
Who am I? I am just one who believes in the Lord Jesus – the Savior! I called on His name, received His life, and now I am a son of God! And so…. day by day I learn to contact Him, live a life together with Him, fellowship with Him, and even tell others about this Wonderful One!

Most of the articles here are a result of enjoying the Word of God and the ministry of the age which opens the Word of God, properly interpreting it and applying it to our daily life. I don’t really “invent” things or “speak my own thing” (at least I hope so!) but I want to learn to speak the truth as unveiled in the Word of God, according to God’s economy.

I and the whole Body of Christ is indebted to the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, and there are many quotes that you can find from their ministry on this blog.

Also, on the blog you will find many testimonies from the students, portions from the young people (see the Poland Camp and the Winter School of Truth), short portions of enjoyment from the trainees in the full-time training, and other testimonies from saints in different countries and of different nationalities. Praise the Lord, I’m learning to make this blog a “corporate effort / corporate sharing”, and may the Lord use it for the building up of His Body!

We human beings are created for so much more than what the world has to offer – we are vessels to receive, contain and express God! Actually, nothing can satisfy us in this world – nothing can fill the emptiness within. What can really fill us is Christ Himself.

The way to be filled – to receive God, taste Him – is simply by calling on His name! Lord Jesus! O, Lord Jesus! When we call, He comes in and this is the beginning of our Christian life! Now there is not just me, but me with God, God in me – together! He grows more every day, His divine life grows and spreads, and as I enjoy Him, He is being expressed out through me more and more! Wow, what a destiny – to be one with God and express Him!

We Need to Realise that We are God-men, Born of God with His Life and Nature. I must never forget that I am a God-man - I am not just a man!

You can read the Spanish version of this website (at least some of the articles here – translated in Spanish) at Dios-Hombre. Do you have a portion of Christ to share with the saints? Send your portion of enjoyment from the Word / the ministry at enjoyingthelord@gmail.com. Praise the Lord – Each One Has (1 Cor. 14)!

Portions in the ministry of bro. Lee concerning being a God-man:

Just as there are new words to describe new developments in human culture, so we need new terms and expressions to describe matters in our spiritual culture. God-man kind is such an expression. In Christ God and man have become one entity, the God-man. In God’s creation there was no mankind; there was only man as God’s kind. It was through man’s fall that mankind came into existence. Eventually God became a man to have a mass reproduction of Himself and thereby to produce a new kind. This new kind is neither God’s kind nor mankind—it is God-man kind. Today as believers in Christ, we are God-man kind; we are God-men. (Life-study of 1 & 2 Chronicles, p. 24)

Although we cannot find the term the God-men in the Bible, the fact, the reality, of the God-men is in the Bible. Initially, the Bible speaks of the God-man. Today this God-man has become the God-men. The God-man is Jesus Christ, who is God incarnated to be a man. As such a One, He is the God-man. Furthermore, He is the model God-man, the prototype for the producing of many God-men (Rom. 1:3-4; 8:29), including all the dear saints throughout the world. Regardless of our nationality, and regardless of whether we are male or female, young or old, we all must believe that we are God-men. We are all God-men, and each one of us is a God-man. (The God-men, p. 10)

We must not forget that we are God-men belonging to God’s species. As God-men born of God and belonging to God’s species, we cannot speak to our spouse in a loose way. A husband must be a God-man, living as a God-man. To be merely a good man is far away from God’s good pleasure. We need to see that we are God-men, born of God and belonging to God’s species. God loves you. God has a good pleasure to make you the same as He is. He is God, so you must be God also. A God-man living is God living. This kind of teaching is much higher than the teaching concerning how to be holy or victorious….How can you be holy? You can be holy by living a God-man life. How can you be victorious? It is only by living a God-man life. Never forget that you are a God-man, born of God and belonging to God’s species. (The God-man Living, p. 9)

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Michael R Colby
Michael R Colby
14 years ago

I typed in Oh Lord Jesus on Google and scrolled down a little bit and clicked on this websight. I found this by mistake but I found it. How would anyone else find this websight?

14 years ago

Wow i found this website too just by typing in Google 'oh lord jesus' on a whim … But Amen thank you calling is the way!

13 years ago

By typing in https://www.agodman.com 🙂

13 years ago

You can post this web site on your facebook, twitter or what ever social network you subscribe to. just copy the url and past it into your comments. Or share with a friend.

