In His Ascension God Inaugurated Christ to be the Lord of All and the Christ of God

Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made Him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you have crucified. Acts 2:36

In His ascension, God inaugurated Christ into His heavenly ministry to be the Lord to possess all and to be the Christ as God’s anointed to carry out God’s commission; the One who lives in us is in resurrection to give us life and power and in ascension to share His authority with us. Praise the Lord!

Before we can experience and enjoy Christ as the One in ascension, we need to first see the objective aspect of the Lord’s ascension.

The Bible is clear concerning what happened in the Lord’s ascension, and we can participate in some of the things that He has passed through and attained.

The Lord Jesus was God becoming man, God incarnated to be a man, and when He put on human nature, He put aside the outward splendour of His divinity and gave up on His likeness with God.

He had a joy set before Him: to gain the church as His increase and counterpart, and for this joy, He despised the shame, endured the cross, and sat down at the right hand of God in the heavens. Hallelujah!

When we read the Gospels we see a lowly and meek Jesus who was one with God and depended on God in everything He did and said.

He came not to be a king to rule us outwardly; He came to fulfil God’s purpose, and He gave Himself up for us.

There has never been such a person who was so one with God, so selfless, even so self-denying, to take God’s will as His will, and to be willing to lay down even His physical life.

Humanly speaking, there may have been here and there a person who has died for their friends, but their death did not have eternal efficacy.

With Christ, however, things are different; God approved His sacrifice, He raised Christ from the dead, and even more, He inaugurated Christ into His heavenly ministry in His ascension.

First, Christ was raised from the dead to become a life-giving Spirit. He was pneumatized to be the life-giving Spirit to give life to all those who receive Him.

He also became the firstborn Son of God, for in His resurrection He imparted His divine life into us to make us sons of God. But resurrection was not the end, as amazing as it was.

After being raised, Christ entered into His ascension, and in ascension, He was crowned with glory and honour, and He was enthroned for God’s administration.

Even more, God inaugurated Christ into His heavenly ministry in His resurrection.

Now Christ is in His ascension carrying out His heavenly ministry to care for the churches and administrate the earth for the carrying out of God’s eternal economy. Praise the Lord!

In His Ascension, God Inaugurated Christ into His Heavenly Ministry to be the Lord and the Christ

The word which He sent to the sons of Israel in announcing the gospel of peace through Jesus Christ (this One is Lord of all). Acts 10:36 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord is Lord of all and rich to all who call upon Him. Rom. 10:12Acts 2:36 tells us that God made the Lord Jesus both Lord and Christ; yes, man has crucified Him and put Him to death, but in His ascension, God inaugurated Him into His heavenly ministry to be both the Lord and the Christ. Hallelujah!

Before His ascension, Jesus Christ was the God-man who, in resurrection, was made the life-giving Spirit.

Before His incarnation, He was Lord of all, and He possessed the glory of God, including the outward form of His glory. But in His ascension Christ became Lord of all (Acts 2:36; 10:36).

As God, Christ was the Lord all the time (Luke 1:43; John 11:21; 20:28), but as man, He was made the Lord in His ascension.

He was a man-God, a God-man; in His divinity, He was the Lord of all, but in His humanity, He was a mortal human being.

So in His ascension, God inaugurated Christ, the God-man with His humanity, to be the Lord of all. Hallelujah!

He is the Lord of all, referring to all men, all peoples, and all things.

Christ is the Lord not only of the Jews but also of the Gentiles with all the different races and peoples.

When a president is elected nowadays, there is a period of time until he is inaugurated; then, when he’s inaugurated, it is official: that is the president!

When Christ ascended, God inaugurated Christ into His heavenly ministry and made Him the Lord of all.

Christ today is no longer merely the One who lived on earth for thirty-three and a half years in full obedience to God, being faithful to do God’s work even unto death.

He is now on the throne, ascended to the highest place in the universe!

He has all authority in heaven and on earth.

The Man-Savior, Jesus Christ in His ascension, has been made the Lord to possess all.

He is now the Lord to possess the whole universe, God’s chosen people, and all positive things, matters, and persons. Hallelujah!

God inaugurated Christ in His ascension to be Lord of all; He is now the Lord! Jesus Christ is Lord!

Furthermore, in His ascension, God inaugurated Christ to be the Christ, God’s anointed (Heb. 1:9).

And Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. Matt. 1:16 And Simon Peter answered and said, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Matt. 16:16 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made Him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you have crucified. Acts 2:36God anointed Christ with the oil of gladness above all His partners, and in His ascension the Lord Jesus was made the Christ. Hallelujah!

