Being the Ambassadors of Christ Who Live by the Immortal Life in our Spirit

Being the Ambassadors of Christ Who Live by the Immortal Life in our Spirit [Picture: 2 Cor. 5:20, we are ambassadors of Christ - be reconciled to God!]

In 2 Corinthians we see a particular aspect of the ones who work for God – they are ambassadors of Christ with the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:20).

To be an ambassador is not a small thing – it is the greatest honor to be the ambassador of the King of Kings, to represent Him on the earth with His authority, and to express Him in front of the other people.

Christ is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, and we have the honor to participate in God’s unique work today by being ambassadors of Christ with the ministry of reconciliation.

As ambassadors of Christ, we don’t rely on or trust in our natural capacity or ability, but we have a deep realization that we are mortal in ourselves yet we have the immortal life of Christ in us!

Hallelujah, we as ambassadors of Christ live by another life, the immortal life of Christ within us, and by this life we also work for God to represent Him and reconcile others to Him!

Lord, make us Your ambassadors in reality! May we gain the honor of being well-pleasing to You, to be Your ambassadors on the earth.

Being Ambassadors of Christ Representing Christ

In 2 Cor. 5:20 we see that the Apostle Paul was an ambassador of Christ. The highest authority in this universe is God Himself, and we see in Matt. 28:18 that Christ has been given all authority in heaven and on earth.

God appointed Christ to be the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords (1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14). Today we as the believers in Christ have the honor and privilege to be representatives not of a human president but of the King of Kings.

Just as the United Kingdom or the United States have ambassadors in most countries of the earth, and these ambassadors represent the interests of the government and the president of the country they represent, so we are ambassadors of Christ on earth, qualified to represent Him and His interests on the earth.

We are here on earth not merely to “preach the gospel” or to teach others, but we are here to represent God, to be His ambassadors.

First, we are captured by Christ (because we were enemies of God), and then we are being qualified to be Christ’s representatives on earth. Wherever we are, at home or at work, at school or among our friends, we are different than the people around us.

We have God’s life in us, and we represent God in all we are, do, and say.

Are You Qualified to be God’s Ambassador?

Many Christians ask themselves, Am I qualified to be God’s ambassador? The Apostle Paul – he was so full of faith, so strong in his spirit, so he was qualified – but not me, I am not that strong!

Today there is good news for those who think they are not qualified to be God’s ambassadors: we are members of the Body of Christ, and the highest authority in the universe is Christ as the Head of the Body!

Just as every member of my body represents me, so every member of the Body of Christ represents Christ by virtue of being intimately connected to Christ the Head and to all the other members!

Don’t look at yourself, your condition, or your weaknesses – look to Christ, the Head, who has qualified you to be His ambassador, His representative! We may be weak, and we are even weak in Christ (2 Cor. 13:4), but this does not disqualify us from being God’s representatives on earth.

Jesus Christ lives in us, and as we enjoy Him and cooperate with Him to allow Him to spread into every part of our inner being, He makes His home in us, captures us, subdues us, possesses us, and eventually is expressed through us!

It is a long process, but in this daily process of God’s organic salvation, we are more and more qualified and produced as God’s ambassadors!

Living by the Immortal Life Within Us

The truth is that God is immortal, eternal, and so great, while we are mortal, temporal, and so small. As ambassadors of Christ we need to see how mortal, fragile, and weak we are, and we need to reject ourselves, not trying in our natural life to express and represent God. The truth is that God is immortal, eternal, and so great, while we are mortal, temporal, and so small. As ambassadors of Christ we need to see how mortal, fragile, and weak we are, and we need to reject ourselves, not trying in our natural life to express and represent God.

Anything that is subject to death is mortal and cannot express God. Our wisdom, power, ability, desire, and everything about us is mortal. We should not have any trust in ourselves but rather realize that we are mortal beings with an immortal life in our spirit!

Through our regeneration God has wrought His life in us, and this divine life is eternal and immortal! We need to live by this divine life in our spirit and allow God’s life to grow in us, spread in us, and saturate us, until we are swallowed up by life (2 Cor. 5:4).

In order for us to properly represent Christ on earth as His ambassadors, we need to deny ourselves, not live by our natural life, and live by the divine life in our spirit!

The divine life in us qualifies us to be Christ’s ambassadors, and God’s life in us equips us with all we need to represent Him.

This is our first qualification to be God’s ambassadors: not trusting in ourselves, not living in ourselves, and not doing anything in ourselves, but living by the divine life in our spirit that we may represent God!

Lord, thank You for this privilege to be Your ambassadors on the earth to represent You. In ourselves we are not worthy and we are not qualified. Lord, we are so mortal, so temporal, and so weak. But thank You for Your divine life in us. Keep us turning to Your life and living Your life that we may properly represent You. May we be those who don’t trust in ourselves or live in ourselves but rather live by the divine life in our spirit!

References and Further Reading
  • Sharing inspired from ch. 6 of, An Autobiography of a Person in the Spirit (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Unique Work in the Lord’s Recovery, week 4 (entitled, Ambassadors of Christ with the Ministry of Reconciliation and Co-workers of God with an All-fitting Life).
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # The new covenant ministers are ambassadors of Christ / Carrying out the ministry of reconciliation / To bring us into God and to make us one with God.
    # Christ, my Person, in my spirit lives; / And my heart to Him I’d daily give; / That my inner man could have a home / And a place to settle down, yes, / A place to call His own.
    # From the beachhead in our spirit / To our mind, emotion, will. / Christ will spread through all our being / And our vessel wholly fill.
  • Pictures credit: 2 Cor. 5:20 (via here), and from a friend on Facebook.
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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12 years ago

If we are going to represent Christ on this earth as His ambassadors, we have to be clear that we are mortals, that whatever we can do, whatever we are, and whatever we have will die. We should not have any trust in ourselves nor should we live by ourselves. We need to realize that someone else is within us. This person is the immortal life, the divine life (John 14:6). We should trust in this life, live by this life, and behave ourselves by this life. This life qualifies us and equips us to be the ambassadors of Christ. A person is not qualified to be an ambassador of Christ by power, by gift, or by knowledge, but by the immortal life within him. We need to forget about ourselves, to give up whatever we can do and whatever we are, and put our trust in this immortal life which is God Himself in Christ. This is the first qualification equipping us to be the ambassadors of Christ. (An Autobiography of a Person in the Spirit, pp. 50-51)

Ofelia Cabahug on Fa
12 years ago

Amen! Praise the Lord a very uplifting word! As Ambassadors we have the divine life, the all-fitting life. Bro. Ed Marks shared in Message 1 regarding the Ambassadors of Christ with the Ministry of Reconciliation and Co-Workers of God with an All-Fitting Life! ( Scripture Reading: 2 Cor. 5:4,9, 12-16; 18-20; 6:1; 7:2-3) Enjoy at