In our Christian life, it seems like there is always something that demands our attention. In this case, I think a big danger is that if we don’t settle in our being that we MUST love the Lord first, best, and only, and that we MUST be for Christ and the church, then the attitude of being for the Lord when it is convenient may creep in [continue reading]
Being a Christian Student on the Campus – no matter what, we’re for Christ and the church!
being a Christian Student on the Campus – the fellowship with other students is encouraging
The thing that has really kept me going through the whole semester has been living in the brothers’ house next to the campus. Whenever things are tough or I just need to pray or read something I can touch the Lord with one of the brothers [continue reading online]
Being a Christian Student on the Campus – every moment we can choose to love the Lord!
How do we balance the Christian life and church life with our student life? I too, was wondering what’s the answer to this question. As students, I think, we all go “through this tunnel” and we all “cross this bridge”. Sometimes I struggle between trying to figure out whether I should go to the meetings, the Bible studies, etc. or whether I should stay home and study [continue reading online[
Being a Christian Student on the Campus – normal students who enjoy the Lord
When I first hit university, my initial thought was that I also want to be like the serving ones on campus, preaching the gospel, getting into the truth and enjoy the Lord with others 24/7. That was when reality (no pun intended) hit me: How can I be a student and still enjoy the Lord? I cannot just enjoy the Lord because then I fail my exams, and I cannot just study because then I do not enjoy the Lord and I become dry. How do you balance the two?
Being a Christian Student on the Campus – being with the saints imparts LIFE into me!
Being a college student is tiring, stressful, and discouraging at times. On top of that, working and being a student is a challenge at times because I often feel like my time is so limited. Although I feel this way, I always try to be with the saints. Going to the college meetings on Wednesday nights, being in constant fellowship with saints from around the world, going to the home meeting on Friday, and living in the sisters’ house has been such a daily salvation to me
being a Christian student on the campus – how much time do I give to the Lord?
There is a common conflict in college – How much time do I give to the Lord? There is no formula or recipe for this. However, there are some fundamental principles. It is good to go to the Lord first and fellowship with Him. See how much time He wants from you. The Lord will never ask more than you can give. With that being said, you must realize that you are in school to learn and to do the best you possibly can. That must be your main focus.
Being a Christian Student on the Campus – studying and loving the Lord at the same time!
I don’t always have the time to read my Holy Word for Morning Revival, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have morning revival. My time with the Lord starts in the morning and it goes on until I go to bed at night. I enjoy praying on my own but also together with my fellow sisters. Being in the Body of Christ really helps.