About a God-man in Christ

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily <a href="https://agodman.com/about-agodman-a-normal-christian/">enjoyer of Christ</a>, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

The Universal Government of God: God Governs by Judging to bring in Righteousness

The Epistles of 1 and 2 Peter are on the universal government of God, showing us that we live a Christian life under the government of God, God governs by judging, judgement begins from the house of God, and as He judges us, He supplies us with His divine provision as grace. Amen! This week […]

In His Epistles, Peter Unveils Crucial Things related to God’s Economy From 4 Sides

It is amazing to see that the apostle Peter in his two Epistles covers the entire economy of God – from eternity past before the foundation of the world to the new heavens and new earth in eternity future, unveiling the crucial things related to God’s economy, concerning which things the prophets prophesied and the […]

Seeing how Both Peter and Paul Participated in the Ministry of the New Testament

In 1 Peter we see the operation of the Triune God to carry out His threefold salvation; Peter spoke of the same things as Peter, for both were ministers in the same ministry, the ministry of the New Testament, dispensing the things of God’s economy into people. Amen! If we come to the Lord’s word […]

Partake of the Triune God by the Hidden Man of the Heart with the Spirit of Glory

The central focus and basic structure of 1 and 2 Peter are the energizing Triune God operating in His economy to bring His chosen ones into the full enjoyment of the Triune God; we can partake of His riches as the Spirit of glory and the Spirit of Christ by means of the inner man […]

The Triune God is our Full Enjoyment to Carry out the Economy of God for His Building

Although the subject of 1 and 2 Peter is God’s government, this is not the central focus and basic structure of these Epistles, which is the Triune God as our full enjoyment to carry out the economy of God. Amen! Everything concerning God’s government should bring us back to the central focus and basic structure […]

Pass the Time of our Sojourning in Fear & Be Humbled under the Mighty Hand of God

As we see God’s government with His judgment both in the world situation and in our Christian life and church life, we should pass the time of our sojourning in fear, being willing to be humbled under the mighty hand of God and fearing God, revering Him, regarding Him in everything. Our God is a […]

The Government of God with His Judgment to Gain a Universe Filled with Righteousness

The subject of Peter’s Epistles is the government of God with His judgment, for in it we see how the judgment of God today begins from the house of God and how He desires to clear up and purify the whole universe to have a new universe filled with His righteousness for His delight. Amen! […]