In eternity, Christ was already the Christ.

Then, when He was incarnated and was born as man, He was the Christ from the time He was born (Luke 2:11; Matt. 1:16; John 1:41; Matt. 16:16).

At His baptism, He was anointed by God with His Spirit to be the Christ for His ministry on the earth (Luke 4:18).

However, Christ was not officially inaugurated as the Christ until He entered into His ascension.

He was chosen, appointed, and anointed by God to be the Christ in His incarnation and human living, but He was inaugurated to be the Christ in His ascension.

After passing through incarnation, human living, death, and resurrection, Christ entered into His ascension and was enthroned in the heavens as the Christ. Praise the Lord!

God inaugurated Christ to be the Lord of all and the Christ for His heavenly ministry.

Christ is now officially the Lord and the Christ to carry out His heavenly ministry. Praise the Lord!

Lord Jesus, we praise You! Praise You for Your ascension. Hallelujah, in His ascension God inaugurated Christ to be the Lord of all! Jesus Christ is Lord – the Lord of all! Amen, Lord, we enthrone You in our being! You are our Lord, and You are the Lord to possess the whole universe! You are the Lord of all to possess the whole universe, God’s chosen people, and all positive things, matters, and persons! Amen, Lord, we praise You for Your inauguration into Your heavenly ministry at the time of Your ascension! Wow, Lord, You are the Lord of all, and every knee shall bow and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of all! We praise You as the Christ, the One anointed by God to carry out God’s commission. Amen, Lord, You have been inaugurated to be the Christ in Your ascension. We praise You. We are one with You! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of all and the Christ of God!

We are now One with Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension to have Life, Power and Authority!

And raised us up together with Him and seated us together with Him in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus. Eph. 2:6

When we meet people, unless we know who they are and what is their background, our appreciation of them is not that high.

We may meet the president of a certain country but we may not know it, so our conversation with them and our appreciation of them will not be that high.

The more we know a person’s status, qualifications, position, and office, the more we appreciate that person.

Our contact with a person is affected by our knowledge of who he is and what his status, position, and qualifications are.

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you all the days until the consummation of the age. Matt. 28:18-20It is the same with the Lord Jesus.

We need to first know who He is, what is His status, what is His office, and what are His qualifications.

The Gospels give us a clear view of who Christ is, what are His qualifications, what is His office, and what He has attained and obtained.

And toward the end of the Gospels and at the beginning of Acts we see that this wonderful Christ is in ascension, and in ascension, He has attained to the highest position and has the highest office. Praise the Lord!

We are now one with Christ in His resurrection and ascension, for God seated us with Christ in the heavenlies (Eph. 2:6).

As a result of being one with Christ in His resurrection, we have life and power, for His resurrection dispensed His life into us and this power has the amazing power of resurrection.

But we not only have power and life; we also have authority, for we’re one with Christ in His ascension.

Hallelujah, we are one with Christ in His ascension to share in His authority!

We have life and power in resurrection, and we have authority in ascension.

As we contact our Lord, we need to have a realization of what He is, a realization of His status, position, and office.

At the same time, we should not be presumptuous in this, thinking that we are now something that we’re actually not.

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to the Lord Jesus (Matt. 28:18-20), and He has given us this authority to be one with Him in His heavenly ministry.

We are His companions, and He wants us to apply and exercise His authority on the earth to a certain extent.

This is one of the basic lessons we need to learn, that is, to first live under the divine authority and then exercise God’s authority.

First of all, in this age that is becoming more and more lawless, we need to live under the divine authority.

The Lord has not only power and position: He has the authority.

And we need to be under His authority, respect the deputy authorities He has ordained, and exercise His authority.

Yes, the presidents and rulers today have authority, but Christ is the supreme authority, for in His resurrection God inaugurated Christ to be the Lord of all and the Christ of God for His heavenly ministry.

We as His believers are His Body, and we hold to our ascended Head, being one with Him.

We may see that there is a particular person in power who is very evil, persecuting the people of God and not allowing a peaceful situation to develop for the gospel to be preached, so we make our feelings known to our ascended Head.

