Knowing that we as believers in Christ are the many abodes in the church as the Father’s house, we need to see the intrinsic significance of living in the church as the Father’s house today in our daily life. First, we need to see what is the Father’s house, then we need to realize that […]
About a God-man in Christ
A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily <a href="">enjoyer of Christ</a>, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!
Seeing the Intrinsic Significance of Living in the Church as the Father’s House
The Church is in God the Father: He’s the unique Source, Originator, and Initiator

The Father’s house, the church, is in God the Father; God is our Father, we have a life relationship with Him, and we take Him as the unique source, the Originator and initiator in all things in our Christian life and church life. Amen! Our home, our dwelling place, is not the heavens; our home […]
Triune God is Making an Abode with the Believers for the Building of His Habitation

John 14 shows us that the Triune God is making His abode with the believers for the building up of His habitation; He visits the believers who love Him and abide in His word, speaks to them, and builds Himself into them to make them God’s habitation, the Father’s house. Amen! May our heart not […]
We have a Standing in God and in the Body of Christ by Living in our Spirit today

As believers in Christ, we all have a place in God and a place in the Body of Christ, and now we should live in the place prepared for us through the death and resurrection of Christ; we have a standing in God and in the Body of Christ, and we are in God and […]
We have a Standing for us to Enter into God: we’re the Abodes in the Father’s House

In the Father’s house there are many abodes, which are the many members of the Body of Christ, and the Lord prepared a place for us by accomplishing redemption to make a standing for us to enter into God. Hallelujah! As believers in Christ, we are those who believe into the Lord and are organically […]
Believe into God to Enter into God and be Part of the Church as the Father’s House
![In My Father's house are many abodes; if [it were] not [so,] I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:2](
The central thought of John 14 is that we must believe into God and thereby enter into God; in this chapter we see that Father’s house, the dwelling place of God on the earth, for the Father’s house is a type of the enlarged Body of Christ, the church as the house of God. Amen! […]
Christ is Glorified by the Church so that the Father is Glorified Through the Son

As the embodiment of the Triune God, Christ the Son is the Father’s glorification, and today it is by the church that Christ is glorified so that God the Father may be glorified through the Son. Wow, what a wonderful mystery and we are part of it! As we prayerfully consider the matter of glory […]