Our Christ is so much – He is the Head of the Body, He is the Body of the Head, He is the Beloved of the Father, He is all-inclusive, He is so rich, He is the embodiment of all that the Father is… and today I enjoyed Him as the One who Fills All and In All! And as we enjoy Him, we become His fullness! Ephesians 1:23 says,
[the church] which is His Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all.
All the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ bodily (Col. 2:9), and in Him all the fullness was pleased to dwell (Col. 1:19). Now we as the Body of Christ enjoy all the riches of what Christ is – He is light, He is love, He is righteousness, He is holiness, and He is so many other things. As we enjoy Christ in all His riches, we become Christ’s fullness to express Him!
Christ, who is the infinite God without limitation, is so great that He fills all things in all things! Such a great Christ needs us as the church to be His fullness for His complete expression! We as the Body are continually receiving the transmission from the Head – the Head transmits all He is, all He wants, all He desires and wills, into the Body!
In this transmission of all that the Head is into the Body is the Christ who fills all and in all! As we enjoy His riches in our fellowship with Him, we receive His transmission of all that He is – and we are connected to this all-filling Christ: we become the fullness of this Christ who fills all and in all!
How does Christ fill all in all? I enjoyed what Ephesians 4:10 says about this,
He who descended, He is also the One who ascended far above the heavens that He might fill all things.
God descended from the heavens to the earth through incarnation, then after His death, He descended into Hades. In His resurrection, He ascended from Hades to the earth and in His ascension He ascended from the earth to the third heavens.
By means of such a traffic of descending and ascending, Christ now fills all things! Now He is everywhere, on the earth as well as in the heavens! He fills all things through the process He went through! And there are at least the following aspects about Christ filling all things as revealed in the Bible:
- Christ is the First and Last (Rev. 2:8; 1:17, 22:13) – For Christ to be First means that there is no one else before Him, and for Him to be the last means that there is no one else after Him! This promise was a great comfort to the suffering church in Smyrna – the Lord, who is the life and Head of the church, is also the First and the Last! Nothing can precede Him, and nothing can exist after Him!
- Christ is the beginning and the end (Rev. 22:13) – As the Beginning, Christ is the origination of all things, and as the End, He is the consummation of all things. Christ is the beginning of all things and He is the consummation of everything – there is no beginning without Christ and there is no consummation without Him! He is the beginning, the end, and everything / everyone else in between!
- Christ is the Alpha and the Omega (Rev. 22:13) – As the Alpha and the Omega, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, Christ is also every other letter in the alphabet. This means that Christ is the content and continuation of God’s operation – He is not only the beginning and the end, but also the Alpha and the Omega!
What a rich all-inclusive all-filling Christ! And He is so available, ready, near to us – we can all just enjoy Him! As we enjoy Him, His riches are being dispensed and transmitted into us, making us the Body of Christ, the church – His fullness! [Read this portion also in Spanish / Puede leer esta porción también en español, ¡Como la iglesia somos el Cuerpo de Cristo, la plenitud de Aquel que todo lo lleno en todo!]
Lord, keep us enjoying You! You are the One who fills all in all, and You are so rich and wonderful! Be our enjoyment today! Keep transmitting all that You are into us in our enjoyment of You! Lord, strengthen our time with You, and keep us open to You all the day long to receive Your riches! Make us Your fullness, Your expression!
Oh, Santo Señor Jesús! Tu deseo es que te vivamos por el Espíritu; esto significa que nuestra vida depende del Espíritu! Señor Jesús, mi Rocío de la mañana eres tú! Tu nuestro disfrute, te amamos, eres hermoso y maravilloso ❤❤❤⚘⚘⚘😍😍😍!!!
Praise the Lord! Amen
Amen! I am enjoying Christ day by day.
Praise the Lord