The Authority in the Church is the Throne above the Clear Sky, God’s Ruling Presence

Matt. 23:11 And the greatest among you shall be your servant.According to the Lord’s word in Matt 20 and 28 and based on Ezekiel 1, the only authority in the church is the throne above the clear sky, and when we are in subjection to God’s authority, we represent God, we have God’s ruling presence, and the throne in the heavens is transmitted to the earth through us.

This is why we emphasize the fact that the highest point in our spiritual experience is nothing else but having a clear sky with the throne of God above it (see Ezek. 1:26-28).

The throne is the center of the universe, and it is where God is; God is on the throne in the third heavens, and He needs to be on the throne in our spirit, where Christ as the gate of heavens is.

The Lord’s throne is not only in the third heaven but also in our mingled spirit; when we received the Lord as our Savior and life, He brought His divine life into us, and with His life came His throne.

Now the Lord is on the throne in our spirit, and He wants to bring our whole being under His authority. His throne is always with us, but we need to let Him rule and reign in us by turning to our spirit, listening to Him, letting His peace arbitrate in our heart, and enthroning Him in our being.

The Lord needs to have the prominent position in us, and we need to always have a clear sky between us and Him; when our sky is clear, we will spontaneously be under the Lord’s ruling presence, under the reigning of His throne.

In our daily Christian life, in a practical way, for us to have the throne above a clear sky is to allow God to have the highest and most prominent position in our daily living.

We need to tell Him, Lord, I want You to have the highest and most prominent position in my life; today, may You be on the throne, and may You have the first place in all things!

For us to reach the point of having the throne above a clear sky means that in everything we are completely submissive to God’s authority and administration.

We need to maintain a clear sky, and we will be under God’s throne; the more we have clear fellowship with the Lord, the more we will be under His authority, we will be greatly blessed, and we will live not only under the rule of the law or the self-rule but under the rule of God in our spirit.

Hallelujah, we are daily being recovered to being under God’s direct presence through the sense of intuition in our mingled spirit, so that we may live a life one with God, having a clear sky between us and the Lord, and enthroning the Lord in our being all the time!

The only Authority in the Church is the Throne above the Clear Sky, God’s Ruling Presence

If we have God’s throne above the clear sky, we will be in a heavenly situation, having the appearance of a sapphire stone with the heavenly situation, atmosphere, and condition of the Lord’s presence. Witness LeeMany people want to know who is in charge in the church, who has authority, and who should decide things; the fallen Christianity has taken the authority in the church to the extreme, giving an elect elite the power to decide, and saying that what some men say is what God wants them to do.

However, according to the Lord’s word in Matt. 23:11 and 20:25-27, in the church there is no human authority; rather, the greatest one among us should be the others’ servant, and while in the world people lord it over others, it should not be so among us.

Instead of trying to rule over others, we should humble ourselves and remain under the throne above the clear sky. As long as we are under a clear sky with a throne above it, there’s no need for us to have authority – God’s authority is simply there.

We should not try to claim authority or bring others under authority; rather, we should simply maintain a clear sky with a throne above it, and remain under the Lord’s rule in a humble way, and His authority will be present with us.

How can we be under the Lord’s authority? It is not by being “beat into submission” or by being “convinced that God is the Almighty One”; it is by enthroning the Lord in our being and maintaining a clear sky with a throne above it in our daily living.

When we have the Lord ruling and reigning in our being, no opposition or persecution will be able to defeat us or shake us, because heaven and the throne are with us! The more we are under the throne above the clear sky, the weightier we become; our spiritual weight comes from being subject to God’s authority.

The more we submit to God’s throne in our daily living, giving God the prominent position in our being and enthroning Him in all things, the weightier we will be, and authority will be present.

The throne of God in Ezekiel 1:26 had the likeness of a sapphire stone; a sapphire stone is blue in color – and blue is a heavenly color, indicating the situation and condition of God’s presence.

