In order for us to be in the reality of the Body of Christ, we need to be absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ, having the resurrected Christ as our life, our living, and the resurrection life within us, and serving the Lord in and by the resurrection life. Amen!
We believers in Christ believe in the unseen One, and we have received Him as the life-giving Spirit into our spirit.
We believe that Jesus Christ came as God incarnated to be a man, and we believe that He passed through death and entered into resurrection, and in resurrection He became a life-giving Spirit. Hallelujah!
The resurrection of Christ is one of the most amazing things that ever happened, probably even more amazing than His incarnation.
Jesus Christ, a man, was raised from the dead, and even more, in His resurrection three wonderful things happened.
According to Acts 13:33, Christ in His humanity was begotten by God to be His firstborn Son; in His divinity, He was the Son of God, but it was in His humanity that He was begotten to be God’s firstborn Son.
According to 1 Pet. 1:3, we believers in Christ were regenerated in the resurrection of Christ to be the many sons of God and the many members of the Body of Christ.
Hallelujah, we were regenerated at the resurrection of Christ to be the many children of God together with Christ as our elder Brother!
According to 1 Cor. 15:45, Christ as the last Adam became a life-giving Spirit.
In His resurrection, Christ was transfigured to be a life-giving Spirit so that He can dispense Himself as life into us to regenerate us for His Body. The reality of resurrection is the Spirit.
The Lord Jesus said that He is resurrection and life, and in His resurrection He returned to His disciples as the Spirit who gives life.
Yet this Spirit is a compounded Spirit, a Spirit that contains much more than just divinity: He has humanity, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension with all their effectiveness. Praise the Lord!
This is the Spirit of reality coming to be with us, even to be in us, so that we may know God subjectively and experience all that He is and has done for us.
Today the Spirit of reality makes everything of God real to us, and He applies to us all that Christ has done, all He has accomplished, and all He wants to do.
The Spirit is the essence of the Body, and without the Spirit, there’s no Body of Christ, the church.
Hallelujah for the Spirit as the reality of Christ’s resurrection!
Being Absolutely in the Resurrection Life of Christ to Shine forth Christ as the Golden Lampstand
In order for us to be in the reality of the Body of Christ, we believers in Christ need to be absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ.
The church is an entity absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ, because the church is absolutely of the element of Christ.
Furthermore, the church is absolutely in resurrection and in the heavenlies (1 Pet. 1:3; Eph. 2:6).
In Gen. 2:21-24 we see how Eve was produced as a type of the church.
God put Adam to sleep, which is a type of the death of Christ, and He opened Adam’s side and took a rib out of it, and He built a woman out of this rib.
That woman was Eve, which means, living. Eve was a pure product out of Adam.
Similarly, the church is a pure product out of Christ, and only Christ can constitute the church. Anything that is not Christ is not the church.
God raised us up together with Christ and seated us together with Him in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus. We are in Christ, Christ is in us, and we need to be absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ today.
Because we are in Christ and are uniquely of Christ, we as the church are Christly.
Because we’re in and of the resurrection life, we are resurrectionly, and because we’re in and of the heavens, we are heavenly.
1 Cor. 15:12 shows us that resurrection is the life pulse and lifeline of the divine economy.
In the church in Corinth there were some who said there is no resurrection; therefore, Paul wrote the entire chapter 15 on the matter of resurrection.
If there were no resurrection, God would be the God of the dead, not of the living.
If there were no resurrection, Christ would not have been raised from the dead and He would be a dead Savior, not a living One who lives forever and is able to save us to the uttermost.
If there were no resurrection, there would be no living proof of our being justified by His death, there would be no imparting of life, no regeneration, no renewing, no transformation, and no conformity with the image of Christ.
If there were no resurrection, there would be no members of Christ, no Body of Christ as His fullness, and no church as the bride of Christ and the new man.
In other words, if there were no resurrection, God’s New Testament economy would altogether collapse and God’s eternal purpose would be nullified. Amen!
Praise the Lord for His resurrection! Christ is resurrection and we today need to be absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ.
