After the blowing as the North Wind, God the Spirit covers us and broods over us

After the blowing as the North Wind, God the Spirit covers us and broods over usOur normal experience of Christ always starts with a “stormy wind” – as Ezekiel 1:1 says. God as the Spirit blows upon us to wake us up, to move us to repent of our sins, to turn to God, to believe in the Lord Jesus, to give up the world and anything else to follow the Lord, to consecrate ourselves to Him, to be desperate and burning for Him, to be one with Him for His move, etc.

Many times we get complacent: we are content with the situation & condition we are in, so God comes in as the Spirit – from the north – to “blow” upon our situation and environment, and we become dissatisfied with our present situation. In this way, we turn to God and we go on in our spiritual experience of Christ.

Sometimes this wind from the north blows harshly upon us, and other times it blows just enough to help us take a further step – we all have sensed at least once in our life that a certain power was upon us, moving us to hate our sinful life, our sins, exposing the world, and helping us to change our view concerning life.

In the same principle, this wind blows upon us in the church life, exposing us of how dormant/non-vital we are, that we are not building up the Body of Christ, we are not living Christ at home/at work/in the church life, etc. It is His mercy & grace that He does not leave us as we are, but He blows upon us to bring us on!

After there is such a “blowing wind” in our situation and as an issue of this, God as the Spirit visits us to stay with us as an overshadowing cloud. He not only exposes us, but He comes as a cloud to brood over us (so that life would be germinated, grow, develop, go on), to overshadow us, take care of our needs.

He exposes/shines/blows upon us, and then He comes in to supply us with the enjoyment of His presence, His precious element, His gracious visitation – and He stays with us. He’s not here to come and go – the “blowing wind” comes and goes – but He as the cloud is here to stay and take care of us!

Lord, bring us on in our personal and corporate experience of You! Blow upon us and show us our real situation/condition, and then help us enjoy and benefit to maximum of Your overshadowing as the visiting-to-stay cloud!

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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15 years ago

I love the Lord so much more after reading the portion I love you lord . Amen