The Bible is a holy romance, in the most pure and the most holy sense, of a universal couple – God in Christ as the Bridegroom and we as God’s redeemed as the bride. What a wonderful view of the Bible!
This week we come to a new topic in the morning revival related to the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity for the Divine economy, with the title of, Experiencing the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity by Living in the Divine Romance.
God’s economy as revealed in His word is deep and profound, and it is a wonderful matter for us to see what God has in His heart and what He is after today.
This economy is at the same time mysterious, for the whole Bible shows not only what God wants to do but also that He desires to have a relationship with man.
Other religions teach us that their god or gods want men to serve them, worship them, and do all kinds of things to please them.
But the God revealed in the Bible, the real God in the universe, is One who wants to have a love relationship with man. He has an interest in man, He loves man, and He wants man to love Him so much that He Himself became a man. Hallelujah!
God became a man to be with man, to be close to man, to approach man, and to court man.
If you read the Gospels you see the wonderful person and living of the God-man, Jesus Christ, and you cannot but love Him.
After His death and resurrection, He became a life-giving Spirit to enter into man, so that He can be one with man and man would be one with Him.
God doesn’t want man to merely worship Him as the almighty God; He wants to enter into an organic union with man and cause man to be one with Him.
The heart, the spirit, of God’s economy is God’s heart’s desire to be one with man and man to be one with Him.
The Bible shows us the relationship that God wants to have with man.
The entire Bible is actually a story of love, a divine romance; it is a holy romance in the most pure sense.
What the Bible reveals is not just some kind of religious relationship or formal relationship of man worshipping God and obeying God.
Rather, it shows us a romantic God, a God of love.
He loves man not only as God but He loves man so much that He became a man – now He is a God-man, courting man, wooing man, and bringing man through a process so that man would match Him in this holy romance, divine-human romance.
We as believers in Christ can experience the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity by living in the divine romance.
There is the aspect of God being the Almighty One in which we worship Him and fear Him as the Creator, the Almighty One; however, the Bible as a whole reveals to us a romantic God, a loving God.
The God revealed in the Bible is One who actually loves man so much that He would become a man to draw man and court man.
And even after our regeneration, after being born of God by responding to His love, He still draws us, courts us, and woos us until we fully love Him and give in to Him.
The Bible is a Holy Romance in the Most Pure Sense, of God in Christ as the Bridegroom and God’s Redeemed People as the Bride
If we read the Bible and are open to the Lord to be enlightened and unveiled by Him, we will realize that the entire Bible is a romance, in the most pure and the most holy sense, of a universal couple (see John 3:29; Matt. 25:6; Rev. 19:7; 21:2; 22:17).
This universal couple is God in Christ as the Bridegroom and God’s redeemed people as the bride.
Before we can study the Bible in a proper way and get the life and teaching in the word of God, we need to realize that the Bible is a holy romance between God and man.
The Bible is a book that reveals to us how much God falls in love with man. He loves man and pursues man, and He does many things to court man.
God loves man so much that one day He Himself became a man; He took the pain and difficulty to become a man, even a man of sorrow, in order to approach us.
He came on the same level as us so that one day, by becoming the Spirit, He could enter into us to mingle Himself with us and become one with us.
This is God’s economy and His heart’s desire.
The Bible is not merely telling us what to do to please God, to worship God, to help God out in His work, and things such as these.
The Bible is a holy romance, a divine-human love story; what we see in God’s word is a romantic story.
There are many romantic stories in the world today, but hardly any of the romance is pure and, for sure, it is not holy.
But here we see in the word of God a romance that is the most pure and the most holy.
This romance involves two parties that are very different: one is God and the other is man.
God is divine, man is human; God is perfect, and man is fully imperfect. God is immortal, and man is mortal.
How can these two have a romantic relationship and become a couple? One is a King, the other is a country girl.
There is such a big gap between the two. How can God who is divine, holy, perfect, and immortal, love man who is human, poor, imperfect, unholy, and mortal?
A long process is involved in this holy romance so that God would become man and man would become the same as God to match God in this divine romance.
And this process takes place fully under the divine dispensing; it is the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity that carries out the process needed for coming in a union marriage of these two, God and man.
May the Lord help us and enlighten us to see this matter of the holy romance in His word.
It is not our knowledge of the truth that will qualify us to stand before the Lord’s judgment seat, neither are our good works make us worthy.
He is coming back not only as a Judge but also as a Bridegroom.
He is looking for a bride who is mature, perfected, beautified, and fully prepared to be His wife.
Therefore, He went through a process to be on our level and to make a way to be on His level, and we are under the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity day by day to match Him.
The divine dispensing is not merely about God giving us something of Himself like His love or His patience; it is a matter of God giving Himself to us.
What we need is God Himself, not only what He has or can do for us.
We need God to be dispensed into us little by little, day by day, until we are like Him in every possible way.
May we turn our hearts to the Lord day by day and allow Him to see the holy romance He brought us in.