The golden lampstand, typifying the church as the Body of Christ, portrays Christ as the resurrection life growing, branching, budding, and blossoming to shine the light (see Exo. 25:31-40; Num. 17:8; Rev. 1:11-12).
It was designed by God Himself and shows us a living, golden tree in resurrection.
Each of the branches had calyxes, leafy parts, and blossom buds, and the lamps with the fire seemed to be the blossom or fruit of this golden tree.
The church is absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ, and there is the fruit in all goodness, righteousness, and truth.
The lampstand signifies the Triune God – the golden element signifies God the Father, the shape or form signifies Christ the Son, and the seven lamps are a type of the sevenfold intensified Spirit.
Praise the Lord, when we are fully in the resurrection life of Christ, when we enjoy Christ as the resurrected One in our spirit, we become the golden lampstand to bear forth Christ as the light, and we are one with the Triune God for His corporate expression on the earth!
Lord Jesus, we want to be absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ today. May our living and our daily activities be absolutely in resurrection and in the heavenlies, taking You as our life and our everything. Thank You for coming into us as the life-giving Spirit, the resurrected Christ, to be our life and our everything. Praise the Lord, we the church are a product uniquely and purely out of Christ, and only Christ can constitute the church. May we remain in our spirit today so that we may be absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ. Fill us with Yourself and grow in us. Make us the golden lampstand being filled with Christ as the resurrection life to grow, branch out, bud, and blossom and shine the divine light! Amen, Lord, gain the church as the golden lampstand to express the Triune God and shine forth God for all to see! Keep us one spirit with You today so that we may be absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ in all things!
The Resurrected Christ is our Life, our Living, and the Resurrection Life in us, and We should Serve God in Resurrection
In Num. 17:1-11 we see the story of the budding rod; there was a rebellion against Aaron as the high priest ordained by God, and God said that each of the twelve leaders of the tribes should bring a rod and place it before Him at night in the Tent of Meeting.
The next day Aaron’s rod budded, blossomed, and bore forth fruit.
A leafless, lifeless, dry, and dead stick suddenly budded, blossomed, and bore ripened almonds; this is a miracle, and it is of God, not of man.
The budding rod signifies that Christ, the resurrected One, should be our life, our living, and the resurrection life within us and that this life should bud, blossom, and bear fruit to maturity.
After the children of Israel rebelled, as recorded in Numbers 16, God commanded the twelve leaders to take twelve rods according to the twelve tribes of Israel and put them in the Tent of the Testimony before the Ark; then He said, “The rod of the man whom I choose shall bud” (Num. 17:5).
All the twelve rods had no life in them, for they were leafless, rootless, dry, and dead; whichever one budded was the one chosen by God.
Here we see that resurrection is the basis of God’s selection and that the basis of service is something apart from our natural life.
The budding rod signifies our experience of Christ in His resurrection as our acceptance by God for authority in the God-given ministry.
In our natural life we are leafless, rootless, dry and dead; we need resurrection life!
We need to enjoy and experience the resurrected Christ as our life, our living, and the resurrection life within us!
The way God manifests His authority is by life; authority comes out of His resurrection life, and only those who experience and express the resurrected Christ have authority in life to minister and serve.
The principle of every service lies in the budding rod; God returned all the eleven rods to the leaders but kept Aaron’s rod inside the Ark as an eternal memorial.
This means that resurrection is an eternal principle in our service to God.
At the same time, the budding rod is a humbling experience; a rod signifies human position, whereas budding signifies the resurrection life.
Only a foolish person would be proud and say that he is better than others because the resurrected Christ is expressed through him.
This reminds us of the story when Jesus entered Jerusalem seated on a donkey, and all those around Him would shout, Hosanna! Praise the Lord (Mark 11:9; 2 Cor. 3:5)!
It would have been foolish for the donkey to look at the Lord and ask Him, Is it You that they are saying these things to or is it to me?
We need to humble ourselves before the Lord and realize that, if we serve the Lord and are useful in His hands, it is because of the resurrected Christ in us that we can be absolutely in resurrection, not of us (1 Pet. 5:5).
If we blossom and bear ripe almonds, we should be humbled before the Lord, for without resurrection we can do nothing and we are nothing.
