Blessing, a word very much thrown around in Christianity today and yet so naturally understood, is nothing else than the Triune God dispensed into us to be our everything for our enjoyment.
When Melchizedek met Abraham after he fought for his brother Lot and won, he blessed him with God the Most High. When God commanded the priests to bless His people, this blessing was actually the Triune God Himself to be everything to His people, and God Himself blessed His people in the priests’ blessing.
Coming to the New Testament, in 2 Cor. 13:14 the Apostle Paul blessed the Corinthian believers (and all the readers of his epistles) with the Triune God as love, grace, and fellowship.
In his blessing, the Apostle Paul didn’t want to “explain the Divine Trinity to us” but rather bring us into the enjoyment and experience of the love of God, the grace of Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
God loves us; He shows His love by the coming of Jesus Christ as grace, and the Spirit comes as fellowship to transmit and bring to us the love of God and the grace of Christ. The love of God is the source (since God is the origin), the grace of the Lord is the course of the love of God (since the Lord is the expression of God), and the fellowship of the Spirit is the impartation of the grace of the Lord with the love of God (since the Spirit is the transmission of the Lord with God).
On the one hand we need to bring one another into God’s presence as priests, and on the other hand we need to bring God to others as “apostles”, God’s sent ones. We are called to be those blessing others with the Triune God as their enjoyment!
Hallelujah, God Himself is in Christ as the Spirit to be our life, our life-supply, and our everything for our enjoyment, and this is the greatest blessing!
When we speak of God’s blessing, however, we need to realize that it is not according to our natural concept – it is not those who are “promising” and good that may get the blessing, but the ones God chooses.
God chose Saul of Tarsus, an opposer and persecutor of the church, to be one of the greatest apostles.
We may prefer this one or that one, or we may think that a good young person is more promising for the Lord than the one who is more naughty. But the Lord’s blessing crosses man’s natural manoeuvring, and the best we can do is pray that the Lord will put His hands on us and bless us with Himself.
Blessing Others with the Triune God as their Enjoyment
The Apostle Paul was a person who not only brought people into the presence of God (as a priest) but also brought God into them (as an apostle). We need to bless others both by bringing them into the presence of God (as priests of God) and by bringing God into them as love, grace, and fellowship so that they may enjoy the Triune God – the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.
At the end of his second epistle to the church in Corinth Paul concludes with,
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all (2 Cor. 13:14).
This is Paul’s blessing to the church, and in this blessing the Triune God comes to people for their enjoyment. Paul didn’t bless the saints with outward things or joy and peace; his blessing was the dispensing of the Triune God into the saints for their enjoyment.
Love, grace, and fellowship are like “three stages” of God for our enjoyment: love is within God for us, grace is God’s love being expressed in Christ, and fellowship is the transmission of grace with love into us by the Spirit.
The origin is God Himself, and so the love of God is the source. The Lord Jesus is the expression of God, so the grace of the Lord is the expression and the course of the love of God. The Spirit is the transmission and flow of God, and so the fellowship of the Spirit is the impartation of the grace of the Lord with the love of God into us.
For example, we may love a certain person – love is within us, and we may want to express our love by giving this one a book – this is something outward; then, we give the book to this person, and so the love within is expressed without and enjoyed by the receiver by means of the book he receives.
The love of God, the grace of Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is the Triune God for our enjoyment and experience. Hallelujah!
The divine revelation of the Divine Trinity throughout the Bible is NOT for our theological study or even mental understanding but for us to apprehend how God in His mysterious and marvellous divine Trinity dispenses Himself into us, His chosen people, so that we may participate in and enjoy Him.
We do not understand the Triune God with our natural mind, but we can surely enjoy Him! We need to approach the matter of the Divine Trinity not with confidence in our mental powers but with the exercise of our mingled spirit to enjoy the love of God, the grace of Christ, and the fellowship of the Spirit.
Whenever we fellowship with the Lord, we enjoy a divine transmission of God’s love and Christ’s grace by means of the Spirit’s fellowship. There’s a divine and mystical transmission going on when we exercise our spirit to contact the Lord, and the Bible calls this “the fellowship of the Holy Spirit”.
May we be those who enjoy, experience, and participate in the Triune God now and for eternity, and may we be those blessing others with the dispensing of the divine Trinity for their enjoyment, experience, and participating in the processed Triune God.
Father, thank You for Your great love toward us in sending Your Son to become a man, live a perfect human life on earth, die for us, resurrect and become the life-giving Spirit to be grace to us. Thank You Father for Your love expressed in the grace of Christ which is being transmitted to us through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus, keep us enjoying You today. Keep us in the enjoyment and experience of the Triune God in His divine dispensing. Lord, make us those who bring God to others and bless others with the dispensing of the Triune God!
The Lord’s Blessing Crosses Man’s Natural Maneuvering

Genesis 48:19 But his father refused and said, I know, my son, I know. He also will become a people, and he also will be great. However, his younger brother will become greater than he, and his seed will become a multitude of nations.