The only authority in the church is the throne above the clear sky (Matt. 28:18-19; 20:20-28). In the church there is no human authority (23:11; 20:25-27). Instead of trying to rule over others, we should humble ourselves and remain under the throne above the clear sky. If we are under a clear sky with the throne above it, genuine authority will be with us (2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10). Our weight before God depends on the degree of our subjection to God’s authority; the more we submit to the throne, the weightier we will be. Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, outline 7In Exo. 24:10 we see that under the Lord’s feet, whom the elders of Israel saw and ate and drank – was something like a paved work of sapphire, which indicates the situation and condition of God’s presence.

What rules and reigns in our being is not merely “a Divine being” but the Lord’s presence, the presence of God in a heavenly situation.

If we have God’s throne above the clear sky, we will be in a heavenly situation, having the appearance of a sapphire stone with the heavenly situation, atmosphere, and condition of the Lord’s presence.

We should be afraid of only one thing: losing the Lord’s presence; the Lord’s presence is everything to us, and if we lose it, we lose everything. We should care for the Lord’s presence and not for anything else; that is, we should care only for the clear sky with the throne above it.

The clear sky with the throne above it is the presence of the Lord; we love the Lord so much that we don’t want His presence to depart from us, therefore we give Him the preeminence, and we do everything to remain in the heavenly condition, situation, and atmosphere of the Lord’s ruling presence.

Lord Jesus, Your presence is everything to us. We care only for Your presence, and we don’t want to lose it. We want to live, meet, work, and do everything in the heavenly situation, atmosphere, and condition of the Lord’s presence. May Your presence go with us and be with us wherever we are. Lord, we enthrone You in our being above the clear sky; we humble ourselves before You, we remain under Your throne, and we care for Your ruling presence. May we be under God’s authority, having a clear sky with the throne above it, so that genuine authority would be with us.

God’s Throne in the Heavens is Transmitted to the Earth[In Ezekiel 1] the Lord is upon the throne above the expanse in the heavens, and the living creatures are walking or standing on earth. Through them the Lord in the heavens becomes one with the earth, and in this way the heavens are connected to the earth. This means that the heavens have been brought down to the earth and that the heavens are now moving on earth through, by, and with the living creatures. This needs to be the situation among the local churches today, the situation among the overcomers, and the situation and condition of our daily Christian life. Witness Lee, Life-study of Ezekiel, pp. 120-121 through and with the Living Creatures

The living creatures in Ezekiel 1 brought with them God’s expression (they had the same appearance of the One who was on the throne), God’s move (their move in oneness with the Lord and coordination with one another was in God’s move and was God’s move), and God’s throne (wherever they went, they brought God’s throne).

The throne in the heavens is transmitted to the earth through and with the living creatures (Ezek. 1:5, 26).

How does the kingdom of God come in? It is by a group of living creatures having a clear sky with a throne above it; when a group of believers enthrone the Lord and allow His ruling presence to govern them, the throne of God is brought to earth, and the kingdom of God comes in a little more.

Wherever the living creatures are, they bring the throne of God with them; they not only bring God’s expression (their faces and appearance) and God’s move (their move in coordination, with high and awesome wheels) but also God’s throne, as they are under a clear sky with a throne above it.

In this way the throne in the heavens becomes one with the earth, for the throne is transmitted to the earth.

We as believers in Christ need to be the living creatures coordinated with one another and living under a clear sky with the throne of God above it, and the throne in the heavens becomes one with the earth, being transmitted to the earth (Matt. 6:10; 16:19; 18:18).

The living creatures are like the electrical lines through which the heavenly throne is transmitted to the earth. When they move somewhere, God’s ruling presence is brought in; when they go, the throne follows them, and when they stop, the throne is present.

This should be our situation among all the local churches today, the situation among the overcomers, and the situation and condition of our daily Christian life.