Many servants of God are often foolish, for they think that, since God uses them, they must be something and someone.
People do not praise a man but God, for it is His resurrection life and the resurrected Christ that brings forth life in resurrection.
Resurrection means that everything is out of God and not out of us.
Resurrection means that God alone is able and that we are not able.
If we know resurrection and experience the resurrected Christ, we have given up hope in ourselves, for we cannot make it, but Christ in us can.
As long as the natural strength remains, the power of resurrection has no ground for manifestation.
In Gen. 18:10-15; 21:1-3, 6-7 we see that, as long as Sarah could conceive a child, Isaac would not come; however, when she was past the time that she can do it naturally, Isaac came.
She had two laughters: first, she laughed because she thought that it is impossible with her to have a child, for she was too old for this.
Second, she laughed because God gave her a son in resurrection, for what is impossible with man is possible with God.
Many times we have two laughters like this: first, we laugh when we hear that Christ will live and be manifested in us, for we think it is too wonderful for us, and then the second time we laugh because it is the resurrected Christ who lives in us and does everything in us, and it is nothing of ourselves but of the Lord.
With us, it is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.
What we can do belongs to the natural realm, and what is impossible for us belongs to the realm of resurrection (Matt. 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 18:27).
Resurrection speaks of the things that are beyond us, which we cannot do in ourselves.
We must come to the end of ourselves before we can be convinced of our utter uselessness; if we never realize our own inability, we can never experience God’s ability (2 Cor. 1:8-9; 4:7).
Resurrection means that we cannot make it and that God is the One who does everything in us, through us, and for us.
Therefore, we need to reject our pride and realize that, even though pride is in our nature, we need to deal with pride and allow the Lord to humble us.
To be a Christian is not merely difficult – it is impossible, for only the processed and consummated Triune God living in us as the all-inclusive Spirit can be a Christian.
The way to be an overcomer today is to be absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ so that the resurrected Christ lives in us and does all things in us.
Lord Jesus, we want to live one spirit with You as the resurrected Christ today. May we do all things in resurrection and may we be absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ today. We are nothing, Lord, but You are everything to us. We can do nothing but You can do everything. We want to be one with You today. May everything we do and say be out of God and not of us. We are not able, Lord, but You are able. We give up any hope in ourselves, for we know we cannot make it, but You can do it in us. Live in us today as the resurrected Christ. We don’t want to do anything in our natural strength. Manifest Yourself in us and through us. Oh Lord, grant us the experiences we need so that we may be convinced of our utter uselessness and simply let You do everything in us. May we realize that we cannot make it and that God is the One who does everything in us, through us, and for us. May You be the One living in us as the resurrected Christ, the Spirit, so that You may express Yourself through us and live the Christian life to make us Your overcomers today!
References and Hymns on this Topic
- Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ed marks in the message for this week, and portions from, Collected Works of Watchman Nee, vol. 47, “Authority and Submission,” ch. 15, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (2024 July Semiannual Training), week 9, Christ as the Resurrection and the Grain of Wheat.
- Similar articles on this topic:
– The intrinsic significance of the resurrection of Christ, a portion from, The Practical Way to Live a Life According to the High Peak of the Divine Revelation in the Holy Scriptures, Chapter 3, by Witness Lee.
– How to Enjoy the Hidden Christ in Your Spirit, via, Holding to Truth in Love.
– Dealing with the matter of resurrection (4) – a spiritual body with Christ’s heavenly image, a portion from, Life-Study of 1 Corinthians, Chapter 68.
– Enter New Jerusalem through the Death and Resurrection of Christ Jesus, via, New Jerusalem blog.
– God is able and we are not, article via, The church in Los Angeles.
– A Testimony: Enjoying Crystallization Studies I and II of the Book of Numbers to Work out the Kingdom of God on Earth Today, via, Living to Him.
– Living in the Resurrection Life, Living in the Fellowship of Life, and Reigning in Life unto Eternal Life, outline via, LSM Webcast.