When Jacob was about to bless Joseph’s two sons, Joseph put Manasseh to Jacob’s right hand (since he was the firstborn and should get the birthright) and Ephraim to his left hand.
By this time Jacob’s physical vision was not so clear, but his inward spiritual vision was clear, so when Jacob blessed Joseph’s sons, he crossed his hands and put his right hand on Ephraim. Joseph didn’t like this and tried to correct his father, but Jacob said, I know, my son, I know (Gen. 48:13-20)!
This shows us that many times we may choose things and maneuver situations, but God’s blessing is not according to our natural manoeuvring but according to His choice. Most of the time our choosing leads to manoeuvring, and God’s crossing hand comes in to bless the one we didn’t choose.
We may think that, since this young person is so naughty and doesn’t go to meetings too often, he’s not that promising, while another one who is exercising his spirit in the meetings, reads the Bible, and loves the Lord now will surely be blessed by God.
But the shifting of the birthright from Manasseh to Ephraim shows that the Lord’s blessing doesn’t depend on our natural manoeuvring but on God’s desire and selection.
This is the case with us also: we were not that promising, we were far away from God, and somehow God chose us, saved us, and brought us into the church life to enjoy His dispensing and a rich fellowship in the Body.
We should never “write people off”, no matter how bad we may think they are doing right now. Ananias might have written Saul of Tarsus off and he might have chosen someone else to lay his hands on to bless, but God chose this persecutor of the church to be a vessel of honor to Him.
In any selection that we make, there is the possibility of maneuvering according to our taste and choice; we must not maneuver, and we must not be disappointed; rather, we must believe that the Lord’s hand will cross over to us. (Witness Lee, Life-Study of Genesis)
What matters to us is that we would be under the Lord’s blessing hand and we would pray for all the saints and for those around us to enjoy God’s blessing.
Remember: man’s natural concept holds back the Lord’s blessing hand. The one we think is the best may turn out to be the worst, and the one of the opposers may become an apostle for the Lord; many whom God raises up do not fit our concept.
We should drop our concept, turn to the Lord, and seek to have His hand over us for blessing. Put aside your opinion and feeling and let the Lord make the choice. The Lord’s blessing crosses man’s natural manoeuvring, and what matters for us is that we would be under His blessing today.
Lord Jesus, save us from trying to maneuver things and people according to our taste and choice. Save us from having preference and deliver us from expressing our choice for the more promising ones. Lord, may we learn to deny our self, give up our preference, abandon our choice, and seek to be under Your blessing. Oh Lord, may Your blessing hand cross over to us! Keep us enjoying Your blessing and make us a blessing to other by bringing them into the enjoyment of the Triune God! We open to You concerning our preference and choice! Lord, may Your will be done!
References and Hymns on this Topic
- Inspiration: the Word of God, my Christian experience, bro. Ed Marks’ sharing in the message for this week, and portions from, Life-study of Philippians (msg. 7), as quoted in, the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Crystallization-Study of Genesis (3), week 9 / msg 9, Blessing .
- Picture credit for Genesis 48:19 with some quotes on this topic via, Christian Pictures Blog.
- Hymns on this topic:
# The love of God and the grace of Christ / And fellowship of the Holy Spirit / Be with you, be with you all! (Song on 2 Cor. 13:14)
# Our God is one and yet triune, / The Father in the Son; / Successive stages were His plan, / The Spirit to become; / The first One sent the second One, / Yet, both are still the same; / The first One sent the third One, and, / We’re baptized in His name. / The Spirit of the Triune God / Is God’s economy; / The consummated Holy One / Flows on and on eternally. (Song on the Dispensing of the Triune God)
# Little by little, / The Lord is cutting off all our natural life; / As we grow in Him, / He replaces us with more of His life divine. / It is our destiny, / To live a normal life in the divine dispensing, / It is a blessing, / To be satisfied with ordinary days / in the divine dispensing. (Song on Being under God’s Blessing)
There is no greater blessing that we can partake off every day than to enjoy the reality of the grace of Christ, the Love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit when we let the peace of Christ arbitrate in our hearts..
As we abide in Him and He in us let us all continue to press on toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14)?
Amen! We can be those, sent out ones, who enjoy and experience “blessing others with the Triune God for their enjoyment.”
“The Apostle Paul was a person who not only brought people into the presence of God (as a priest) but also brought God into them (as an apostle).” Amen! “We need to bless others both by bringing them into the presence of God (as priest to God) and by bringing God into them as love, grace, and fellowship so that they may enjoy the Triune God – the Father; the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Praise the Lord! May we enjoy the Lord Jesus more today, so as to be dispensers of the love of the Father, the grace of our Lord Jesus and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, into others. Lord make us a blessing, that we might be a blessing to others. Hallelujah! Amen.
“The love of God, the grace of Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is the Triune God for our enjoyment and experience. Hallelujah!” Amen.?