Abide in Christ by Caring for the Teaching of the Anointing to Know the Mind of God

And as for you, the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone teach you... 1 John 2:27

We abide in Christ so that He may abide in us by caring for the inward teaching of the all-inclusive anointing; the anointing anoints God into us so that we may be saturated with God and know the mind of God in all things. Amen!

As believers in Christ, we need to realize that, at the time of our believing into the Lord, God attached us to Christ; He grafted us into Christ.

We are now in Christ; we are branches in Christ, the vine.

No matter what happens outwardly, our position is in Christ.

No matter how many failures we have, we are in Christ. It is not of us but it is of God that we are in Christ Jesus.

However, being in Christ and remaining in Christ are two different things.

It is one thing to be in Christ as a branch in the vine, and it is another thing for us to abide in Christ.

The Lord Jesus told us that we need to abide in Him so that He may abide in us.

We need to first take the initiative to abide in the Lord and remain here, in the organic union with Him, and then He will abide in us.

The Lord is in us and we are in Him, but what about our fellowship with Him?

Our relationship with Him is always there, but there may be some insulation that comes in to block the fellowship.

We may commit some sins or we may be distracted by the things of this world, and our fellowship with the Lord is interrupted. To abide in the Lord is to take care of any insulation between us and the Lord.

Any obstacle between us needs to be removed so that we may have an uninterrupted fellowship with Him.

It is in this fellowship with the Lord, when we’re one with Him by abiding in Him so that He may abide in us, that we receive all the riches of what He is, we grow in Him, and we bear fruit for His glorification.

Our bearing fruit and our magnification of Christ are not something we need to struggle to do or deliberately work it out; they are a spontaneous result of our abiding in the Lord.

Another problem with our abiding is putting a limitation on the Lord.

We may not outwardly commit a sin or be distracted by the world, but we may inwardly limit the Lord from His spreading in our inward being.

We may not open to Him all the avenues of our mind, emotion, and will, and we may cordon off some areas of our inner being to Him. Oh, Lord!

May we learn to remove any limitation by faith and through prayer, and may we deal with any obstacle to the Lord’s flowing in us!

May we be those who take the initiative to abide in the Lord day by day, even moment by moment!

Abide in Christ for Him to Abide in us by Caring for the Teaching of the Anointing

And you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know. 1 John 2:20

1 John 2:27 is a wonderful verse telling us that we all have the anointing from the Holy One, and we all need to heed the anointing.

We abide in Christ so that He may abide in us by caring for the inward teaching of this all-inclusive anointing.

What is the anointing? It is the compound Spirit in us moving, living, speaking, and working to do all things in us and to anoint us with all that God is.

And this is the message which we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all...But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from every sin. 1 John 1:5, 7The Spirit with our spirit is constantly moving and working. He is the anointing; He not only anoints us, but He is constantly anointing us.

When we say that the Spirit abides in us we need to realize that it is the anointing that abides in us.

By means of the anointing, God anoints Himself and all that He is into our being causing us to know Him subjectively and organically.

God is daily painting us with Himself, coat after coat, and the elements of what He is are infused into our being.

As believers in Christ, the anointing which we have received from God abides in us, and we have no need that anyone teach us.

Rather, as His anointing teaches us concerning all things and is true and is not a lie, even as it has taught us, we abide in the Lord.

For us to practically abide in the Lord, we need to heed the anointing.

For us to abide in Christ so that He may abide in us, we need to care for the teaching of the anointing.

The anointing we have received from God is the very compound Spirit of the Triune God in us.

He is teaching us according to what He is, and He anoints us with all that God is.

He is teaching us not merely by speaking to us but even more, by applying what He is into our being.

On one hand, He teaches us what to do and what not to do; in a deeper sense, He teaches us not just what to buy and what not to buy but even more, concerning Himself and His heart’s desire.

The teaching of the anointing is actually concerning the Triune God’s indwelling us; and this is true, not a lie!

1 John 5:21 tells us that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding that we might know Him who is true, and we are in Him who is true; this is the true God and this is eternal life.

God is true. He is the unique reality. Now we are being taught by the anointing to learn Christ as the reality is in Jesus.

By taking care of the teaching of the anointing, which is the indwelling Triune God in us, we can abide in Him. Amen!

We abide in the divine fellowship with Christ by experiencing the cleansing of the Lord’s blood and the application of the anointing Spirit to our inner being (John 15:4-5; 1 John 1:5, 7; 2:20, 27).

As we wake up in the morning, we may not feel that we want to turn to the Lord; but when we turn, when we open to Him, thanking Him for a new day, we take the initiative to abide in the Lord.

We need to learn to open the door and welcome the Lord’s abiding in us by our abiding in Him.