Authority comes through inauguration. Once a person has been inaugurated into a certain post, he has the authority of that office. We need to see that, as believers, we have One living in us who has not only life and power in resurrection but also authority in ascension. The very Christ in resurrection and ascension lives in us and dwells upon us. He lives in us as life, and He dwells upon us as authority. Therefore, we are now one with this Christ in His resurrection and ascension. As a result, we have life and power in resurrection and also authority in ascension. If we have this realization of the Man-Savior as we contact Him, our contact with Him will be different. Life-study of Luke, second edition, p. 640, by Witness LeeIn our prayer meetings as the church we can exercise God’s authority by first being under His authority and then, one with the Body, we can pray the prayers of authority to bind and lose.

We may even ask God to deal with a particular person or a particular situation, and the ascended Head will add Himself as the incense to our prayer and pour out the execution of His administration on the earth.

Christ is longing for such a prayer to be uttered to Him.

We need to first know Him in His position and office, submit ourselves to Him and take Him as our Head, and then we need to be one with Christ in His ascension to execute His will on the earth.

May the Lord gain this among us.

May we be full of appreciation toward the Lord in His position, status, qualifications, and office, and may we join ourselves to Him as the church to exercise His authority on the earth for the carrying out of God’s administration.

This does not mean that we pray presumptuous prayers that are not according to God’s will.

Rather, as we abide in Him and allow Him to abide in us, we can ask whatever we will and He will do it for us, for we ask in oneness with Him.

We are intimately joined to our ascended Head.

We remain in the position of ascension with Him. And we exercise His authority on the earth.

Thank You, Lord, for seating us together with You in the heavenlies to share in Your resurrection and ascension! Wow, Lord, what a privilege it is for us to know that God inaugurated Christ in His ascension to be the Lord of all and the Christ of God! Amen, Lord, we are joined to You as one. We place ourselves under Your authority and we take You as our Head. You are our ascended Head, and we are Your Body. We intimately and closely hold to our ascended Head and we want to make our will and desire known to You in prayer. Oh Lord, gain the prayer You need – the prayer of authority, the prayer in oneness of the Head and the Body, the prayer for the carrying out of God’s administration! May we all realize who You are, what You have attained, and how we are one with You! Perfect us, Lord, and train us to pray the prayers of authority, one with our ascended Head who is Lord of all, for God’s will to be done, the enemy to be put to shame, and the kingdom of God to come in on the earth!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ron Kangas in the message for this week, and portions from, The Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 31, by Witness Lee, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Laboring on the All-inclusive Christ Typified by the Good land for the Building up of the Church as the Body of Christ, for the Reality and the Manifestation of the Kingdom, and for the Bride to make Herself Ready for the Lord’s Coming (2023 Winter Training), week 7, entitled, Knowing the Ascension.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    Crucial Points regarding the Lord’s Ascension, via, Living to Him.
    The inauguration with authority by the ascension of Christ, a portion from, General Sketch of the New Testament in the Light of Christ and the Church, A – Part 1: The Gospels and the Acts, Chapter 7, by Witness Lee.
    Some Questions and Answers Regarding Deputy Authority, via, Shepherding Words.
    The Lord’s inauguration, a portion from, Lesson Book, Level 2: The Triune God—The Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ, Chapter 21, by Witness Lee.
    The Deep Significance of the Birth of Jesus Christ, via, Bibles for America blog.
    Christ in ascension and in God’s administration, article via, Affirmation and Critique.
    The Indwelling Christ and His Wonderful Indwelling, via, Holding to Truth in Love.
    The Man-Savior’s ascension, a portion from, Life-Study of Luke, Chapter 77.
    New Jerusalem is the Consummate Glory, via, New Jerusalem blog.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – God made Thee both the Lord and Christ, / The Spirit hath declared; / In glory and in heav’n we see / God’s throne by Thee is shared. / As Lord of glory we adore, / To Thee our song we raise; / We worship Thee as Lord of all, / How worthy of our praise! (Hymns #133 stanzas 5-6)
    – Christ the Savior hath ascended / To the heavens far above, / Crowned with glory and with honor / By the Father God in love; / He hath made Him Head of all things, / His supremacy to prove. / From this Christ to God ascended / Hath the Spirit been outpoured, / Poured upon the Church, His Body, / That His members be empow’red; / Thus the Lord of all in heaven / Thru His Church will be adored. (Hymns #277 stanzas 1-2)
    – One with Thee in resurrection, / Risen now to live in Thee, / With that life which is Thyself, Lord, / Now in me, Lord, even me. / One with Thee in Thine ascension, / In the heavens now with Thee; / Here a pilgrim and a stranger, / My true life is hid in Thee. (Hymns #474 stanzas 4-5)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
10 months ago

Not until His ascension was Christ officially inaugurated as the Christ [Acts 2:36]…In eternity Christ was already Christ. Furthermore, as God’s sent and anointed One in His humanity, He was Christ from the time He was born (Luke 2:11; Matt. 1:16; John 1:41; Matt. 16:16).

