As believers in Christ, we are heirs of God’s grace, we obey God in grace, and we enjoy grace upon grace to be rich toward God
Isaac was born through grace, grew up in grace, became the heir of grace, obeyed in grace, and had grace multiplied to him. As believers in Christ, we were born through grace (not by works), we need to grow in grace, we are heirs of grace, we obey in grace, and we have grace multiplied to us until we are rich in grace.
Abraham gave all that he had to his son Isaac; Isaac didn’t have to work or beg for it – Abraham gave him all his riches. God Himself is our inheritance as grace – we are heirs of God, and God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus in the heavenlies, without us begging for this or working hard to get this.
Isaac’s life is a pattern for our life, and the God of Isaac is also our God in the New Testament today. We need to simply enjoy God – we don’t need to do anything in ourselves or seek anything ourselves, since God has prepared everything for us and He is pleased to give us everything in Christ.
When it comes to obeying God when He requires certain things from us, we can obey Him only in grace (as Isaac obeyed his father Abraham in grace). The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ is with our spirit, and this grace is powerful, enabling us to bear anything. This grace causes us to reign in life as we enjoy God, and grace reigns!
May we never depart from grace or go back to the law! In God’s new covenant we are destined to enjoy Christ as grace, and as we enjoy Him, we become “rich” in grace, filled with grace, overflowing with grace! All we need to care for in our Christian life and church life is the enjoyment of Christ as grace.
When we enjoy Christ, even though we may not have the right standing, we may sin, we may be so natural, etc – God will bring us to the place where He wants us to be, and He will fulfill His purpose through us. All we have to do is make sure we enjoy Christ as grace, inherit grace, obey in grace, and are filled with grace!
Isaac Became the Heir in Grace – We are Heirs of God’s Grace
When Isaac grew up in grace, Abraham gave everything he had to him (see Gen. 21:9-12; 24:36; 25:5). Isaac didn’t work for his inheritance; he didn’t earn it or strive to get it – he simply received all that his father had.
Today we as believers in Christ are heirs of grace, and this is not because of our working, striving, merits, or deeds, but because of God giving everything, He has to us in Christ. God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus (Eph. 1:3). We are heirs of God’s absolute and unconditional grace. We are not required to do anything to get grace – we simply need to receive it.
We need to stop our doing things by ourselves and start enjoying and inheriting all that God has given to us in Christ as grace. We need to cease from the effort of our natural life and simply be open and available to enjoy grace.
God the Father has given everything to Christ the Son, and the Son is realized today as the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit with our spirit. All the fullness of the divine riches of God is now with our spirit for our enjoyment.
We need to experience the God of Isaac as the Supplier: everything comes from Him, and we need to just receive and enjoy grace and we will fulfill God’s purpose (see Phil. 1:19; John 1:16; Rom. 5:17; 8:2).
Too many Christians are struggling to live their Christian life apart from the enjoyment of Christ. Too many genuine believers do all kinds of work “for God” out of their love for the Lord, yet without the enjoyment of Christ.
Our destiny is to be enjoyers of Christ, those who receive grace upon grace until grace reigns in us! We are receivers of grace, happy inheritors of grace, grace-enjoying believers.
Lord, we don’t want to do anything – we simply want to STOP and ENJOY You as grace, letting You do everything for us! Be our only enjoyment all the time. We come to You to enjoy You! We want to enjoy Your working in us and Your living in us. Live in us and we will enjoy Your living! How we appreciate You for all the things You do in us and for us. We praise You, Lord, for all You give us, all You are to us, and all that You work in and through us!
Isaac Obeyed in Grace – We Obey God in Grace; Grace can Bear Anything
God told Abraham to bring his son Isaac as a burnt offering on Mount Moriah. I have always wondered how come Isaac obeyed his father and did not fight back when his father tied him up and put him on the wood to offer him up as a burnt offering.
It must have been because Isaac was living by grace and he was absolutely in grace: he trusted God and he trusted his father. He obeyed God and he obeyed his father in grace (see Gen. 22:5-10). Because he obeyed in grace, God came in to provide a replacement. When we obey God in grace, we will have God’s provision.
God’s grace is able to bear anything: no matter the situation, the suffering, or the person, God’s grace is powerful, enabling us to bear anything. We need to be empowered in the grace which is in Christ (2 Tim. 2:1) and never fall from grace (Gal. 5:4) but rather be confirmed by grace (Heb. 13:9), enjoying the Lord to the uttermost.