– If the return of the Lord should be delayed, it will be necessary to raise up a number of young people to continue the testimony and the work for the following generations. More via,
– What is resurrection? More via, Authority and Submission, Chapter 15, by Watchman Nee. - Hymns on this topic:
– One with Thee in crucifixion, / On the cross I died in Thee; / I am dead unto the world, Lord, / And the world is dead to me. / One with Thee in resurrection, / Risen now to live in Thee, / With that life which is Thyself, Lord, / Now in me, Lord, even me. (Hymns #474 stanzas 3-4)
– When the resurrection life / Is made real in pow’r to me, / As the rod with sprouting buds, / I will then accepted be. (Hymns #769 stanza 8)
– Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me, / For my very life art Thou; / Thee I take to all my problems / As the full solution now. / Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me, / In all things Thy will be done; / I but a transparent vessel / To make visible the Son. / Consecrated is Thy temple, / Purged from every stain and sin; / May Thy flame of glory now be / Manifested from within. / Let the earth in solemn wonder / See my body willingly / Offered as Thy slave obedient, / Energized alone by Thee. (Hymns #403 stanzas 1-2)
The Practical Way to Live a Life According to the High Peak of the Divine Revelation in the Holy Scriptures, Chapter 3, by Witness Lee
Authority and Submission, Chapter 15, by Watchman Nee
We need to realise that in ourselves we cannot do it, for we are like the dead, lifeless, leafless, and dry rods before the Lord.
Resurrection means that everything is of God and not of us; it means that God alone is able and that we are not able; all of those who know resurrection have given up hope in themselves; they know that they cannot make it.
When we exercise our spirit and remain in our spirit, the resurrected Christ can live in us.
Today we see that resurrection is the basis of God’s selection and also the basis of authority.
Everything depends on God’s mercy because the authority to serve the Lord lies in resurrection not in a person.
May we pursue to know the God of resurrection power.
Aaaaameeen! Resurrection means that everything is of God and not of us!
It means God alone is able and we are not able.
Amennnn live through us Lord Jesus for our very life thou art!
A wonderful hymn on this topic is, Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me. The first and last stanzas say,
This hymn tells us that Christ is concealed within us, waiting to be manifested.
Sing this song along – see the lyrics via or via and play one of the following videos to enjoy it.
Amen, God did not turn Aaron’s rod into a weapon to beat his brothers but a rod which budded with resurrection life, blossoms for beauty in life and ripe almonds to satisfy God and feed others.
These are the real signs of authority. Amen
Amen! Resurrection is the basis of God’s selection and authority.
It means that everything is of God and not of us, we cannot make it.
We must give up on ourselves and turn to the resurrected Spirit.
Everything comes from God’s selection, there is nothing I have which has not been received.
Listen to the audio version of this article via,
Num. 17:8 footnote 1 on, “budded,” Recovery Version Bible
Amen! Praise the Lord for the picture of the budding rod of Aaron!
His selection and authority are based on and out of resurrection.
In ourselves our Christian life and service are impossible but with God – through Christ as resurrection and life – it is impossible – even for us useless ones!
Yes may Jesus guide our steps while it is today. We must come to the end of ourselves before we will be convinced of our utter uselessness; if we have never realised our own inability, we can never experience God’s ability, “O Lord Jesus”
resurrection means we cannot make it and that God is the One who does everything in us, through us, and for us “ hallelujah. 2 Cor.4:7
To be a Christian is not merely difficult-it is impossible; only the processed and consummated Triune God living in us as the all-inclusive Spirit can be a Christian.( the word became flesh and went through human living, death and resurrection, the Holy Spirit now become the mingling Spirit with our spirit and only the Spirit can be an overcomer, all you have to do is abide in the vine.
2 Cor. 1:8-9.
Praise the Lord for the Spirit of reality coming to us be with us to be in us.So that we may know God subjectively and experience all that He is and has done for us .He is everything of God real to us and He applies to us all that Christ has done all he accomplished all he wants to do.
Thr Spirit is the essence of the Body and without the spirit there’s no Body of Christ the
Amen .Lord Jesus. Thank you for coming into us a life giving spirit,the resurrection life of Christ to be our life and everything. “