Then at His baptism He was anointed by God with His Spirit (Luke 4:18). However, He was not officially inaugurated as the Christ until His ascension.

Christ has been not only chosen, appointed, and anointed by God but also inaugurated by God into His office. He has passed through death and resurrection and in ascension is now enthroned in the heavens as the Christ.

In ascension He was officially made the Christ of God for His heavenly ministry.

The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 339-340, by Witness Lee

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
10 months ago

The Christ who we contact and enjoy is the One who was inaugurated by God in His ascension to be the Lord of all and the Christ of God.

He is the Lord over all and of all, and He was anointed by God for His heavenly ministry.

We are joined to Him, and we can pray one with Him for His will to be done on earth.

Hallelujah for our ascended Head, Christ, to whom we are joined in spirit!

Amen Lord, You are the Lord of all and the Christ of God! We love You and we appreciate You. We are one with You. Praise the Lord!

D. S.
D. S.
10 months ago

Amen. We love You Lord and we appreciate You!

K. P.
K. P.
10 months ago

Acts 2:36  …God has made Him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you have crucified.

Heb. 1:9  You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness; therefore God, Your God, has anointed You with the oil of exultant joy above Your partners.

Praise the Lord! 🙌😃🙋🏼

Richard C.
Richard C.
10 months ago

As God, Christ was Lord of all men.

In the Old Testament He was Adonai the Lord of the Jews and Gentiles.

But as a man – this Jesus who was crucified, resurrected and ascended – was inaugurated into a heavenly office to be Lord and Christ, Lord of all things. Praise God!

Our Lord Jesus Christ possesses the entire universe, being the Anointed One, seated in the heavenlies at the right hand of the throne of God! Hallelujah!

When we contact Him, we have such a Christ who is in ascension, above all persons, matters and things!

Clive B.
Clive B.
10 months ago

“He has declared to you, O man, what is good; / And what does Jehovah require of you, / But that you would execute justice and love mercy / And walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8) Recovery Version

Amen! Jehovah is the end of the law His righteousness, which we cannot meet except through the law of the Spirit of life through regeneration, a new life, a new living.

This life is now in us, and according to Micah He required us to execute justice love and mercy in humility.

Yes may the Lord load us with good today to take every opportunity to receive Him as life.

Richard S.
Richard S.
10 months ago

Praise You Lord we are one in Your ascension

Christian A.
Christian A.
10 months ago

Amen brother. Whenever we contact Jesus, we are contacting the Master of the universe.

Christ’s authority is supreme.

Whatever situation we face, we can appeal to His power & authority.

Satan, the evil spirits and the demons have to bend to His will.

May we not come to the Lord as poor helpless beggars.

We need to see that our Christ is victorious and all peoples, matters & situations are subject to Him.

Phil H.
Phil H.
10 months ago

Amen, brother, praise God, for giving us such a Christ.

He is over all and we are one with Him in prayer for the accomplishment of God’s will on the earth.

S. A.
S. A.
10 months ago

Hallelujah for the Christ ascension.

He was chosen, appointed, anointed and inaugurated by God and sits with him on the throne like a like in a lamp.

His glory shines on us.

He is the Head of all things and all men. Amen

Moh S.
Moh S.
10 months ago

Aaaaameeen! Yes Lord, You are Lord of all!!

Wow, as man, He was made Lord in His ascension after He brought His humanity into God in His resurrection! He has been made the Lord of all to possess all!

Thank You Lord You are not only the Lord of all men but the Lord of all things! We open to You, the ascended One!

Wow brother, if we have this realisation of the Man-Savior our contact with Him will be different!!

Lord may we know You in Your ascension, know Your authority, know You as the Lord of all persons and all things, know You as the Christ of God in Your heavenly ministry! Lord cause us to know You more today!!

Claude Y.
Claude Y.
10 months ago

Amen Lord! We praise You as the resurrected, ascended and enthroned Christ!

Thank You for joining us one spirit with You.

Possess us in today’s church and church life for the fulfillment of God purpose!

We love You Lord Jesus and want to please You in spirit!

