A Man of Prayer Prays Himself Into God to Receive the Life Supply from Him

A Man of Prayer Prays Himself Into God to Receive the Life Supply from Him [Luke 11:1, Lord, teach us to pray!]The Lord Jesus taught us how to pray in Luke 11:1-13, where we see that for us to be men of prayer we need to pray ourselves into God to receive the life supply from the Father.

The more we pray the Lord’s prayer with an exercised spirit, and the more we pray according to its principle, the more we pray ourselves into the Triune God!

Father, Your name be sanctified! Son, Your kingdom come! Spirit, accomplish God’s will on earth! Give us the daily supply for our necessities! Forgive us, Father, as we forgive our debtors! Don’t lead us into temptation but deliver us from the evil one!

As we pray in this way, we pray not only to God but we pray ourselves into the Triune God. He promised: if we ask, we will be given; if we seek, we shall find; and if we knock, a door shall be opened!

Ask the Triune God for supply both spiritually and physically, and He will give it to you (Luke 11:9)! What does He give us? The totality of all God’s riches is the Holy Spirit (v. 13), which the Father will give us if we ask for Him! We ask for a fish, a loaf, or an egg – and the Father gives us the Spirit!

When we pray ourselves into the Triune God, we will receive the life supply, the all-inclusive Spirit as our all-sufficient supply!

Praying Ourselves Into God to Enjoy His Riches

When we received the Lord, when we were born again, we were joined to the Lord as one spirit (1 Cor. 6:17) and we became children of God (John 1:12-13).

But many times we have to admit that in our experience daily we are not all the time in God, one with Him, having our being in God.

We are distracted from God and from enjoying the Lord, we lose our temper, we get upset, things happen and we get offended, we are lazy and passive… there are so many things that distract us from being in God.

When we realize we are not in God, all we have to do is to pray ourselves into God! We need to spend time with Him, especially in the morning, to pray ourselves into Him!

Just tell Him, Father, forgive me! I return to You! Many times we don’t even need to give Him the details of what we did – we just need to open to Him, confess, and pray ourselves into God! Then, when we are in God, we will enjoy all His riches as our supply!

Here, in God, we receive the supply of the life-giving Spirit to be everything we need for our Christian life. The bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ is available to us in God for us to be much more saved (Phil. 1:19).

As men of prayer we need to pray ourselves into God so that we may be filled and saturated with Him as our life supply.

Insist: Lord, Be My Supply!

After the Lord gave us the principle of prayer in Luke 11:1-4, He continued with several illustrations to show us that we not only need to pray ourselves into God to receive the supply, but we also need to INSIST and PERSIST!

God is our friend, and we go to Him many times “in the middle of the night” asking for bread. We need to come to Him at all times and insist, Lord, be my all-inclusive supply both for me and for those who are with me!

If we insist, if we bother the Lord, because of our persistence He will do it for us (Luke 11:5-9).

What kind of a Father is He to us? Will He give us a scorpion if we ask for an egg? Will He give us a snake if we ask Him for a fish? No! Our God will give us good gifts: He will give us the Holy Spirit to be our supply and to be the supply for those under our care (Luke 11:10-13).

Our intention in prayer should be to seek the life supply – the loaves represent the riches of the land, the fish represent the riches of the sea, and the eggs represent the riches of something both in the air and on the earth.

All the riches that we need for our spiritual sustenance and for giving food to others are in the Spirit! When we pray ourselves into God, in God we will receive the life supply! Ask Him,

Lord, I need Your supply. I need some extra supply of food for those You sent to me and put around me. Lord, You are my supply. I love You. I trust in You. Supply me with the bountiful Spirit for my needs and the needs of those around me.

Make Sure You Pray Yourself Into God!

If we sense that our prayer is not bringing us into the Triune God, we should change the way we pray. We need to make sure that we pray ourselves into God! Remove all distractions and focus only on Him. Just be honest with God, tell Him, ask Him, seek Him, and knock on His door. [Picture: Matt. 6:9-10]If we sense that our prayer is not bringing us into the Triune God, we should change the way we pray. We need to make sure that we pray ourselves into God! Remove all distractions and focus only on Him. Just be honest with God, tell Him, ask Him, seek Him, and knock on His door.

We need to break through and make sure we pray ourselves into God so that we may enjoy His riches in the Spirit. As we are supplied and nourished, we can also supply others with something of the Spirit.

As 1 John 5:16 encourages us, when we see a brother sinning, we should pray for him and minister life to him. The ministry we were given is of life – the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life (1 Cor. 3:6). As we pray ourselves into God, we will be filled with the Spirit and we will flow life into others also.