This is by having fellowship with the Lord.

And when we come to fellowship with the Lord, we realize that God is light; He shines on us and exposes anything in us that is not of Him.

For we have become partners of Christ, if indeed we hold fast the beginning of the assurance firm to the end. Heb. 3:14 But the One who firmly attaches us with you unto Christ and has anointed us is God, He who has also sealed us and given the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge. 2 Cor. 1:21-22We abide in the divine fellowship with Christ by experiencing the Lord’s precious blood.

The Lord shines on us, exposes our sins and shortcomings, and we confess them in His light; then, the blood of Christ cleanses us from every sin.

We repent, and confess, and the Lord applies His precious blood to cleanse us from every sin.

This leads to having more fellowship with God so that we may abide in Christ and care for the teaching of the anointing.

This is our experience every day; we daily heed the teaching of the anointing to abide in the Lord, and as we contact Him, we are exposed of our sins by the Lord’s shining, and we confess our sins and receive the Lord’s washing and forgiving us of our sins. Amen!

Many times, as we read the Lord’s word and enjoy Him, praying to contact the Lord, the Lord shines on us and exposes what does not match Him.

Then, we repent and confess, and we receive more of His life; His life flows in us in an uninterrupted way when we repent and confess our sins.

We are brought back to the fellowship with the Lord, and we enjoy and care for the teaching of the anointing.

Lord Jesus, we want to abide in You so that You may abide in us by caring for the inward teaching of the all-inclusive anointing! Praise the Lord, we have the anointing! Hallelujah, we have received the anointing from the Holy One, and the anointing teaches us all things! Amen, Lord, we open to You, and we want to care for the teaching of the anointing so that we may abide in You. We come to You as we are, and we exercise our spirit to contact You. Shine on us, Lord, and expose anything in us that does not match Your holy nature. We confess our sins under Your shining light, and we accept the cleansing of Your blood. Forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from any unrighteousness. Oh Lord, how precious it is to experience the cleansing of the Lord’s blood and the application of the anointing Spirit to our being! We want to keep turning to You until we remain in You, abide in You, and continually heed the teaching of the anointing. We love You, Lord Jesus!

The Anointing Anoints God into us for us to be Saturated with God and Know the Mind of God

For who has known the mind of the Lord and will instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Cor. 2:16 For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the spirit is life and peace. Rom. 8:6 But He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to God. Rom. 8:27Through our faith in Christ, we have been joined to Him as the anointed One; Christ as the Head is the anointed One, and He is also the anointing One (Heb. 1:9; 3:14; 2 Cor. 1:21-22).

On the one hand, He has been anointed by God to carry out His commission and accomplish His economy.

On the other hand, He went through a process to become the all-inclusive compound Spirit as the anointing, and He has come into us to be the anointing.

Furthermore, He Himself is the anointing One; He anoints us with Himself to apply all the elements of His being to us. Hallelujah!

Christ is the Head of the Body and we are the members under Him as the Head; God firmly attached us unto Christ and He also attached us with one another.

We are in Christ. We are in the anointed One, we are under His anointing, and He is the anointing in us teaching us all things.

As Psalm 133 says, the anointing is poured upon the head and goes down upon the beard even to the hem of the garments of the high priest.

Christ is the High Priest; He has been anointed, and we are one with Him as the many members of His Body.

We have been firmly attached to the anointed One and to the anointing One; He as the anointing is moving in us all to paint us and anoint us with all that He is! Praise the Lord!

Day by day, whether we feel it or not, whether we are aware of it or not, the Spirit is anointing us and moving in us, working in us, and operating in us.

This anointing is for the fulfillment of God’s purpose.

The anointing as the moving and working of the compound Spirit within us, anoints God into us so that we may be saturated with God and know the mind of God (Psa. 133; 1 Cor. 2:16; Rom. 8:6, 27). Amen!

Some think that the anointing is on us for us to do great things for God, and those who perform such great acts for God are “anointed.”

However, the Bible tells us that the anointing is upon the Body of Christ, who is firmly attached to Christ as the anointed One and the anointing One, and each member of the Body is anointed.

As we open to the Lord and abide in Him, we have the teaching of the anointing.

The anointing moves in us to anoint God into us so that we may be saturated with God, possess God, and understand the mind of God.

As the Lord anoints us, as the anointing moves in us, we have the mind of Christ the Head by means of the inner sense, the inner consciousness of life.

The anointing not only gives us a sense not to do certain things or say certain matters but even more, it anoints God into us.

As we care for the teaching of the anointing, we are anointed with God, and HIs mind is infused into us; the result is that we know the mind of God and we have the mind of Christ.

