Seeing a Vision of God and His Universal Dominion: God is on the Throne Today!

Seeing a Vision of God and His Universal Dominion: God is on the Throne Today! [picture credit: OurSomethingBeautiful]

Because Daniel was a faithful servant of the Lord, absolute for God, a prayerful person, and victorious, he was positioned to receive vision upon vision from God.

The visions he received were not concerning small things but concerning God and His economy, including the earthly nations, the destiny of Israel (God’s chosen people), and even things concerning eternity. We also need to see these visions today, as we get into a crystallization study of the book of Daniel.

In the middle of these visions, as we see the seventy weeks (Daniel 9), the great human image (Daniel 2), the four beasts (Daniel 7), the ram and the male goat, the destiny of Israel, etc – there’s a vision that is revealed to Daniel in ch. 7:9-10, something very definite that Daniel saw.

Daniel saw that God is on the throne, and He has a universal dominion. We need to see, as Daniel saw, God’s universal dominion. This will strengthen our understanding that in the midst of all the things happening outwardly, God is on the throne, He is the ruler, and He is judging!

We need to see that Christ, the Son of Man, was given an eternal kingdom, and He will return to receive a kingdom!

Lord Jesus, unveil us to see God’s universal dominion. Save us from losing heart or being unfocused in our view of what’s going on today. Lord, unveil us and clearly reveal to us God on the throne in His righteousness, holiness, and glory, and Christ as the Son of Man receiving a kingdom from God! Hallelujah, the God of the heavens is on the throne! The Heavens Rule!

The Vision of God On the Throne Judging the Human Empires

Daniel 7:9-10 says, I watched / Until thrones were set, / And the Ancient of Days sat down. / His clothing was like white snow, / And the hair of His head was like pure wool; / His throne was flames of fire, / Its wheels, burning fire. / A stream of fire issued forth / And came out from before Him. / Thousands of thousands ministered to Him, / And ten thousands of ten thousands stood before Him. / The court of judgment sat, / And the books were opened.Daniel 7:9-10 says,  I watched / Until thrones were set, / And the Ancient of Days sat down. / His clothing was like white snow, / And the hair of His head was like pure wool; / His throne was flames of fire, / Its wheels, burning fire. / A stream of fire issued forth / And came out from before Him. / Thousands of thousands ministered to Him, / And ten thousands of ten thousands stood before Him. / The court of judgement sat, / And the books were opened.

These verses show us God and His universal dominion. Everything about the throne is fiery, full of fire, which signifies that God is absolutely righteous and altogether holy (Heb. 12:29).

The four human empires (the four beasts, the four sections of the great human image) are judged by God in this special court with God’s throne as the center (see Dan. 7:2-10, 26).

Outwardly in human history we see how there are many power struggles within governments and between human governments, but God is the One behind the scene, managing the whole world situation (Rev. 4:1-3, 10-11). Hallelujah, God is on the throne, He rules, and He is in control!

Not Being Careless About These Visions but Speaking the Truth in the Bible

In our prayerful study of the book of Daniel and in seeing and speaking of the annihilation and destruction of the human government, we want to speak these things and affirm them in a very careful way.

We are not careless about these things, neither are we as genuine believers instigating others against any human government. The church today is not here to subvert the human government, to bring down any nations, or attack any particular administration.

We follow the pattern of the Lord Jesus and His disciples to be law abiding citizens, following the apostles  teaching to be proper people, men under authority today. But we also need to be true to the word of God and to the visions, prophecies, and predictions in the Bible to speak of what will happen at the end of this age!

The Bible clearly shows that all the human nations and governments and peoples will be brought to nought! They will be destroyed, the will become nothing, and they will be like chaff blown away by the wind!

Christ will come back and He will smash human government, and He will bring in the kingdom of God which will fill the whole earth! This is what we believe, and this is the vision in the light of which we live today at the end of this age!

Seeing A Vision of God and His Universal Dominion

What the newspapers speak of and what we see on the news today is all kinds of power struggles within the governments and among the governments, how people “take their turn and have their day”, thinking they are all-powerful and mighty as they rule.

People think they manage and control and dictate the course of mankind on this earth. But we need to see what is really going on behind the scene. God is behind the scene, and He is managing the entire world situation.

There is a throne set up in heaven, and the heavens rule. God sets up kingdoms, He puts down thrones, He raises people and He brings them to nought.

With God there’s no such thing as election – no matter who elects you, as long as God appoints you, that is nothing! If any human leader today would realize this, he will see that it would be wise to submit yourself to God.

