In principle, all the believers in Christ should be sons of fresh oil, those who are filled with the Spirit as the oil to flow out the Spirit into the lampstand for its shining testimony, the testimony of Jesus (cf. 1:2, 9; Psa. 92:10).
We need to see a vision of the two olive trees on the two sides of the lampstand in Zech. 4:11-14.
Because God’s testimony among His people on earth was waning and declining, there was the need for two olive trees, two sons of oil, who would pour out oil into the lampstand and strengthen its shining. In those days it was Joshua (the high priest) and Zerubbabel (the governor).
In the last three and half years of this age, it will be Moses and Elijah who will be witness of God in the great tribulation for the strengthening of the Christians and the Israelites (see Rev. 11:3-12; 12:17).
But today, in the last days before the Lord’s coming, as we see the situation in the churches declining and the Lord’s testimony waning, we need to be the sons of fresh oil, those who are filled with the Spirit as the oil to flow out the Spirit into the church for it to become the shining lampstand, the testimony of Jesus!
We need to pay the price today to gain more God, more oil, more gold, so that we may minister God in Christ as the Spirit to the other believers in the church for the increase of the shining of the lampstand, God’s testimony!
A Vision of the Two Sons of Oil, the Two Olive Trees
In Zech. 4:3 we see that on the left and on the right of the bowl of the lampstand there were two olive trees. The lampstand as God’s testimony on earth should be shining bright, but because the people of Israel stopped the rebuilding of God’s temple, the shining decreased.
So there was the need for the priesthood (the high priest Joshua) and the kingship (Zerubbabel the governor) to rise up and be the sons of oil, the two olive trees, to encourage the people of Israel to rebuild the temple. These two were filled with the Spirit of Jehovah for the rebuilding of the temple (see Zech. 4:3-6, 12-17).
In the last three and a half years of this age God’s testimony will also be waning, since Antichrist will persecute the believers in Christ and the Jews, so Moses (representing the law) and Elijah (representing the prophets) will testify for God and will be the two witnesses of God for the strengthening of God’s people (Rev. 11:3-12; 12:17).
Antichrist and his people will persecute the believers and the Israelites, but Moses and Elijah will strengthen, support, and supply the persecuted ones.
Today though, we need to be the sons of oil, those filled with the Spirit as the “liquid gold”, emptying the oil into the lampstand to increase its shining for God’s testimony on the earth!
All Believers in Christ Need to be Sons of Fresh Oil

The building up of God’s dwelling place is a noble work to be done by all God’s people (1 Cor. 3:10; Eph. 4:12, 16); however, the wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and skill for this work must be God Himself as the Spirit to us (Exo. 31:2-6; cf. Col. 1:28-29).
Today the general situation in Christianity is very weak, declining, and degradation is creeping in everywhere. The building up of God’s dwelling place is a very noble work that should be done by all of God’s people (see 1 Cor. 3:10; Eph. 4:12, 16).
For us to do the noble work of building up the dwelling place of God, we need the wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and skill which are God Himself as the Spirit to us (see Exo. 31:2-6 and Col. 1:28-29). It is only the Spirit of God that can build up His dwelling place through us (Zech. 4:6; Eph. 2:21-22; 1 Cor. 3:16-17; 6:19).
For this, we all as believers in Christ need to be “sons of fresh oil” – those who are filled with the Spirit as the oil! Daily we need to gain the oil, buy the oil, by gaining more God as the Spirit. This oil is gold, and gold is God – to gain oil and be filled with oil so that we may pour out oil means we need to gain more God.
Christ is the unique olive tree in the universe, and we as believers are the many branches in Christ, “little olive trees”, gaining more God and flowing out God as the Spirit, the liquid gold, into the church for the lampstand to shine!
We need more oil! We need more God! We need more Spirit! To obtain more God as the liquid gold we need to pay the price of opening our being to Him, so that He may have an unhindered and unobstructed free way to shine in us as the seven eyes and purify us to fill us!
Being Filled with God to Flow God into Others
The lampstand is made of two main elements: gold and oil. The structure, the solid part, is gold (beaten gold), and the liquid part for burning is the oil, which is “liquid gold”. The more oil is added to the lampstand, the more the lampstand shines!