We see a practical example of this in Psa. 73; the psalmist was very troubled when he saw the prosperity of the wicked ones and the suffering of the righteous ones.

He could not reconcile this, nor could he find a reasonable explanation for this situation.

But then he entered the sanctuary of God, in the place where the Lord anoints His people, and there he saw what is really going on.

When we enter into the sanctuary of God – in our spirit and in the meetings of the church, we will be clear concerning the Lord’s mind in all things.

And as for you, the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone teach you; but as His anointing teaches you concerning all things and is true and is not a lie, and even as it has taught you, abide in Him. 1 John 2:27When we exercise our spirit, we enter into God’s sanctuary, and we have the teaching of the anointing; we realize that all things work together for good for God’s purpose, and we are being anointed with all that God is.

Instead of trying to reason and analyze, figuring out something in our mind, we should get into our spirit, the sanctuary of God, to enjoy the divine anointing!

Also, we should get into the church meetings to enjoy all that God is with the saints.

As we exercise our spirit and are in the meetings of the church, listening to the Lord’s speaking within and the saints’ speaking without, we will have our veil lifted, and we will see what God’s economy is.

We will have more of God painted on us, and we will enjoy what He is.

The elements of what God is are added into us, even constituted into the inward parts of our being, and our inner man is growing.

Thank the Lord that the anointing is constantly moving and working within us to add the element of God into us and cause us to understand and know God’s will intimately and subjectively! Hallelujah!

By means of the teaching of the anointing, we know God, we have God’s mind, we are infused with God, and we are clear concerning God’s leading.

Thank You, Lord, for firmly attaching us to Yourself as the anointed One and the anointing One! Hallelujah, God firmly attached us unto Christ and with one another so that we may enjoy the anointing from the Holy One! We open to You today. We exercise our spirit and we come to the meetings of the church so that we may be richly infused with all that God is. Amen, Lord Jesus, may the anointing move in us, anoint us, and teach us all things by subjectively adding God to us and imparting the mind of God into us! Hallelujah, the moving and working of the compound Spirit within us anoints God into us so that we may be saturated with God, we may possess God, and we may understand the mind of God! Amen, Lord, saturate us more with Yourself today. May the anointing communicate the mind of Christ the Head of the Body to each one of the members of the Body by the inner sense of life. We open to You from deep within. We want to heed the teaching of the anointing so that we may know God subjectively and be infused with all that God is!

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References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother James Lee in the message for this week, The Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 394, by Witness Lee, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Christian Life (2024 Memorial Day Blending Conference), week 4, Abiding in Christ as the True Vine.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    The secret of abiding in Christ, a portion from, The Experience of Christ, Chapter 23, by Witness Lee.
    Guidelines for the exercise of the Lord’s day Prophesying Message Two : Living in the Divine Trinity (1) Abiding in Christ as the True Vine, via, Church in Markham.
    The Anointing: What It Is and How You Can Experience It, via, Holding to Truth in Love.
    The way to abide in Christ (2), a portion from, Life Messages, Vol. 1 (#1-41), Chapter 7, by Witness Lee.
    Abiding in the Vine and Praying from the Head, via, the church in Los Angeles.
    Saturated by the Lord Spirit, a portion from, Concerning the Lord’s Recovery, Chapter 5, by Witness Lee.
    Abiding in Christ to Maintain Our Organic Union with Him, via, Affirmation and Critique.
    Purified for New Jerusalem by Cooperating with the Lord, via New Jerusalem blog.
    The cycle of life, a portion from, Basic Principles of the Experience of Life, Chapter 7, by Witness Lee.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – With God’s own essence it anoints me, / God to know subjectively, / That I may have His very element / Fully saturating me. / ’Tis by this inner life-anointing / I in fellowship may move; / In God, the light of truth, I’m walking, / And the love of grace I prove. (Hymns #266 stanzas 3-4)
    – Th’ anointing’s here! ’Tis God Himself that blends with us, / And now the two are mingled into one. / And hour by hour we live, and move, and have our life / In God Himself—the Spirit through the Son. / Th’ anointing’s here! It teaches us in everything; / The sense of life we always have within. / Obey this sense, and you will know what you must do, / And live by Life—Yes, clear in everything. (Hymns #1118 stanzas 2-3)
    – Based upon the blood that cleanses / So that nothing stands between, / Christ, the ointment, moves within me! / For His move I’m made so clean. / God in Christ as life in Spirit / Into my own spirit came! / He the Holy One anoints me / Till in spirit we’re the same. (Hymns #1119 stanzas 3-4)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
6 months ago

[The] all-inclusive life-giving Spirit from the Holy One entered into us at the time of our regeneration and abides in us forever (1 John 2:27); by Him the young children know the Father (v. 13) and know the truth (v. 21). As we abide in Christ, we enjoy the divine anointing, which is a wonderful person, the Spirit, moving and working in us.