Alan T.
Alan T.
10 months ago

05/07/24 Knowing the Ascension (Week 7, Day 2)

“The Man-Savior’s Ascension is His Inauguration into His Heavenly Office… to Execute God’s Administration and to Carry out God’s New Testament Economy” (Part 2) In the Objective Aspect, the Lord’s Ascension Also Caused Him: (c. ) to Made the Lord of All to Possess All, and (d.) to Be Made the Christ to Carry out God’s Commission through His Heavenly Ministry

The Man-Savior, in His ascension, was, not only (a.) crowned with honor and glory, (b.) being enthroned with God, but also, (c.) has been made the Lord of all to possess all (Acts 2:36), and (d) to be the Christ as God’s Anointed to carry out God’s commission through His heavenly ministry.

Objectively speaking, Christ, in His ascension, is now the Lord to possess the whole universe, God’s chosen people, and all positive things, matters, and persons. Christ is the Lord, not only of God’s chosen people, but also of the angels and of all those who will be in the millennium and in the new heaven and the new earth. He is the Lord of the heavens, the earth, and of everything and everyone He has redeemed. The Man-Savior was made the Lord of all to possess all.

Acts 2:36 says, “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made Him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you have crucified.” Verse 33 says, “Therefore having been exalted to the right hand of God and having received the promise of the Holy Spirit from the Father, He has poured out this which you both see and hear.”

Then, Luke 24:49-51 also says, “Behold, I send forth the promise of My Father upon you; but as for you, stay in the city until you put on power from on high. And He led them out as far as Bethany, and He lifted up His hands and blessed them. And while He blessed them, He parted from them and was carried up into heaven.” The above verses tell us that after the Lord Jesus resurrected, became the life-giving Spirit, and entered into the disciples, He ascended into heaven and was made both Lord and Christ.

Acts 2:36 reveals that in His ascension the Man-Savior was made not only the Lord but also the Christ. He was made the Christ as God’s Anointed (Heb. 1:9) to carry out God’s commission. 

This leads to a question: before He came to the earth, the Lord Jesus was God, but was He the Lord and the Christ already? We must conclude that since He was God, He must have been the Lord also. Since He was God and had created the universe, He was the Lord of the universe. Therefore, before His incarnation He was already the Lord.

Then why is it that Acts 2:36 tells us that He was made both Lord and Christ after His resurrection and ascension? This requires some explanation. The Lord Jesus was God before His incarnation, but after He became flesh and put on human nature, He as a man was not yet the Lord.

When the Scripture says that the Lord Jesus was made Lord in His ascension, it refers to Christ as a man, not to Him as God. After all, as God, He was already the Lord. Since the time of Christ’s ascension, however, there has been a man in the universe who is the Lord in heaven.

First Corinthians 12:3 says, “No one can say, Jesus is Lord! except in the Holy Spirit.” The name Jesus refers primarily to Christ’s humanity. Whenever we consider the name Jesus, we think mainly of Christ in His human living. In saying that Jesus is Lord, however, we mean that there is a man who has become the Lord of the universe. The Jews do not believe that Jesus is the Lord. They are willing to believe that God is the Lord, but they do not believe that the man Jesus is the Lord of the universe.

“Lord Jesus, we truly believe that, in Your ascension, You have been made the Lord of all to Possess All, and to be the Christ as God’s Anointed to carry out God’s commission through Your heavenly ministry. Amen.”

agodman audio
agodman audio
10 months ago
RcV Bible
RcV Bible
10 months ago

As God, the Lord was the Lord all the time (Luke 1:43; John 11:21; 20:28). But as man, He was made the Lord in His ascension after He brought His humanity into God in His resurrection. And as God’s sent and anointed One, He was Christ from the time that He was born (Luke 2:11; Matt. 1:16; John 1:41; Matt. 16:16). But as such a One, He was also officially made the very Christ of God in His ascension.

The Lord was made Lord, the Lord of all, to possess all; and He was made Christ, God’s Anointed (Heb. 1:9), to carry out God’s commission.

Acts 2:36, footnote 1 on “Lord”, Recovery Version Bible

Jen C. A.
Jen C. A.
9 months ago

𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘂𝗴𝘂𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻. Once a person has been inaugurated into a certain post, he has the authority of that office. We need to see that, 𝗮𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀, 𝘄𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗢𝗻𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝗻 𝘂𝘀 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗻 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗿𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗼 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻. The very Christ in resurrection and ascension lives in us and dwells upon us. He lives in us as life, and He dwells upon us as authority. Therefore, we are now one with this Christ in His resurrection and ascension. As a result, we have life and power in resurrection and also authority in ascension.

[HWMR-Week 7 Day 2]