Br. Erik

14 years ago

🙂 brother Michael, google can find this website, on the one hand 🙂 on the other hand, via facebook, via twitter, via other means where we can share with the other saints… 🙂 we don't do the best job in promoting this blog, but somehow the saints keep finding it 🙂

Brother Tony O
14 years ago

FYI, I found this blog by a tweet sent out by agodman.

Piangi Cabahug
Piangi Cabahug
14 years ago

Praise the Lord agodman! God has sovereignly arrange everything, now using this advance technology to carry out His economy! I found this site from O Lord Jesus, I love You! I really love You! What an all-inclusive supply! I am new in Facebook and don't know much about it. Most of my friends and my relatives are seeking, hungry and thirsty of the Lord. I've been searching for the gospel of the kingdom to sow and now I praise the Lord for leading me to this site! –"I planted, Apolos watered and God made to grow." I am also being gospelize and truthize through this site. Amen!

tsegaw debarcho
tsegaw debarcho
14 years ago

Wow, I totaly agree with you. I pray that you continue enjoing His amazing presence in your life. May God be with all of us.

Johnson Joseph
Johnson Joseph
13 years ago


Let the Lord use persons like you to go deep into young ones with His intention

13 years ago

Thank you for all your sharing. I agree we have to share the riches that the Lord has given us to all God's children.

13 years ago

There is a spiritual famine throughout the earth just as there was a famine in Joseph’s time. However, the Lord’s recovery is a storehouse filled with food, just as Joseph’s storehouses were. We have seen the need among God’s children; therefore, we should rise up and distribute the food in our storehouse. If we do not go out to distribute food, our food will breed worms and stink.
When I visited Taiwan in the past, I was not satisfied with our meetings, but this time I have a different feeling. I am satisfied and even surprised, because many saints have become “scholarly.” Their testimonies and prayers show that they have learned many things, and their use of expressions such as essence and economy shows that their utterance has improved. However, we still need to lift up our eyes to see that many households are starving and that there is famine everywhere. We need to send food to the starving households. Since we have so much food in our household, we should have the heart to distribute this food. The general subject of this training is “Guidelines for the Propagation of the Lord’s Recovery.” The burden and goal of this training is to propagate the Lord’s recovery. We should not merely sit in Joseph’s storehouses and enjoy the food. We need to distribute and propagate these riches.

(Guidelines for the Propagation of the Lord’s Recovery, Chapter 1, Section 4)

Susan Q
Susan Q
13 years ago

Amen! So Lord, make us those, as Joseph, with the life experience and maturity in life to reign in life and distribute You as the riches to the earth!

13 years ago

O Lord Jesus Amen Halleluia! I have been enjoying the normal believer in Christ's articles, which you can't exhaust, too hungry to have a normal digestion! Trying to taste every thing, too sweet and finding myself have no words to express the sweetness, only Amen, alleluia, I have found it! Yes I have found Him in the fellowship, and this will help me enjoy Him and experience Him, all for His building, His Body! Amen!

Sien Lie
Sien Lie
13 years ago

Praise the Lord for young people who love God. This site is lovely, hopefully can help a lot of young people to know God's Economy and live for God's Economy.

Agustin Riswartono
Agustin Riswartono
13 years ago

Thank you Lord Jesus. Halleluya Amen

James Allan Gardner
James Allan Gardner
13 years ago

Thank you for this website, I enjoy Christ in it!!!, Praise the Lord, Amen, Hallelujah.

From Australia in Christ Jesus!!!

13 years ago

     A song has been haunting me as of late.  A line in this calling hymn is, "When Jesus comes, will we go out to meet Him?"  But every time the young saints sing it in my head they are singing, "When Jesus comes, will YOU go out to meet Him?  When Jesus comes, will YOU from self have ceased?  He's coming soon to take the wise ones with Him.  Oh, let us not be left outside the feast."  Thank you for this website filled with the Word and the opening of the Word. May we all redeem the time and use the computer and everything and every moment for His economy.  Oh let us buy the oil!  And may those who have received the mercy to know they are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked find where they can buy the gold refined by fire (Revelation 3).

Rollie L. Ducusin
Rollie L. Ducusin
12 years ago

I praise our Lord Jesus Christ as the embodiment of the processed and cosummated Triune God who redeemed us to produce the church as the Body of Christ being expressed locally!
This website is a good source for the believers to receive and enjoy the Life-dispensing of the Triune God.
Praise the Lord for we are here to eat His Word in a Life-study way!
Oh LORD JESUS ! amen.

