Aligning our Being with God to See Visions of God in Spirit under an Opened Heaven

Whenever God finds a man on earth who is one with Him and whose heart is a duplication of His heart, the heavens are opened to him. As believers in Christ we need to be those who have an opened heaven, be in our spirit, and see visions of God, that is, see divine, spiritual, heavenly visions, so that we may be one with God on earth for Him to accomplish what He desires to accomplish.

Ezekiel was such a person; he was a priest of God, contacting God and fellowshipping with Him, and the heavens were open to him, he saw visions of God, and the word of God came to him.

The Lord is seeking for people who are fully open to Him, people who have an opened heaven and who contact Him in purity for Him to shine on them; He wants to open the heavens to man and reveal what is in His heart, but who and where are the people to whom He can speak?

In the beginning of the twentieth century God went to China to brother Watchman Nee because He had an Ezekiel, and He opened the heavens to him and to the Lord’s recovery. Unfortunately, if the Lord doesn’t have a people who is fully open to Him, being occupied only with His interest and pure in heart for Him, can’t and won’t open the heavens to show visions of God to His people.

God is sovereign, and He is not arbitrary; on His side He has many things to speak and show to man, but on our side we need to be those who are open to Him, having a clear sky, and being willing to receive His speaking.

The Lord gained in Ezekiel a person in whom there was nothing of the self, no self-interest, and no self-concern; he was fully open to the Lord, and the word of God came to Him.

Today we need to be the priests who contact God, open to Him, and allow Him to speak whatever He wants to speak to us, giving us any light He wants to give us, and direct us in His way. God wants that the heavens would be open to man and would even come down to earth, enabling man to see God’s heavenly things so that these would be fulfilled among them on earth.

Whenever God finds a man on earth who is one with Him and whose heart is a duplication of His heart, the heavens are opened to him (Matt. 3:16). Knowing this and realizing this, we should come to the Lord and tell Him,

Lord, make me a person who is fully one with You. Make my heart a duplication of Your heart in every possible way. Make me and make all the saints the people who are fully one with You to enjoy an opened heaven and see visions of God. We want to be one with You, seek You, contact You, and be opened to You, being connected to You all the time until our heart becomes a duplication of Your heart and You can speak whatever You want to speak! Lord, gain a corporate response on earth: gain a people who is fully one with You!

Aligning our Being with God to See Visions of God in Spirit under an Opened Heaven

Ezek. 40:4 And the man said to me, Son of man, look with your eyes, and hear with your ears, and set your heart on all that I show you, because for this purpose you have been brought here, that it may be shown to you. Tell all that you see to the house of Israel.May the Lord grant us the grace and mercy for us to be the Ezekiel’s of today, those who look with our eyes, hear with our ears, and set our heart on all that He shows us, so that we may speak to others what we have seen from the Lord in the heavenly vision under the opened heaven (Ezek. 40:4).

God’s visions are His revelations, which enable us as His people to see spiritual, divine, heavenly things through the exercise of our spirit (see Eph. 3:3-5; Rev. 1:10; 4:2; 17:3; 21:10). We need to have an open and pure heart toward the Lord so that we may see heavenly visions from Him.

God’s visions are not extraordinary psychological things but an inward spiritual exercise in which the intuition in our spirit based on the fellowship function would be able to receive an unveiling of the divine things (just as Peter received the revelation that Jesus is the Son of God).

When we see visions of God, what we present to God’s children should be these visions of God, which we have seen in our spirit under the opened heavens through our contact with God (Acts 26:16-19; Song of Songs 1:15; 7:4).

In our time with the Lord, again and again, we need to align our being, our heart, and our spirit, with the Lord, and pray for an open heaven to see visions of God, so that we not only would be “impressed” with the divine things but we would see visions and speak the visions of God to the people of God. May we be those who contact God under an open heaven!

All the churches and all the saints need to see heavenly visions. Therefore, what we present to the children of God should not be mere teaching or doctrine or knowledge gained from reading but a vision we have seen in spirit under the open heavens through our contact with God. This will cause God’s people to be recovered from their captivity, and it will lead to the building up of God’s churches. (Life-study of Ezekiel, p. 19)

God’s visions are His revelations, which enable us to see divine, spiritual, and heavenly things. What we present to the children of God should be visions of God, which we have seen in our spirit under the opened heavens through our contact with God (Acts 26:16-19; cf. S.S. 1:15; 7:4). These visions will lead to the building up of God’s churches (Matt. 16:18). Witness LeeWhen we see visions of God in our spirit under an opened heaven, we will speak these visions to God’s people, and they will be recovered from any captivity to return to God and to the building of His house.

The visions of God lead us to the building up of God’s churches (Matt. 16:18).

In Ezekiel we start with the wind, the cloud, the fire, and the electrum, followed by the glory of God leaving the temple (which was to be destroyed), and the book ends with a glorious vision of God’s building – the place of the soles of His feet, the recovery of Israel, the returning of the glory of God, and the good land with the temple and the city.

We need to align our whole being with God’s being so that we may see visions of God in spirit under an opened heaven for the purpose of building up the church as God’s corporate expression!

These visions have a goal: they do something in the being of God’s people to activate them to pursue the Lord with God’s building in view!