May we remain under the divine dispensing so that we may be the perfected, purified, built-up, and beautified bride of Christ, the Bridegroom, to match Him for our marriage life for eternity.
The male in this holy romance is God Himself who, though He is divine and perfect, went through a process in His economy to be Christ, the Bridegroom.
The female in this couple is a corporate human being composed of all of God’s redeemed people, including all the saints of the Old Testament and the New Testament.
We as God’s chosen and redeemed people are passing through a process to become a corporate person, the New Jerusalem as the bride of Christ.
May we daily open to the Lord to allow Him to work Himself into us and be under His divine dispensing so that we may be renewed, transformed, and conformed to His image until we match Him in the divine romance.
Lord Jesus, unveil us to see the divine romance in the Bible. We turn our heart to You, dear Lord, and we allow You to work Yourself into our being a little more today. Keep us loving You with all our heart. Keep us opening all the inner parts of our being to You so that You may dispense Yourself into us. Amen, Lord, we want to remain under the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity until we are transformed and glorified to match You, our dear Bridegroom! We love You, Lord Jesus! You are not only our Savior and our Lord but also our Bridegroom, and we are Your bride! Gain what You are after in us. We fully open to Your divine dispensing. Keep us in the process of becoming the bride of Christ so that we may live an eternal married life in love with You!
God is a Lover, and He created us to be His Counterpart loving Him
Throughout the centuries, God has had a romance with man; He created man not only for the fulfilment of His purpose in His economy but even more, for man to be His counterpart.
The whole Bible talks about this, even the Old Testament.
Right after God created man, Adam, in His image and according to His likeness, we see the story of a marriage between Adam and Eve (Gen. 2:21-25).
In this story, Adam is a type of Christ and Eve is a type of the church. Eph. 5 tells us that Christ and the church are the universal couple typified by Adam and Eve.
Both of these need to be of the same source – Eve was made out of Adam, and she had the same life and nature as Adam.
The church came out of Christ and is built up with Christ’s resurrection life to be fully like Christ. Hallelujah!
The secret of the whole universe is that God and His chosen ones are to be one couple.
We have the same one source as God, one nature with Him, and one life with Him, for He is our life, nature, and source.
We also are learning to have one living with Him; we are not living by ourselves or for ourselves but with God and for God.
Throughout the Old Testament, we see many portions in which God addresses His people as His wife (Isa. 54:5; 62:5; Jer. 2:2; 3:1, 14; 31:32; Ezek. 16:28; 23:5; Hosea 2:7, 19).
God is desirous to be a husband to His people, and He loves them so much that He wants them to be His wife.
The Bible is a book telling us how much God wants to be our Husband and us His wife; He desires to enter into a love relationship with us.
For this, He created us in His image and likeness, and the picture of Adam and Eve is what He wants to gain in reality – the church as the Bride of Christ, having the same life and nature as Christ.
The Bible ends in Rev. 22 with a universal couple, God marrying His redeemed and glorified people.
He went through a process to become the Spirit in Rev. 22, and He marries the wife – typified by Eve in Genesis – who is the church, the wife of Christ, the composition of God’s people who were redeemed, regenerated, transformed, and glorified.
God is a lover, and He created man in the image of Himself as a lover.
This means that, when God created man, He did this so that man would love HIm (Mark 12:30; Eph. 3:14-19).
God is not only the Creator and the Almighty One; He is not only a Judge or a Master; He is a lover. God is the top lover, the best lover.
And He created man in the image of Himself as a lover, that is, He created you and man to love Him.
He created us in the image of what He is, and He is love, light, holiness and righteousness, so these attributes are being duplicated into man.
We have the virtue of love, but this love is empty until God comes in with His attribute of love to fill us with Himself as love.
Our destiny for eternity is to love the Lord, being filled with Him as love.
Just as a husband doesn’t need his wife to primarily do things for him or adore him but to love Him, so God as our lover, our Husband, doesn’t need us to mainly serve Him or do things for Him but to love Him.
And we love Him because He first loved us, and He poured out His love into our heart for us to just love Him.
May we be saved from thinking of God in a religious and natural way as the Almighty One whom we need to worship and bow down before.
May we realize that our God is a lover and we are in a holy romance with Him, for He wants us to just love Him with Himself as the love dispensed into our heart.
Thank You, Lord, for creating us in Your image and according to Your likeness so that we may be Your counterpart, Your bride, in a holy romance with You. Thank You for becoming a man to court us, woo us, and draw us to Yourself. Unveil us, Lord, to see that God is a lover and that we are created in His image to love Him. We love You, Lord Jesus, for You first loved us and You dispensed Yourself as love into us. We want to remain in the holy romance with You, loving You and allowing You to dispense Yourself into us. Hallelujah, our Maker is our Husband! We are the church, the bride of Christ, the wife of Christ! We just love You, dear Lord Jesus! Grow in us and bring us to maturity to be Your matured bride! Prepare us for the wedding day!
References and Hymns on this Topic
- Sources of inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother James Lee in the message, and portions from, Life-study of Romans, msg. 1, by Witness Lee, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity for the Divine Economy (2022 Thanksgiving Weekend Conference), week 2, entitled, Experiencing the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity by Living in the Divine Romance.
