When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He lived a human life that was absolutely under the government of God, and He committed everything related to Him to God’s government.
He now lives in us, and we today should live a Christian life under the government of God, passing our days in fear and living out Christ, for He enables us to do this.
Amen, Lord Jesus! Our Christian life many times is full of suffering, and even when we don’t deserve to suffer or be under a certain trial, that trial comes and suffering is still our portion.
This is because we human beings have suffering as our portion in this age.
In the next age, we will be ruling with Christ for one thousand years, and for eternity we will rule and reign with Christ, being richly supplied with all that He is and being His corporate expression.
But in this age, all human beings suffer, and there’s nothing we can do to escape suffering.
Even more, we believers in Christ are members of the household of God, and even though we are God’s children and are in His Beloved Son, thus being beloved to Him, we are still under God’s discipline.
On the one hand, we are born of God to have His divine life, and we enjoy Him in spirit. Day by day we are learning to turn to our spirit, enjoy the Lord, and partake of His riches in the mingled spirit.
In spirit, we’re full of enjoyment when we contact the Lord. Our soul, however, is in the realm of suffering, and our body also suffers. All human beings today suffer.
There are many joyful moments, but there are so many sufferings, so many trials, and so many tests, that sufferings seem to be our portion all the time.
Because we are in the old creation, we still need to be under the governmental dealings of God.
One main reason or purpose for our sufferings is to cause the natural man to decrease so that the inner man would be strengthened and grow.
How can Christ grow in us when the outer man is so strong, so capable, and so knowledgeable?
The Lord has to have a way to break the outer man so that the inner man may be released and so that Christ may spread in us.
So He uses the environment, the people around us, and all kinds of matters and things to cause us to desperately turn to the Lord and open to Him.
In the world, the unregenerated people have no hope, and they become either bitter or very strong in themselves and hateful toward others when they go through suffering.
But praise the Lord, we believers in Christ can commit all to Him who judges righteously, and we can live our Christian life under the government of God by being one with Christ.
Christ lived a Human Life Absolutely under the Government of God: He Committed All Things to God who Judges Righteously
Many Christians appreciate Christ coming to render us a high teaching, even the top teachings, and to carry out miracles and healings to help so many people.
But not many appreciate the kind of life that Jesus as a man lived.
He came to live not just a life of teachings and miracles but even more, He lived a human life absolutely under the government of God (John 6:38).
He suffered very much, even more than any of us can imagine, but He kept committing all to Him who judges righteously (1 Pet. 2:23).
The Lord Jesus kept committing all His insults and injuries to Him who judges righteously in His government, the righteous God.
He first submitted Himself to God and to His government, and then He kept committing everything to Him who judges righteously.
Christ put His trust not in the people around Him or even in His disciples; He put His trust in this righteous One, recognizing the government of God.
On the one hand, Christ Himself was God, and the divine life and nature were in Him.
On the other hand, as a man in blood and flesh, He was in the old creation, so He was under the government of God.
Instead of breaking out of the government of God and seeking to live a life free of suffering and persecution, Christ lived absolutely under the government of God.
As He was carrying out His earthly ministry, many persecuted Him, spoke evil things about Him, and ridiculed Him.
He was being mistreated and misunderstood. He was attacked and injured. However, He did not fight back.
He did not defend Himself. He did not become bitter and did not ask God to send fire from heaven to destroy those who persecuted Him and wanted to take His life.
He did not ask the Father to discipline those who rejected Him.
Rather, He worshipped the Father for His sovereignty and He submitted Himself to His government, living a life absolutely under God’s government.
When He was on the cross, He was still being ridiculed and persecuted; if it were us, we might have gotten off the cross and shown people who we are, but the Lord kept silent on the cross.
He was the most misunderstood person and He still is the most misunderstood person.
He could have saved Himself but He chose to save us.
One of the hardest things for us is to be misunderstood. It is really hard to take it when others speak evil things about us – we need to justify ourselves and show our side of things.
When the Lord Jesus cast out demons, the Pharisees said that He did this by Beelzebul; this is to be misunderstood, and the Lord simply said, If I cast demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you (Matt. 12:28).
In the Lord Jesus we see a man who was not just powerful and well-educated in the word of God, knowing the things of God and speaking the word of God, but even more, a person who was submitting Himself to the government of God.
He took everything from the Father’s hand. He kept committing all things to Him who judges righteously.
We may practice bringing everything to the Lord who loves us and cares for us, but we may not commit all things to Him who judges righteously.
He lived under the government of God and he committed everything related to Him to God’s judgment.
We may be like the righteous man in Psa. 73, seeing that the wicked prosper and become rich while we are under God’s dealing every day.
As we are under God’s government, we are disciplined by Him so that He may purify us, and we are plagued by all kinds of problems.
If we look at the evil ones who seem to be enjoying life and everything goes well with them, it doesn’t balance – it doesn’t make sense!
The evil should be judged but we as the pure ones should be blessed, but it is the other way.
However, when we enter into the sanctuary of God, when we enter into our mingled spirit and come to the meetings of the church, we see things as they really are.
Today things are unfair and unrighteous, but we keep committing all things to Him who judges righteously. Amen!
When God counselled Christ as a man, Christ’s inward parts were one with God and instructed Him through His contact with God (Psa. 16:7; Isa. 50:4).
Christ had His roots in God; God was instructing Him in His inward parts, and in His inward parts He was one with God.
