We need to have a healthy normal fear of God in order for us to be preserved and sanctified in our daily living. The Lord is coming and He will judge the righteous and the unrighteous. What is it that motivates us to fear Him in the most healthy and proper way?
As young people we should enjoy Him to the uttermost; for this, we need to keep our conscience void of offense, so that we can enjoy His presence without any blockages. If we have a fear of God, it becomes a protection to us, preventing us from doing many things. It is common for people to commit fornication, adultery, and other evil things in this age. Mankind today has no fear of God! Hebrews 9:27 says:
And inasmuch as it is reserved for men to die once and after this comes judgement.
There are two things that man has to face: death and judgement. This should cause us to have some consideration about our life, because there are only two things ahead of us. This is a warning to us all. The Bible tells us that these two things are unavoidable. The Lord is coming to judge the living and the dead. 2 Timothy 4:1 says:
I solemnly charge you, before God and Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom.
There are many people in this age who mock Christians. Psalm 14:1 tells us: The fool has said it in his heart, there is no God. Without faith, it is impossible to be well pleasing to Him! If you want to come forward to know God, you have to believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Our hearts need to be stirred up to diligently seek and know Him. There is no reason to say that there is no God. In this age, people commit all kinds of evils. But God will judge. Can we live without any consequence? We have to face God and see Him – in Amos 4:12 we clearly see this: “Prepare to meet your God.”
We have to live in the light of His coming, as if today were our last day. This is to have a normal, proper fear of God. We should not follow the trend of this age, to think that there is no God and no consequence to our actions.
Revelation 6 tells us that the kings, presidents, prime ministers and the great men – will all hide themselves when the Lord comes! They won’t pray to God, but to the mountain to hide them from God. There is a day that is coming when everyone will believe that there is a God. Will we believe in this day? Will we deal with Him? We should diligently seek Him and call on Him so that we may be under His blessing.
There has never been a time when God has been more near and available than today. The way to be prepared to meet our God is to call on His name. For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. This is God’s word and His promise.
[this is sister Grace L.’s sharing from her enjoyment of podcast #35 on the AgeTurners.com entitled, A Normal Fear of God (download mp3)]