The Christ we enjoy is to us for others – we have a stewardship of grace entrusted to us, where we are infused with God and saturated with God so that we may dispense His riches into the others. The wonderful supplying Christ is to me for you (Eph. 3:2)!

This all hinges on our praying ourselves into God so that we may be inwardly supplied and nourished!

If we are not supplied, everything and everyone around us bothers us, offends us, and is a problem to us. But if we pray ourselves into God and enjoy His bountiful supply, we will have no problem, and nothing will bother us!

Lord, teach us how to pray – not as the nations do, in vain! Lord, save us from our old way of praying, and save us from a stale and dry way of repeating words before You. Lord Jesus, we need You. We want the Father’s name to be sanctified. May Christ’s kingdom come, and may the Spirit accomplish God’s will in our life. Lord, give us the daily bread, fish, and eggs for our supply and for the supply of others! Bring us Fully Into God to Enjoy All of God’s Riches!

References and Further Reading
  • This portion is inspired from brother Dick Taylor’s sharing in the message and portions in, Life-study of Luke (msg. 27), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Prayer and the Lord’s Move, week 2 (entitled, A Man of Prayer).
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # Lord, make us pure in heart; / For we’ll be not content until / You all our being fill, / O Lord, renew our mind, emotion, will— / Lord Jesus, grow in us.
    # Lord, grant me today’s supply of grace; / May Your divine life grow apace; / Little by little, day by day, to grow / More and more, into You.
    # Let us open to the Lord Himself through prayer, / Breathe Him deeply as the living air. / Gain the life supply by praying into Him, / ’Till our being’s filled up to the brim.
  • Pictures credit: Luke 11:1 (via here) and Matt. 6 (via a friend on Facebook).
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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agodman.com blog - E
12 years ago

We know from our experience with the Lord that often we have prayed properly and have prayed ourselves into God. As we remain in Him, we receive His riches, the riches that are embodied in His Spirit. When we receive the Holy Spirit as our life supply signified by the loaves, the fish, and the egg, we can feed ourselves, and we can also feed all those under our care. (Life-study of Luke, pp. 231-234)

12 years ago

Often in our experience we are not in God, and we do not stay in God or remain in Him. Because we are easily distracted from God by many things, we should SPEND TIME every morning and during the day with Him, praying ourselves into Him. We repent, and claim the precious cleansing blood of the Lamb in order that we can come boldly to Him. Our intention in prayer should be to seek the life supply, to seek God’s presence, God Himself. Seek to pray in such a way that you are brought into God. Once we are in God, we simply ENJOY the riches of God! He is the good land, our inheritance, our all in all! Then, we can feed all those under our care. This is the way to build the temple of God.

12 years ago

Make us those who pray ourselves into God! We don't want to be those who pray in ourselves but in You! ThankYou Lord that not only can we enjoy Your riches through this life supply but also those under our care!

12 years ago

Luke 11:1-13 shows us that our intention in prayer should be to seek the life supply – loaves (riches of the land) , fish (riches of the sea), and eggs (riches of something both in the air and on the earth. The totality of these items is the Holy Spirit. When we pray ourselves into God, we should REMAIN in God to receive the Holy Spirit as our life supply

Angel Pyne
Angel Pyne
12 years ago

I can't believe I never really saw this verse : But you, beloved, building up yourselves upon your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit – Jude 20. No other verse in the Bible is as concise as this verse in the matter of prayer. It speaks of two things : First, of being built up in the most holy faith (this is related to reading the Word) and two, of praying in the Holy Spirit (related to prayer). Prayer should be in the Holy Spirit. We should pray in the Holy Spirit. Prayers that come only from man, which are not mingled with God, are merely religious prayers. They do not touch God, breathe in God, or reach God. If we want genuine, spiritual prayers, prayers that reach God, touch God, breathe in God, and are in God we must pray in the Holy Spirit. Only this type of prayer is genuine, spiritual and are of value. Only this kind of prayer should be offered up in the universe.

Tara Wellesley
Tara Wellesley
12 years ago


Luke 11:11-13 But what father among you whose son shall ask for a fish will instead of a fish hand him a snake? Or if he shall also ask for an egg will hand him a scorpion? If you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Father who is from heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!

‘The prayer that brings us into God is the right kind of prayer…what shall we do now we are in God? We shall simply receive Him with His riches into us…When we receive the Holy Spirit as our life supply signified by the loaves, the fish & the egg, we can feed ourselves, & we can also feed all those under our care.’ (Life Study of Luke, pp. 231-234)

PTL, we have a so much more God who wants to give us His Holly Spirit as our life supply! All we have to do is open our being to Him, ask & receive. We cannot give what we have not first received.