It is scary to see people who have no fear of God, no view of the throne, and no understanding of what is in the heavens. We need to see a vision of the fiery throne, the throne ruling and controlling the entire universe, the throne ruling of the nations today!

It is a serious thing to fall under God’s mighty hand, to offend His holiness and righteousness. We are not here to judge – God judges, and we are submitting ourselves to His throne.

We are here to be continually sanctified to match Him and be one with Him when He returns to smash human government. Hallelujah, the heavens rule!

Note: Read the continuation of this article via, Christ as the Son of Man is Coming to Receive an Eternal Kingdom! 

Lord Jesus, Your kingdom come! Lord, Your will be done! Lord, Your name be sanctified! Though we don’t see this fully accomplished on earth today, we stand here as the church for that! Cause us to see the heavens ruling. We want to be governed by the vision of the throne of God, God’s universal administration. Hallelujah, the heavens rule! God is in control! Satan has been defeated, man will no longer rule, but Christ will fill the whole earth with God’s kingdom! Praise the Lord!

References and Further Reading
  • Sharing inspired from brother Minoru Chen’s speaking in this message and portions in, Life-study of Daniel (msgs. 9-10), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Crystallization-Study of Daniel and Zechariah, week 5 (entitled, The Vision of God and His Universal Dominion and of the Coming of the Son of Man to Receive a Kingdom and the Necessity of Spiritual Warfare to Bring In the Kingdom of God).
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # My King will soon come back again, / The sky be filled with Him; / The universe to be redeemed / Will see His light therein.
    # The name of Jesus is our stand, / It is our victory; / Not on ourselves do we rely, / But, mighty Lord, on Thee.
    # Lord of all being, throned afar, / Thy glory flames from sun and star; / Center and light of every sphere, / Yet to each loving heart how near.
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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12 years ago

We [need to consider] the vision in Daniel 7 concerning the four beasts out of the Mediterranean Sea….These four beasts are dreadful and terrible, doing whatever they desire as if there were no God in the universe. However, this chapter reveals that the Ancient of Days is still on the throne.

Verses 9 and 10 speak of God and His universal dominion….“His clothing was like white snow, / And the hair of His head was like pure wool” [v. 9a]. This signifies that God is ancient….Everything around Him is fire, meaning that God is absolutely righteous and altogether holy. Without holiness no one can see the Lord or contact Him (Heb. 12:14)….Thousands of thousands ministered to Him, and ten thousands of ten thousands stood before Him (Dan. 7:10b). This vast number of angels ministered to Him for His service and stood before Him for His glory. (Life-study of Daniel, pp. 59-60)

Unsapaping Iguess on
12 years ago

Lord Jesus unveil us and make us see such vision . Oh much we need You day by day, moment by moment. We command and in charge You to increase our prayer life. We love You Lord Jesus.

Katherine Ko
Katherine Ko
12 years ago

God gave Daniel the vision of God and His universal dominion, (7:7-10) and of the coming of the SON OF MAN to receive a kingdom (7:13-14).

God’s dominion (His throne was flames of fire) is absolutely righteous and altogether holy in contrast with unrighteous earthly human dominion. Seemingly the earth was ruled by wild beasts (human empires/governments), dreadful and terrible, doing whatever they desire as if there were no God in the universe. However, the Ancient of Days is still sitting on the throne, behind the scene, managing the world situation. Daniel saw a special court, with God’s throne as the center, has been set up in the universe to judge the four human empires (7:2-10, 26). And all power and authority was given to the Son of Man who came to the Ancient of Days to receive an eternal dominion. In Christ's ascension, after He accomplished the work of redemption, He received dominion, glory and a kingdom. He will come again to this earth to terminate the human government and set up an eternal dominion on this earth and He will rule over the entire universe. Hallelujah!. John 5:27 says, “And He gave Him authority to execute judgment because He is the SON OF MAN.” The Lord as the Son of God give life to those who believes (John 5:25) and as the Son of Man, executes judgment. “O Lord, we love You and we worship You as such a wonderful One. We want to live a life completely under Your ruling, under Your throne and enjoying You and loving You as we await for Your return to bring in the eternal kingdom in its manifestation.”

11 years ago

God's behind the scene,and He is managing the entire world situation.God's set up everything raises people and He bring them to naught.

Juliet C.
Juliet C.
7 years ago

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Your kingdom come! Your will be done! The heavens rule! God is in control! Amen