The more we enjoy God in His Divine Trinity – the Father’s divine nature and essence, the Son’s image and appearance, and the Spirit’s expression and application – the more the lampstand shines!
We need to be those who gain more of the Spirit, more of the golden oil, so that we may flow it out into the church to strengthen its shining as the golden lampstand! We need to be filled with God daily, gain more God every day, and empty that God into others!
As we enjoy God in Christ as the Spirit daily, we are being given the ministry “to me for you” (Eph. 3:2) – we gain God and we flow out God into others. When we are filled with the Spirit, we can flow the Spirit out to others to supply them.
How much we need to pay the price today to gain more gold, more of God in His divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4; Rev. 3:18; Matt. 25:8-9), so that we may be olive trees today, “sons of fresh oil”, emptying God from ourselves into others.
We need to be in this continual infilling and outpouring of oil-gold-God-the-Spirit, so that oil would be provided from us into the church to strengthen its shining in this dark age as God’s testimony (Rom. 11:17; Luke 10:34; John 7:37-39).
Lord, fill us with Your Spirit now! Make us those who pay the price to buy more oil today! We want to get more God, more liquid gold into us! Lord, make us the sons of fresh oil, those who freshly enjoy the infilling of the Spirit and have a rich supply of liquid God in our being to overflow. Save us from being passively dragged down into the degradation of the church today. Cause us to be the genuine believers in Christ and the real overcomers wanna-be’s of today who pay the price to buy more oil! Lord, may You flow in and flow out of us for the strengthening of the shining of the lampstand!
References and Further Reading
- Sharing inspired from brother Minoru Chen’s sharing in this message and portions in, Life-study of Zechariah (msg. 5), and, The Divine Economy (pp. 130-131), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Crystallization-Study of Daniel and Zechariah, week 9 (entitled, The Vision of the Golden Lampstand and the Two Olive Trees).
- Hymns on this topic:
# But our vessels need oil for Thy coming; / We must gain a reserve supply. / So our vessels we give for the filling / That our lamps may never, never die.
# Lord, help us to redeem these golden moments; / Our vessels fill with ointment from above; / Help us amen each trial and tribulation; / Increase in us; make us abound in love.
# Not only my lamp, Lord, but my vessel too, / Redeeming the time to be filled up with You. / I’m going forth to meet You, my Bridegroom so dear. / I know then at midnight You’ll soon, Lord, appear. - Pictures credit: both via, Inspiration Unlimited Facebook page, HWMR Daniel and Zechariah Quotes album.
Zech 4:3 & ther r 2 olive branched beside it…of t bowl…
12, 14…What r t 2 branches..,which empty t gold from themselves?…These r 2 sons of oil, who stand by t Lord of t whole earth.
Joshua & Zerubbabel & t 2 witnesses n Rev 11,12 r t 2 sons of oil flowing out & ministering God. Gold & oil represent t Spirit/God. 'We all should b olive trees emptying God out from ourselves n2 others.'
PTL, when we enjoy God we hv grace! 🙂
Text format
The church as the lampstand has only 2 basic elements: the gold and the oil. The gold is the solid form and the oil is the burning element. When these 2 are put together, there is a lampstand shining to express the Triune God…According to Zechariah 4:12 the oil is golden oil, the gold flows as oil. When more oil is added into the lampstand, more gold is added. In principle, all the believers in Christ should be sons of fresh oil, those who are filled with the Spirit as the oil to flow into the lampstand for its shining testimony, the testimony of Jesus. Christ is the unique Olive Tree, as branches we are also the olive trees, emptying God from ourselves into others; in this way oil will be provided to the needy. This is the real shepherding in the church. When we minister Christ to others, supply them with oil, we are actually supply them with God. God is flowing out from us into them.
Daily we open to Christ as the stone with seven eyes of Jehovah, allowing Him to search us, judge us and then He will infuse Himself into our being. Daily we paid the price to enjoy our Triune God to gain more golden oil and when God is enjoyed by us, we have grace from God to us to be the covering (the completion) of God’s building. “O Lord, supply us the sevenfold intensified Spirit as grace to make us priests and kings (overcomers) to supply others in the Body for the building and summation of God's building. Amen!”
We need to be those who gain more of the spirit,We need to be filled with God daily,As we enjoy God in Christ as the spirit daily.