Because of our enjoyment of the Lord we can bear anything, live in any conditions, and suffer any persecution. Grace is so powerful and enabling that grace can reign over all things and will even cause us to reign in life (Rom. 5:17, 21; Heb. 4:16).
May we allow nothing to come between us and the Lord, and may we never fall from grace by going back to the law or anything other than Christ. If we reject God’s grace, if we do not enjoy the Lord day by day, we nullify God’s grace, we are brought to nought, we are separated from Christ, and we are deprived of all profit from Christ (Gal. 2:21; 5:4).
Apart from Christ and His grace we can do nothing and we are nothing (John 15:4-5). We need to cleave to Christ, enjoy Him all the time, and allow nothing to confiscate or replace our enjoyment of Christ (see Col. 2:18). Then, whenever God requires us to obey Him in something, grace will enable us to obey God and the provision will be there.
Isaac became Very Rich – We need to be Rich Toward God by Enjoying Grace upon Grace
In Gen. 26:12-14 we see that Isaac became rich, continued to grow richer until he became very rich. He enjoyed grace to such an extent that he became very rich in grace.
Our heart needs to be the good earth for Christ to bear fruit a hundredfold so that we may be rich in grace, rich toward God, by enjoying grace upon grace (see Luke 8:8, 15; 12:15-21; Eph. 3:8; John 1:16).
On His side, God keeps giving us grace upon grace; on our side, we need to deal with our heart so that He may grow in us and bear fruit in us, enjoying Him as grace and letting Him make His home in all our heart for God’s good pleasure.
In Gen. 26:15-22 we see that Isaac became richer and richer, and this bothered the Philistines and later the shepherds in Gerar, so he was forced to move from one place to another until he came to Beer-Sheba, the place where God wanted him to be.
This indicates that, yes, Isaac was rich and he enjoyed God’s grace abundantly, but his standing was not proper – he had to be in a different place. So God helped him through the environment to get to where he should be.
In our Christian life we need to enjoy Christ and focus on nothing else: just enjoy Christ! Even if we lack the proper standing, we still need to enjoy grace. As long as we enjoy the grace of God, God will grant us His rich provision and we will be rich in grace.
Then, in His time and in His way, He will use our circumstances to bring us back to the proper standing for the fulfillment of His purpose.
How wonderful! All we have to do is enjoy God as grace and be rich in grace, and God will take care of everything! All we need to remember is to be rich toward God by enjoying Him as grace upon grace all day long.
Lord, may we be rich toward God by enjoying You as grace upon grace day by day. May we care for this only one thing: the enjoyment of Christ as grace. May our heart be established and confirmed by grace. Empower us in the grace of Jesus Christ and let grace reign in us. We give our heart to You to be the good ground for Christ to grow, make His home, and bear fruit a hundredfold for the fulfillment of God’s purpose. Lord, make us grace-receiving and grace-enjoying believers for Your good pleasure!
References and Hymns on this Topic
- Inspiration: the Word of God, my Christian experience, bro. Dick Taylor’s sharing in the message for this week, and portions from, Life-study of Genesis (msg. 63), as quoted in, the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Crystallization-Study of Genesis (2), week 9 / msg 9, Living a Grace-enjoying Life for God’s Good Pleasure.
- Hymns on this topic:
# God is in Christ to be my supply, / God as the Spirit nourisheth me; / If upon Christ in spirit I feed, / Filled with His life I’ll be. (Hymns #509)
# Now I share Thy human life, Lord, / Filled with Thy humanity, / All of Thy complete obedience / Is available to me. (Hymns #474)
# Grace upon grace, / The Triune God is processed for us to enjoy; / The law is over, / Now we can partake of His supply through grace. / It is our destiny, / To live a normal life in the divine dispensing, / It is a blessing, / To be satisfied with ordinary days / In the divine dispensing. (New song on Grace upon Grace)
# We’re renewed and revived by the Lord day by day; / He is grace upon grace and refreshing as dew. / Shining brighter and brighter, our path’s a clear way, / As morning by morning His mercies are new. (New song on Enjoying the Divine Dispensing)
Yes and amen for fornderful a heirs in Christ to be given in his righteusness and following him today with quard of the Holy Spirit inrich life with blessing showing our kindness around us withe the light of heaven thanks and bless,keijo sweden