Lord Jesus, we want to align our being – our heart and our spirit – with You, so that the heavens would be opened to us and we would see visions of God in spirit. Amen, Lord, we exercise our spirit to deal with anything else that would block our vision, and we open to You to receive visions of God in spirit. Grant us Your revelations, which enable us to see divine, spiritual, and heavenly things. We want to look with our eyes, hear with our ears, set our heart on what You speak to us, and then tell others the visions of God revealed to us for the building up of the church!

The Most Important matter in Serving the Lord is Seeing and being Governed by the Visions of God

Acts 26:19 ...I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.We all are those who serve the Lord – some do it with their full time, while others do it while working a secular job, yet serving the Lord; we are saved to serve God.

The most important matter for us as those who serve the Lord is that we must see visions of God and we must be governed and controlled by these visions (Prov. 29:18; Acts 26:19). In serving God what matters most is not how smart, eloquent, capable, or knowledgeable we are; what is most important is seeing visions of God.

In the Bible a vision denotes an extraordinary scene – it refers to a special kind of seeing which is inward and glorious, and it also refers to the spiritual scenery that we see from God (see Dan. 7:1, 9-10, 13-14).

When someone sees the Grand Canyon or the Niagara falls, he is left with an impression that he won’t forget, and that scenery will be imprinted on him for the rest of his life. There are realities in the spiritual realm that are extraordinary, waiting for us to see them. A vision first refers to this marvelous scene, and then to our glorious inward seeing.

For us to see a vision, we need revelation (the removing of the veils covering us), light (the Lord’s light needs to shine on us), and sight (our sight needs to be keen and our eyes need to be opened).

The visions of God we see will govern us in our daily living, restrict us in all things, preserve us to remain in God’s way for His purpose, revolutionize us to live out Christ for the church, give us the boldness to go on no matter what, and keep us in the genuine oneness of the Body of Christ.

In the Bible vision denotes an extraordinary scene; it refers to a special kind of seeing — a glorious, inward seeing — and to the spiritual scenery that we see from God (Dan. 7:1, 9-10, 13-14). Visions of God govern us, restrict us, control us, preserve us, revolutionize us, give us the boldness to go on, and keep us in the genuine oneness (Prov. 29:18a). Under the visions from God we are directed toward God’s destination, and our life is controlled according to God’s economy (Phil. 3:13-14; 1 Tim. 1:4). Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, outline 1We may be disheartened – all servants of God go through a period of time when they are down and disheartened – and we see visions of God, we are uplifted and preserved.

What is motivating us to serve the Lord? What drives us and gives us strength every day to get out of bed and live a life for God’s purpose? It’s not merely the need that is in front of us; there are many needs on earth and in the Body, but the need is not what motivates us.

What governs us, restricts us, and directs us is the visions of God we see from Him through the exercise of our spirit. As those who serve the Lord, we need to be ruled by the visions of God.

Under the visions from God we are directed toward God’s destination, and our life is controlled according to God’s economy (see Phil. 3:13-14; 1 Tim. 1:4).

When we see visions from God through the exercise of our spirit, we will care only for God’s economy and the fulfillment of God’s purpose, and His direction in His move will be our direction in our living.

Lord Jesus, we want to serve God by being controlled and directed by the visions of God. Save us from serving God without a vision. Remove any veils from our eyes, shine on us, and grant us to see the heavenly vision that will direct us, preserve us, revolutionize us, and give us the boldness to go on. Lord, may our life be controlled according to God’s economy, and our path would be directed toward God’s destination. May we see the extraordinary spiritual realities, the marvelous spiritual scenery, and may we live under such a vision!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message by brother Ron K. for this week, and portions from, The Triune God’s Revelation and His Move, msgs. 1, 4 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (1), msg. 1 (week 1), Visions of God and the Unveiling of God’s Purpose and the Desire of His Heart.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # Fill all my vision, Savior, I pray, / Let me see only Jesus today; / Though through the valley Thou leadest me, / Thy fadeless glory encompasseth me. / Fill all my vision, Savior divine, / Till with Thy glory my spirit shall shine. / Fill all my vision, that all may see / Thy Holy Image reflected in me. (Hymns #381)
    # The heavenly vision / Concerning the function / Of God’s chosen people on earth today / Controls and directs us, / Restricts and perfects us / To minister Christ and close this age! (Song on being controlled by the heavenly vision)
    # Oh, may a clear, controlling vision of / The Lord’s economy direct my heart, / And burn in me until my spirit’s wholly set afire! / With spirit strong and active we’ll press on / To consummate God’s goal— / New Jerusalem, Hallelujah! (Song on the vision)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
8 years ago

If we would know the truth, we need to see the vision of God’s economy. I can testify that years ago I was caught by this vision. Because we have seen it, we can press on in spite of suffering, defamation, and all kinds of trouble.

This vision has become the principle that directs our steps and that governs our way….We take this way [of the Lord in His recovery] because we have been caught by the vision of God’s economy. Because we have seen this vision, throughout the years heavenly light has been flooding into the Lord’s recovery. The reason for this light is that we are under this vision. Whenever we come to the Word of God, the light shines because we are in this directing, controlling, governing vision. (Life-study of Mark, pp. 452-453)

Carlo B
Carlo B
8 years ago


Trevor W.
Trevor W.
8 years ago

Praise the Lord

Glen T.
Glen T.
8 years ago

Amen, I am down hearted lord, I’m no one and nothing, I need a vision that will give me direction, I’ll never forget the vision of the four living creatures

Larry S.
Larry S.
8 years ago

Amen Lord Jesus. Gain many Ezekiel’s all over this earth. Give us a controlling vision for the building up of Your body.