12 years ago

I am a believer in the St. Louis area, looking to find a local church that i can meet with. i was recently released from prison as i received a Recovery Version while i was there. i have been anxious to return home and meet some members since the day that i opened it. if anyone can give me contact information or a meeting place and time in the st. louis area that would be amazing. the Lord's blessing be on you all.

a God-man in Christ
12 years ago
Reply to  Nicholas

brother Nicholas, let me ask around, and I will come back to you with more information about some believers around your area. What is the city you live in?

I am glad to hear that you are enjoying the Recovery Version – I am also finding it to be very helpful daily! I love the Lord and His Word much more now! 

Bro. Benjie
Bro. Benjie
12 years ago

Lord we Praise you as the Stone.

12 years ago

I am happy to find this.

s. vergara
s. vergara
12 years ago

hallelujah..that the Church is around the globe..as you hear somebody calling LORD JESUS! you can be amazed by the way it is called. It means to say that this ones has been belong to the Body enjoying the LORD…always remember that the LORD is in us even the end of times..but be fully always connect to the enjoyment of the spirit so that the SPIRIT of the LORD will be so joyful over his children…Sis. Sew from Laguna, PHILIPPINES

10 years ago
Reply to  s. vergara

Amen, Brother we are calling on the Lord's name in Kyrgyzstan. "Oh Beloved Sovereign Master Jesus Christ!"

12 years ago

I am really thankful that you have this site through this i can come to the Lord because because here in my in Kuwait there is no church life through this i can enjoy the word of God.Praise the Lord for He is making a way for us to Him everything is possible..

12 years ago

Oh lord jesus we praise you we praise you for what you are.

I m very glad to see this testimonies of god.

God's hands work is marvelous. Lord i praise you for my beloved brothers and sisters who are in this recovery.

It is a rare affair of god to bring his children in such type of recovery but very unique.

Praise the Lord!!!!!! For he says,"I AM "……

12 years ago

Nicholas-I don't know if you have contacted the saints in St. Louis area but here is the info:

Address: 7425 Forsyth Blvd., Clayton, Missouri 63105

Website: http://www.churchinhazelwood.org

12 years ago

At first, excuse me for my English. I'm from Ukraine and English is not my native language. Secondly, praise the Lord for this site and for the rich Christ here!

12 years ago

It's so amazing that God is raising up so many accurate authentic voices on the earth!!! May the streams flow and oneday flow as one River, as the River of God. So excited about this season as we begin to cross over to take over for His Kindom and His glory.

Chuka Udokwu
Chuka Udokwu
10 years ago

Praise the Lord I am a God-man! Hallelujah for the ministry of the age with the vision of the age.

Brenda Gonzales
Brenda Gonzales
10 years ago

Thank you

10 years ago

I’m realy enjoying the blog posts of HWMR

10 years ago

We found out the content of these agodman possess riches in taking positive step towards nourishing the local churches. Praised the Lord for His Divine Economy that we all can arrive in the fullness of Christ in living to Him, in living to agodman life.

emebet nigus
emebet nigus
10 years ago

thank you.

10 years ago

La parole le Dieu sur ce site as un gout de ressurection-merci

10 years ago

Surely the bible tells us that there is only one God-man and that is Christ Jesus the only one who is God and man

Vidal T. Mila, Jr.
Vidal T. Mila, Jr.
10 years ago

Amen for God arranges everything for His choosen and redeemed people to enjoy Him and be fed to grow and be matured and be builded. God uses all means and all ways for His plan to be fullfilled, the building up of His Body. Through this means all the member of His Body will be fed.

13 years ago

     A song has been haunting me as of late.  A line in this calling hymn is, “When Jesus comes, will we go out to meet Him?”  But every time the young saints sing it in my head they are singing, “When Jesus comes, will YOU go out to meet Him?  When Jesus comes, will YOU from self have ceased?  He’s coming soon to take the wise ones with Him.  Oh, let us not be left outside the feast.”  Thank you for this website filled with the Word and the opening of the Word. May we all redeem the time and use the computer and everything and every moment for His economy.  Oh let us buy the oil!  And may those who have received the mercy to know they are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked find where they can buy the gold refined by fire (Revelation 3).

Leon Sam
13 years ago


11 months ago

Yes cannot find the app? I had it for years got a new phone and can’t find Christ in you app!! O Lord Jesus🙏🙏🙏