We need to daily live under the throne of the Lord above the clear sky, being in coordination with the saints as our fellow living creatures, and wherever we go, the throne of God will be there. This is a very practical and real way for us to advance the Lord’s kingdom and to bring in the authority of heavens to the earth, and it is the fulfillment of God’s purpose in creating man.

God created man in His image according to His likeness so that man would express Him corporately and would represent Him with His authority over all the earth (Gen. 1:26). In a very experiential way, Ezekiel 1 shows us how we as believers in Christ, who are living creatures, can fulfill the purpose of God in creating man.

Lord, may Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. May the throne of God in the heavens be transmitted on the earth through and with a group of believers who are the living creatures having a clear sky with the throne of God above it. Oh Lord, may we be those who live under a clear sky with the throne above it so that God may fulfill His purpose of bringing the kingdom of God on earth through us. Amen, Lord, may this be the situation and condition of our daily Christian life!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message by brother Ed Marks for this week, and portions from, Life-study of Ezekiel, msg. 11 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (1), msg. 7 (week 7), The Highest Point in Our Spiritual Experience — Having a Clear Sky with a Throne above It.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # The Lord enthroned within our hearts / His Kingdom doth establish there, / Assuring His full right to reign / And for God’s purpose to prepare…Here in this heav’nly realm we live, / And with this heav’nly pow’r possessed / We walk and fight in heav’nly light / Until the Kingdom’s manifest. (Hymns #942)
    # Within God’s sovereign kingdom / His Christ is magnified; / When Christ in life is reigning, / The Father’s glorified. / When God is in dominion, / All things are truly blessed; / When Christ for God is reigning. / God’s glory is expressed. (Hymns #941)
    # In tenderness He deals with me, / While I stay with joy in His presence; / And He saturates and supplies my soul / With all His precious essence. / And He speaks to me and reveals to me / All His riches for me today; / And in every way I partake of Him, / My problems all passed away. (Hymns #554)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
8 years ago

The living creatures are still on earth, moving or standing, but above their heads there is a clear heaven with the throne. From what is portrayed in Ezekiel 1 we can see that the throne in the heavens is transmitted to the earth through and with the living creatures. With them and through them the heavens with the throne are opened up to the earth. In this way the throne in the heavens becomes one with the earth, for the throne is transmitted to the earth….We may say that the living creatures in Ezekiel 1 are the heavenly electrical lines. It is through them, by them, and with them that the heavenly throne is transmitted to the earth. Wherever they are, there is the throne. Wherever they go, the throne follows them. (Life-study of Ezekiel, pp. 115-116, by Witness Lee)

Klazien B.
Klazien B.
7 years ago

Amen Praise the Lord

H. T.
H. T.
7 years ago

The highest step in the spiritual experience of a Christian is to have the throne in our firmament, in our clear sky. To have the throne, or to arrive at the throne, is to allow God to have the highest and most prominent position in our Christian life. For God to have the throne in us means that He has the position to reign in us. Therefore, to reach the throne in our spiritual experience means that in everything we are completely submissive to God’s authority and administration. Then we are no longer a person without the throne, without authority, without government.

In our Christian life and in our church life, if the sky is clear, the throne will be there. But if our sky is cloudy and darkened, we will not see the throne. When we do not see the throne, we can be loose and do many things according to our taste and convenience. Today many believers are careless in their daily Christian life because they do not have a clear sky with the throne above it. Whenever believers are in darkness and thus are not under the throne, they can be quite loose, speaking what they want to speak, expressing what they want to express, and going where they want to go. But a person who is under the throne has no liberty to behave in such a way.

[Life Study of Ezekiel, Msg 11]

James C.
James C.
7 years ago

Praise the Lord O Lord Jesus!

Cleide C.
Cleide C.
7 years ago

Amem, oh Senhor Jesus! !!!!!!

Juliet C.
Juliet C.
7 years ago

Praise the Lord ! We need you, be with us wherever we are. Amen

James C.
James C.
7 years ago

A clear sky, Lord Jesus