What we need today is to take the Word into us, to take heed to the living word until something within rises and shines in our heart. Then we will have the star, and then we will be a star. This is not just the knowledge about Christ, but Christ Himself as the living star. (Finding Christ by the Living Star)
As we see that today God speaks to the messengers in the churches, the stars shining bright for Him, we need to ask ourselves, How can we become an overcoming star in this dark age?
The Bible reveals at least two main ways to become an overcoming star – by the Bible, and by the sevenfold intensified Spirit.
In 1 Pet. 1:19 we are told that we do well to give heed to the prophetic word as to a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in our hearts. We need to love God’s word and take the Bible into us by the exercise of our spirit so that the Word of God would shine in us and make us intensely shining!
In Rev. 3:1 we see that the seven stars are one with the seven Spirits – we are produced as shining stars in the dark age today by enjoying the sevenfold intensified Spirit! As we exercise our spirit joined to the divine Spirit, we are intensified in our shining, and we become intensely living!
By the Word of God and by the sevenfold intensified Spirit we are being made the stars in the churches today, those who bear the responsibility for the testimony of Jesus!
Lord, we love You and we love Your Word! Your word is a lamp unto our feet, and Your shining is in Your word. Keep us in our spirit as we read the Bible, and keep us exercising our spirit as we live our Christian life. Intensify our organic salvation, Lord, and produce us as Your overcomers! We want to enjoy You as the sevenfold intensified Spirit to be made intensely living!
Becoming a Shining Star by Taking Heed to the Word of God

The Word must be turned into Christ; the written word must be turned into the living word. We can never separate Christ from the living word. (Finding Christ by the Living Star)
The first secret of becoming a shining star is related to the Bible – we have the prophetic word, and we must give heed to it, pay full attention to it, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in our hearts (2 Pet. 1:19).
We need to pray over God’s word, taking the words of the Bible into our being in a living way, so that we may gain the living Christ. Just as we need to strike a match with its phosphorus end against the matchbox for the matchstick to catch fire, so we need to exercise our spirit over the Word of God so that we may catch the divine fire and shine as living stars!
The written word of God needs to be turned into the living word through the exercise of our spirit over the word, and then something shining will rise in our hearts. This shining is not something of “Bible knowledge” but it is Christ as the living Star rising up in us!
The whole world lies passively in the evil one’s sphere of influence, allowing Satan to usurp and manipulate them (1 John 5:19), but the Scriptures guide us into a bright day!
The night is far advanced, and the morning dawn is near – let’s cast off the works of darkness and put on the weapons of light (Rom. 13:12). Let us put on Christ as the weapons of light by getting the living Christ from the Word of the Bible!
As we enjoy Christ’s shining in us through our reading the Bible in a living way, we become clothed with light and we are armed with the weapons of light! As we love the Lord, the Father loves us and the Son manifests Himself to us (John 14:21).
We need to be those who love His appearing day by day, so that we may be rewarded by Him (2 Tim. 4:8) with the morning star (Rev. 2:28).
Lord, make us those who love Your appearing. Appear to us as we exercise our spirit over Your word. May the words in the Bible become living and shining in us every time we come to Your Word. Lord, shine on us, shine in our whole being, and shine out through us to make us shining with You as the real light! We want to take heed to Your word, pay attention to it, and get the living Word of God until the day dawns and the morning star comes!
Becoming a Star by the Sevenfold Intensified Spirit
In Rev. 3:1 we read, “And to the messenger of the church in Sardis write: These things says He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: I know your works, that you have a name that you are living, and yet you are dead.”
Here we see that the dead, reformed church needs the sevenfold intensified Spirit of God (the 7 Spirits) and the shining leaders (the 7 stars) for it to be rescued out of its degradation and apostasy.
In this dark age of today we need the seven Spirits of God – the Spirit of God who has been intensified sevenfold to counteract the degradation of the church – for us to be made the living stars. The seven Spirits are one with the seven stars, and the seven stars are produced by the seven Spirits.
When we are filled with the sevenfold intensified Spirit we become intensely living, and when we shine out this marvelous Christ, we become intensely shining!
We are not here to be “ministers of the letters and doctrines”; rather, the letter kills but the Spirit gives life (2 Cor. 3:6). We are ministers of the Spirit, because the Spirit gives the divine and indestructible life of God!
We need to exercise our spirit today to cooperate with the Lord and allow Him as the seven Spirits to search us, judge us, infuse us, transfuse us, and make us intensely shining as the living stars in this age!
Our aspiration is to be the stars in the churches, the messengers with the living and fresh message from God to His people, the overcomers in the church today!
These are the spiritual ones in the churches, the ones who bear the responsibility for the testimony of Jesus. Their nature and their position is heavenly, just like the stars (Rev. 1:20).
Lord, make us the shining ones in the churches today. We want to have a heavenly nature just like the stars in the expanse. We want to be those living in ascension like the stars. Make us Your duplication, Lord, through Your sevenfold intensified life-giving Spirit. Produce us as Your overcomers through shining on us, purging us, judging us, searching us, and infusing us to make us intensely living and intensely shining as the shining stars!
References and Further Reading
- Sharing inspired from brother Ed Marks’ speaking in this message and portions in, Finding Christ by the Living Star (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Crystallization-Study of Daniel and Zechariah, week 6 (entitled, The Victory of the Overcomers).
- Further reading:
# 2 Pet. 1:19 and note 2 (a lamp shining), note 3 (a dark place), and note 4 (until the day dawns).
# Rev. 3:1 note 2 (the seven Spirits and the seven stars). - Hymns on this topic:
# Jesus, living Word, / My heart thirsts for Thee; / Of Thee I’d eat and drink, / Enjoy Thee thoroughly.
# Christ and a burning church, / Christ and the church with the saints, / all shining stars! / Hallelujah, hallelujah, / Lord, we’ve given our all to Thee / To be burning in the spirit, to be / shining forth with Christ.
# Caring for the churches / Is the Son of Man: / Voice of many waters, / Stars in His right hand; / Eyes aflame; His face is / Shining as the sun; / Churches—fear no trial, / He’s the living One!
# Thou also art the Morning Star / To us as a reward; / While still ‘tis dark it shines with light / To those who love the Lord.
In 2 Peter we have the prophetic word, but in Revelation we have the seven Spirits. Revelation 3:1 says, “These things says He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars.” The hand of Jesus not only holds the seven stars but also the seven Spirits. This means that the seven Spirits are one with the seven stars, and the seven stars are one with the seven Spirits. If we have the living word as the morning star rising within us and we are one with the seven Spirits, eventually we will become the stars. We not only have the star shining within us, but by looking to the star and following in the Spirit we become the stars. (Finding Christ by the Living Star, pp. 30-31)
2 Pet 1:19 & we hv t prophetic word made more firm, 2 which u do well 2 give heed as 2 a lamp shining n a dark place, until t day dawns & t morning star rises n ur hearts.
PTL, a time s coming full of light, wit t morning star rising b4 n t believers! T 1s who r enlightened & illuminated by t shining word of t prophecy n Scripture, they heed.
Lord, let t light of Ur word light our path & even our whole being!
Oh Lord, let Ur prophetic word of Scripture b our primary motivation that structures our living as it was 4 Daniel as our pattern. Shine n us Lord, transform us n2 Ur stars!
Praise U Lord Jesus, we love U!!! 🙂
We need to exercise through prayer from our heart.We need the word of God.Word of God would shine in us and make us intensely shining.