- Hymns on this topic:
– How could a country girl like me / Become Your match — Your bride to be? / You’re holy and You are divine / But I’m fallen and human. / Without You, Lord, I have no chance / To be like You in this romance. / But You chose me ere the world began / Nothing could change Your plan. / This divine romance / Is My heart’s deep plan. / I became a lowly man / To court My country girl. / Nothing could deter, / Nothing can alter / My eternal love for her; / I’ll gain My country girl. (Song on, Divine romance, stanza 1)
– There is a great mystery, / A wonderful story; / For ages ’twas hidden, / Now shown in His wisdom; / ’Tis a divine romance / Of God and man in time; / Beyond understanding, / Yet seen in God’s speaking. / God fell in love with man; / For only God’s love can / Make man just the same as He / In life and in nature. / We are His expression, / His bride, His enlargement; / Forever, together, / As living, insep’rable as one couple / Eternally. (Song on, A divine, romantic story, stanza 1)
– Our Bridegroom soon is coming / To claim His holy Bride, / The ones whom He has wooed, won, / And wholly sanctified. / O Lord, we would be ready / And get our hearts in tune / For the wedding day that’s coming / Very soon. (Hymns #1316 stanza 1)
Several times in the Old Testament God referred to Himself as the Husband and to His people as His wife (Isa. 54:5; 62:5; Jer. 2:2; 3:1, 14; 31:32; Ezek. 16:8; 23:5; Hosea 2:7, 19). God was desirous of being a husband and of having His people as His wife. Many times the prophets spoke of God as the Husband and of His people as His wife. Humanly speaking, we always think of God in a religious way as the Almighty, feeling compelled to worship Him… Suppose your wife thought of you as a big body, as a giant, approaching you adoringly, bowing herself, and kneeling down to worship you. What would you say? You would say, “Silly wife, I don’t need such a worshipper. I need a dear wife to embrace me and kiss me. If you will simply give me a little kiss, I will soar in the air.” Our God certainly is the Almighty God, and, as His creatures, we must worship Him. Many verses speak about worshipping God in this way. However, have you never read in Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Hosea that God desires to be a husband? In ancient times God’s people built the temple and established a system of worship complete with priesthood and sacrifices. One day God intervened and spoke through Isaiah, saying, “I am tired of this. I am weary with your sacrifices. I want you to love Me. I am your Husband, and you must be My wife. I want to have a marriage life. I am lonely. I need you. I need you, My chosen people, to be My wife.” Life-study of Romans, pp. 2-3, by Witness Lee
May the Lord unveil us to see that the Bible is a romance, in the most holy and pure sense, between God and man.
Yes, God is our Creator and He is Almighty, and we do need to worship Him, but most of all, He is a Lover – He’s our Husband, courting us and wooing us that we may love Him.
As the entire Bible reveals – in both the Old and New Testament- God created man to have a divine, romantic relationship with Him, as a bridegroom with His bride (the church), as a husband with His wife.
Our God does not want us to simply bow down and worship Him as the Almighty God, but to be His counterpart, in a divine romance, to love Him.
Ameeen, that’s right
Amen brother. May the Lord open the eyes of our heart to see that our God doesn’t just seek our worship & obedience. This will be for the nations in the kingdom age.
No, our God desires a wife with whom He can enjoy a divine & intimate romance for eternity.
Yes, the Bible is far more than just God’s speaking.
It’s a holy romance between a universal couple who are of the same source, of the same nature, and who share one common life.
We and God need to have one living. God lives with us and for us, and we live with God and for God.
Amen brother!
O thank you Lord for loving us and we you as a husband and we your corporate wife.
Hallelujah! What a divine romance!
Amen Lord! Lord Jesus, we love You.
Amen brother, we agree God needs a wife, so He created man according to Himself, just like eve came out of Adam.
Our God needs a counterpart, He as the husband and we as the wife
may we realise that the bible is a divine romance between God and man where He is courting and wooing us that we may love Him.
Ameen for this beautiful love story between God as the Husband and the church as the Bride.
Amen Lord! Keep us in this divine romance, enjoying the Bridegroom blessing, dispensing for our transformation and glorification, and be ready for the marriage of the Lamb!
May the Lord grant us a Responsive Romantic Affectionate Love for You today and throughout this week unto eternity!
Aaaaameeen! Lord Jesus we love You!
Amen! What a Divine romance.
Oh lord you are beautiful … we love you Lord Jesus and give you the first place in our hearts.
Lord make us ready just for you…
We want to have enough oil and be transformed to your likeness and bride to be for you.
Amen! Lord Jesus, we love you!!!!
Oh Lord Jesus Christ!
We love You, Lord Jesus
The Bible is a romance. This is the deep thought of the Bible.
God is desirous of being a husband and to have His people as His wife. This couple is the secret of the universe.
This couple has the same source, nature, share one common life and living.
We are living with God and for God, and God is living with us and for us. Hallelujah!