: )

12 years ago

Do not pray if your prayer does not bring you into God. You should change your way of praying. Seek to pray in such a way that you are brought into God. The prayer that brings us into God is the right kind of prayer.

12 years ago

Oh Lord Jesus, thank You that we can pray ourselves into You Lord and be inwardly nourished and cherised so that we can nourish and cherish those around us. Oh Lord Jesus keep us hidden in You Lord, being one with You and praying with You in one accord for Your hearts desire. Oh Lord Jesus!

12 years ago

I really enjoyed that we must seek the loaves, the fish and the eggs when we pray since these represent the riches of the land, the sea and the air. The Holy Spirit is the totality of these riches thus in our prayer we must seek the Holy Spirit.

tae wook Kye
tae wook Kye
12 years ago

The more we pray the Lord’s prayer with an exercised spirit, and the more we pray according to its principle, the more we pray ourselves into the Triune God! Amen! Thank you Lord!

Erik K
Erik K
12 years ago

Our intention in prayer should be to seek the life supply. In Luke 11:1-13, to seek the life supply is to seek loaves, fish, and eggs. The totality of these riches is the Holy Spirit as the totality of the riches of the land (loaves), as the totality of the riches of the sea (fish), and as the totality of the riches of something both of the air and on the earth (egg). The life supply (Christ as the Spirit) is for us to live the God-man living, a living one with the man of prayer (Christ) so that we may be His reproduction on earth for the consummation of God's eternal economy to consummate the New Jerusalem.

Men of prayer living by the life supply are God-men joined to man of prayer in His heavenly ministry of intercession. Both pray for the accomplishment and carrying out of the Father's will that the Father may have a mutual dwelling place as the incorporation of the processed Triune God (John 14), that Son with all His believers may be the organism of the Triune God for the glory of the Father as the increase and spread of the processed and consummated Triune God on earth (John 15), and that the Spirit may work to bring forth the one new man for the fulfillment of God's eternal economy (John 16), which is to have the many sons of God conformed to the image of the God's Son that He might be the Firstborn among many brothers as the mass reproduction of the first God-man (Rom 8:29). All three consummate in the New Jerusalem as God's eternal expression, expansion, and increase. Hence a man of prayer prays himself into God to receive the life supply from the Father so that we may live the life of a God-man for the accomplishment of His economy.

Katherine Ko
Katherine Ko
12 years ago

The Psalmist says, “I am poor and needy.” As fallen human beings, we were altogether outside of God and had nothing to do with His riches. Positionally all saved ones are in Christ, but often in our experience we do not stay in God, we do not remain in Him, and we are distracted from God. As hungry ones and distracted ones, we need to come to our Father and ask, by praying ourselves into God. We need to ask His forgiveness in our failures and defeats. Only when we are in God, we are able to receive the life supply. If our way of praying does not bring us into God, we should change our way of praying. Seek to pray in such a way that we are brought into God and the result is that we receive the loaves, fish, and eggs for our nourishment and for others. The Father who is from heaven gives the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!

12 years ago

Sometimes I pray to the Lord to expose me… but then the more He exposes me, the more I also become distracted from being in Him thinking that I have never been worthy of Him. But this word is so refreshing: "Just tell Him, Father, forgive me! I return to You! Many times we don’t even need to give Him the details of what we did – we just need to open to Him, confess, and pray ourselves into God! Then, when we are in God, we will enjoy all His riches as our supply!"…. Lord, thank You for drawing us back to You.. Just keep dispensing into me as my life supply for my needs and for those around me! How all-inclusive His supply is!

sis. Victoria
sis. Victoria
12 years ago

Amen. We need to pray ourselves into Him in the mornings. I did not wake up early enough to read the morning revival, but the Lord was prayed into, and a new prayer point was covered. I like giving the Lord the details privately in prayer. Speaking of loving Him, I want to share some enjoyment from Leviticus.

"And he shall lay his hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it shall be accepted from him, to make expiation for him." (Levititcus 1:4) Laying on of hands signify union. By laying our hands on Christ as our offering, we are joined to Him, and He and we become one. In such a union all our weaknesses, defects, and faults are taken on by Him, and all His virtues become ours. This requires us to exercise our spirit through the proper prayer so that we may be one with Him in an experiential way. (note 1) Thank You, Lord Jesus for taking all our weaknesses, defects, and faults. We love You. I also loved the picture of John 10:30 from yesterday. That's one of my favorite verses.