prior to the conference a brother’s meeting was held. The first hour of the brother’s meeting was dedicated to practical prophesying, speaking for the Lord, in the subject of The Supply of the Body, the Members of the Body, the Limitation of the Body, and Living Christ for the Reality of the Body of Christ. The meeting continued in further fellowship with the brothers, especially with the subjects of vitality, clustering of the churches, and prophesying. These three matters are being greatly realized in the many localities of this geographic region.
„We have to encourage all the saints, no matter what their situation, to open their homes for the gospel. We even have to motivate the saints who are weak and the saints who have not been meeting for a long time to open their homes. …. This will not only recover those saints who have not been meeting for a long time but will also cause their unsaved family members, friends, neighbors, classmates, and colleagues to be saved through hearing and believing the gospel. … This is the best way to preach the gospel. I hope that from now on, every saint would open his home for the preaching of the gospel, and every saint’s home would be a gospel station for the preaching of the gospel once a week or at least once every two weeks.“ (Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel—The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery, Chapter 10)
„The clustering and the moving together of neighboring churches should be as much as possible, without the abolishing of the local administrations in business affairs. Our blending together should not be in name only; we must take some action. … We must have a revolutionized mentality, and we have to reconsider our way.” (One Body and One Spirit, Chapter 1)
We pray that the Lord will bring all of us into the practical living of the Body of Christ, in keeping all the principles of the Body. We also pray the Lord will bring all the churches in this geographic region into the matters of vitality, prophesying and clustering, for the practical expression of the Body in Europe and on the Earth.
3-5 October 2019 – International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones, Bangalore, India.
The International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones concluded this weekend in Bangalore, India with blending meetings in three cities on the Lord’s Day. Almost 1100 brothers from all over the world gathered for this training. The general subject was “The One New Man Fulfilling God’s Purpose in Creating Man.” The brothers were deeply impressed that now is the golden time for the one new man to be brought forth for the fulfillment of God’s eternal purpose. For this to happen in reality and practicality, we all need to take Christ as our person and be renewed in the spirit of our mind. Enjoy a video below of the blending that took place in Bangalore on 5 October 2019.
15-17 October 2019 – European Brothers’ Training in Baarlo, the Netherlands
18-20 October 2019 – International Blending Conference in Baarlo, the Netherlands
Topic: God’s Eternal Purpose and the Divine Economy Consummated by the Overcomers in the Recovered Church. Download and listen to the messages via Amana Trust here.
18-20 October 2019 – FAC Philippines, the Fellowship Among the Churches.
Topic: The goal of the Lord’s Recovery is to bring forth the One New Man. The Fellowship among the churches was attended with over 2,515 saints around Regions 1-6 including NCR. It was a strengthening and supplying meeting. May all the saints continually live out Christ and take Christ as our life and person for the bringing forth the One New Man.
18-20 October 2019 – Ghana College Conference.
Topic: The greatest prophecy in the bible and its fulfillment.
26-27 Oct 2019 – Midwest conference in Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Fall blending conference in Minneapolis and Brooklyn Park. General subject: The one new man fulfilling God’s purpose in creating man.
31 October – 2 November 2019 – Young People’s Conference in Cagayan De Oro, Philippines.
General Subject: A Pattern of a Man after God’s Own Heart and the Way to Satisfy His Heart’s Desire
Video: see a video here.
31 Oct – 2 Nov 2019 – Region II and Eastern CAR Blending Conference.
“Entering into the riches of the Word for the increase of the Church.” The highest meaning of man’s salvation – is that we become God’s counterpart, being of the same mind as He, moving with Him, and becoming His co-workers, even to the extent that we become Him and He becomes us, that is, that He enters into us and we live in Him. In this way He and we, we and He, become one. – Man Being the Bridge and Channel of God
1-3 November 2019 – The Balkan Regional Conference in Zagreb, Croatia.
The saints in the Balkans warmly extend an invitation to all the saints and churches in the Lord’s recovery to participate in the upcoming weekend conference in Zagreb, Croatia on November 1-3, 2019. We’re so thankful to the Lord for the prayers of all the saints and churches throughout the earth, and now we invite you to consider coming to blend with us for the strengthening and spread of the Lord’s testimony in this region. One of the particular burdens for this conference is the attendance of many contacts in Croatia and the surrounding countries. With this in view, we anticipate many new ones attending for the first time. We pray the Lord will bless this gathering for His further move in the Balkans, Europe, and the whole earth.