As this anointing abides in us and teaches us, we abide in Him. The anointing is the moving and working of the indwelling compound Spirit to apply all the ingredients of the processed Triune God and His activities into our inner being so that we may be fully mingled with Him for His corporate expression (vv. 20, 27; cf. Eph. 4:4-6).

Moreover, the anointing, as the moving and working of the compound Spirit within us, anoints God into us so that we may be saturated with God, possess God, and understand the mind of God.

The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 3991, by Witness Lee

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
6 months ago

God firmly attached us to Christ, the anointed One and the anointing One, and we all have the anointing.

Hallelujah, the compound Spirit in us is moving, working, and operating to cause us to be saturated with God and to know His mind and have His leading!

Lord, we want to abide in You today and care for the teaching of the anointing. Saturate us more with God. Cause us to intimately know the heart of God and have God’s leading. Amen, Lord, may we heed the anointing throughout the day today!

Christian A.
Christian A.
6 months ago

Amen brother. The anointing that dwells in us is the anointed One becoming the anointing One and also the anointing.

This anointing is constantly moving & working within within us.

How we need to remain attached to the One who is the anointing in us.

We cannot fully understand God’s will & leading simply by an explicit word in letters but through the inward anointing.

As we allow the Lord to add more of His element in our inward being, we understand more of what God wants and we are clearer about His leading.

Richard C.
Richard C.
6 months ago

As those who have been regenerated by God we have the anointing of this wonderful person, who is the all-inclusive, compound Spirit of the processed and consummated Triune God!

As ones who know the truth and know the Father we need to care for the inward anointing by abiding in Him, being taught by Him concerning all things as He moves and works within us.

Lord, keep us abiding in You as the All-Inclusive Spirit so that You may continue to operate in us that we may know Your mind and be one with You! Amen!

Yes Lord may we abide in You and care for Your teaching to be saturated with more God today!

Mario V.
Mario V.
6 months ago

God’s intention is to work Himself into man to be life and everything to man that man may become God’s counterpart and expression.

It through the divine anointing that we are infused, transfused, and saturated with God’s ingredients, elements, and essence.

The more anointing we received and constituted to our being the more grow in life, we know His mind and will, and experience the Lord’s leading.

Lord we open to you for more anointing. Increase our spiritual consciousness. More deepening of our abiding in You.

Thank You Lord and we love You.

Seni A.
Seni A.
6 months ago

Amen Lord Jesus, the anointed one.

May we have your anointing and the teachings of your anointing today Lord.

Spread yourself through our inner spiritual consciousness more today Lord Jesus

K. P.
K. P.
6 months ago

1 John 2:27 …The anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone teach you; but as His anointing teaches you concerning all things and is true and is not a lie, and even as it has taught you, abide in Him.

2 Cor. 1:21 But the One who firmly attaches us with you unto Christ and has anointed us is God.

Praise the Lord! 🙌😃


D. S.
D. S.
6 months ago

Amen. May we heed the anointing throughout the day today!

Phil H.
Phil H.
6 months ago

Amen, brother. Praise the Lord we all have the anointed one and the anointing one.

May the compound Spirit continue to move and operate to cause us to be saturated with God and to know His mind and have His leading!

RcV Bible
RcV Bible
6 months ago

It is not an outward teaching by words but an inward teaching by anointing, through our inner spiritual consciousness. This teaching by anointing adds the divine elements of the Trinity, which are the elements of the anointing compound Spirit, into our inner being. It is like the repeated painting of some article: the paint not only indicates the color, but also by coat upon coat being added, the elements of the paint are added to the thing painted. It is in this way that the Triune God is transfused, infused, and added into all the inward parts of our being that our inner man may grow in the divine life with the divine elements. 1 John 2:27, footnote 5 on “teaches,” Recovery Version Bible

The Greek word means to stay (in a given place, state, relation, or expectancy); hence, to abide, remain, and dwell. To abide in Him is to abide in the Son and in the Father (v. 24). This is to remain and dwell in the Lord (John 15:4-5). It is also to abide in the fellowship of the divine life and to walk in the divine light (1 John 1:2-3, 6-7), i.e., abide in the divine light (v. 10). We should practice this abiding according to the teaching of the all-inclusive anointing, that our fellowship with God (1 John 1:3, 6) may be maintained. 1 John 2:27, footnote 8 on “abide in Him,” Recovery Version Bible

A. K.
A. K.
6 months ago

Amen, yes Lord may we heed to your anointing all the days of our lives.