About a God-man in Christ

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily <a href="https://agodman.com/about-agodman-a-normal-christian/">enjoyer of Christ</a>, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

Deny the Self by the Cross to be Dependent on the Lord and on the Body of Christ

The self is the soul declaring independence from God and from the Body of Christ; we need to deny the self and be dependent on the Lord and on the Body, for only when the self-life has been utterly dealt with by the cross are we able to touch the reality of the Body of […]

Satan’s Thought was Injected in our Soul to make it the Self: we need to Deny the Self

We need to realize that Satan’s thought was injected into our soul to make it the self, and today we need to deny the self for the building up of the church. According to Matt. 16, the building up of the church depends on the shutting of the gates of Hades through the exercise of […]

We need to See the Enemy of the Building and what’s the Way to Build up the Church

As believers in Christ who have Christ as our life and seek to build up the church as the Body of Christ and the kingdom of God today, we need to see that the way to build up the church is through death and resurrection, and we need to see what is the enemy of […]

The Church should Pray to Bring in the Kingdom and Subdue Satan’s Power of Darkness

The church is the kingdom of God on earth today, and the church has a great responsibility: the church needs to subdue the power of darkness and bring God’s will to the earth. Amen! The kingdom of God is very much related to the church today; the kingdom and the church are closely interrelated. In […]

Stand in Christ’s Victory and Submit to God’s Rule: the Church Brings in the Kingdom

The kingdom of God is preached to produce the church, and the church brings in the kingdom of God; the church was brought into being to bring in the kingdom and also to deal with God’s enemy so that God may obtain a kingdom on earth and His enemy would be dealt with. Amen! The […]

We Believers Live the Kingdom Life in the Church by Living in the Mingled Spirit

The genuine church is the kingdom of God in this age, and we believers live the kingdom life in the church; only when we live and walk according to the spirit do we live in the reality of the kingdom to be the church. Amen! The Lord Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom, and […]

The Kingdom Produces the Church and the Church Brings in the Kingdom of God

Without the kingdom as the reality of the church, the church cannot be built up; the kingdom produces the church and the church brings in the kingdom with the result of the kingdom and the church, and today we live in the church life by living in the reality of the kingdom of God. Amen! […]