Meeting Place: Hotel I, Ulica Ive Robića 2, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
Details: here.
1-3 Nov 2019 – Entrenamiento para hermano responsable y buscadores, Paraguay
Tema; El nuevo hombre cumple el proposito de Dios ….el cual es uno sólo 1-3 de nob 2019 lugar San Bernardino Rancho Alegre Amen. Paraguay -Sam Bernardino
2-3 Nov 2019 – International Conference in Moscow, Russia.
General Subject. The Experience of Christ. Praise the Lord, 850 saints attended!
10 November 2019 – Blending Conference in Valencia, Bukidnon
22-24 November 2019 – Autumn University Conference
We will learn together how to advance in our experience and enjoyment of the wonderful and mysterious union we have with our awesome, all-inclusive and all-extensive Christ as unveiled in the book of Colossians.
28 November – 1 December 2019 – Thanksgiving Conference in Houston, Texas, USA
13-15 December 2019 – Iberian Peninsula Conference in Torremolinos (Málaga), Spain
We are pleased to announce that this year’s Iberian Peninsula Conference will be held once again in Torremolinos (Málaga), Spain. We warmly invite all saints to join us for this time of receiving God’s word and blessing.
The first meeting will begin on Friday, 13 December at 7.30pm, and the last meeting will finish on Lord’s day, 15 December at 12.30pm.
The conference will be held at Hotel Meliá Costa del Sol, Bajondillo 11, Paseo Marítimo, 29620, Torremolinos. The accommodation arranged for the conference will be at the same hotel.
More info: here.
13-15 December 2019, Banana Village, Uganda – East African Blending Conference.
The saints have been enjoying the topic of: “The Experience of Christ In Philippians”.
20-21 December 2019 – National Blending Conference in Sydney, Australia.
Topic: Knowing and Experiencing the All-Inclusive, Extensive Christ. 400 saints.
27 December 2019 – Provincial Year-End Young Peoples Conference in province of Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines.
700+ young people and serving saints.
29 December 2019 – Cebu Year End Conference and Lord’s Table Meeting.
Topic: Knowing and Experiencing the All-Inclusive and Extensive Christ
23 – 28 December 2019 – Semi-annual Training in Anaheim, CA, USA
Blending Conference in Nigeria, December 2019. Knowing and experiencing the all-inclusive extensive Christ
2019 Tour of a Lifetime in Philippines, Daniel (2)
22-27 December 2019 – Tour of a Lifetime 2019 Malabon, Philippines. Daniel.
22-25 December 2019 – Tour of a Lifetime 2019 Baguio, Philippines
Tour of a Lifetime 2019, Banaue, Philippines
24-28 December 2019 – Tour of a Lifetime in Iloilo, Philippines
December 2019 – Tour of a Lifetime in Naga, Philippines
24-28 December 2019 – Tour of a Lifetime in Porto Princesa, PhilippinesDaniel saw a vision of the Son of Man
With the clouds of heaven He came.
Then He was brought near to the Ancient of Days
And a kingdom was given to Him,
That all the peoples and nations might serve Him
And His dominion will ne’er pass away.
For His kingdom is one
That will never be destroyed –
His kingdom’s an eternal one.After Christ accomplished His redemptive work,
He ascended to God on high.
From the throne was given a kingdom to Christ
And will come down to rule on the earth.
He will establish His eternal kingdom
Let us give all of the glory to God!
All things will pass away
But His kingdom’s here to stay.
His kingdom is forevermore!TOLT 25 Statistics:
1. Banaue: 166 (YP-129, S.O.-37)
2. Iloilo: 130 (YP-74, S.O.-56)
3. Baguio: 339 (YP-259, S.O.-80)
4. Malabon: 521 (YP-416, Grad-17, YWS-33, S.O./F.T.-49, others-6)
5. Naga: 158 (YP-101, S.O.-57)
6. Puerto Princesa: 109 (YP-90, S.O.-19)More details at CampusLifePH.
If you know of any other feasts, please email us at enjoyingthelord @ gmail.com and we will add them. Some of the places online where you can find the list of local events are:
- Conferences in Europe – via Amana Trust
- Events from Living Stream Ministry.
- Church in London (UK) events.