As we go through situations and things that are unpleasant and cause us a lot of suffering, we need to turn to our spirit and consult with God, even letting God instruct us in our inward parts so that we may have Him as our unique source.
Lord Jesus, we love You and we open to You concerning all things. We commit all things related to us to God, the One who judges righteously. You are our faithful Creator. You see our suffering. You see how much we suffer in the fiery ordeals that Your hand has ordained for us. Oh Lord, save us from murmuring or complaining about what is happening to us. Keep us opening our whole being to You and committing everything related to us to the One who judges righteously. Amen, Lord, we come to You again and again to just enjoy You. We come to partake of Your riches and enjoy all that You are. Lord Jesus, You are our pattern, and You live in us. We commit all things to You. We do not look at the outward situation and we do not focus on how the evil ones prosper: we choose to exercise our spirit and remain in the sanctuary of God! Amen, Lord, we seek Your counsel in our inward parts. Instruct us through our contact with You. May our inward parts be one with God and instruct us through our contact with God as we go through trials and tribulations. Amen, Lord, gain in us what You are after!
Christ in us enables us to Take God’s Governmental Dealings so that we be Holy in All our Manner of Life
As believers in Christ and children of God, we should live a Christian life under the government of God (John 3:15; 1:12-13; 1 Pet. 4:13-19; 5:6-8).
We need to realize that, on the one hand, our life is a life of enjoying Christ, and on the other hand, it is a life of suffering under the governmental dealings of God.
Even as the Lord was in this world, so we are today; the world hates us, and the world persecutes us.
Even more, we are under God’s governmental dealings, and we are daily suffering under the mighty hand of God.
The Epistles of Peter reveal the Christ who enables us to take God’s governmental dealings administered through sufferings (1 Pet. 1:6-8; 2:3-4, 19, 21-25; 3:18, 22; 4:1, 15-16; 5:8-9).
The Christ who lived in the Gospels, the Christ who suffered under the government of God and kept committing all things to the One who judges righteously, lives in us. He is our life and our person.
We are not supposed to go through suffering on our own, by ourselves, and in ourselves; we go through all these things in Christ, with Christ, and by Christ.
The Lord Jesus showed us a wonderful pattern of what it means to live a life under the government of God, and we follow this pattern.
We were called to this, because Christ also suffered on our behalf, leaving us a model so that we may follow in His steps (1 Pet. 2:21-23).
Christ was the Son of God, yet He still suffered, for He was in the old creation.
He suffered and left us a model so that we may follow in His steps.
As we undergo various trials and all kinds of sufferings under the government of God, we need to look not at ourselves or the ones around us but to Jesus, the One who is our model.
Even more, we need to turn to our spirit, where Jesus is, and we need to keep committing all things to Him to judge righteously.
He understands us thoroughly – there’s nothing that He does not know. He knows what it means to be misunderstood, reviled, criticized, and persecuted.
He is our model. He in us enables us to take God’s governmental dealings administered through suffering. We need to keep turning to Him and enjoying Him.
On our side, as we turn to our spirit and enjoy the Lord, taking Him as our model in going through all the sufferings and trials, we should pass the time of our sojourning in holy fear (1:15, 17).
We need to have a holy fear of God as we live our Christian life.
We need to have a healthy, serious caution that leads us to be holy in all our manner of life.
Others may go and do all kinds of things, and there’s a flood of dissoluteness that others simply participate in; we, however, live a holy life before the Lord.
We are sojourners, not earth-dwellers. This earth is not our home; we’re just passing through.
Whatever we have and are going through is all temporary.
Today we are undergoing discipline, sufferings, and dealings as a sojourner, and we have to pass through these days of our sojourning in a healthy fear of God, a holy fear, so that we may live a holy life.
This doesn’t mean that we’re afraid of God; rather, it means that we are fearful of losing His presence and grieving the Holy Spirit within us.
We are fearful of missing opportunities to buy the oil. As we have a holy fear we will live a holy life, even be holy in all our manner of life (Phil. 2:12).
1 Pet. 1:18-19 explains why we should pass the time of our sojourning in fear; it is because Christ shed His own precious blood to redeem us from the vain manner of life handed down from our fathers.
We have been redeemed by the Lord’s precious blood so that we pass the time of our sojourning in fear and be holy in all our manner of life.
It is vain to indulge in today’s entertainment in the world. It is vain to spend time enjoying what the world has to offer.
Today we may not go to the big supermarket, department store, or mall, but we may spend many hours partaking of the entertainment offered by the world on our phones. Oh, Lord!
The Lord knows and we also know how much time we spend in things that are vain; they are so vain that, after we spend hours doing those things, we feel empty inside.
Even visiting some places for sightseeing, places that we know are sinful, will cause us to live not in a holy manner.
We need to realize that we are sons of the King and we should not spend time doing things in a vain or light way.
May we be fearful of missing the opportunities to gain Christ and always have a holy life that leads us to be holy in all our manner of life.
Lord Jesus, thank You for being in us today. We take You as our life and person. We want to enjoy You and live one spirit with You, for only You can enable us to go through sufferings and trials. Oh Lord, we believe that You enable us to take God’s governmental dealings administered through sufferings. We keep committing all things to the One who judges righteously and we come to You to learn from You, be one with You, and even live You out. Thank You for redeeming us with Your precious blood from the vain manner of life handed down to us by our fathers. Oh Lord, we want to pass the time of our sojourning in holy fear. May we have a serious caution that leads us to be holy in all our manner of life. Strengthen us into our inner man so that we may choose not to be involved in worldly entertainments but rather, live a holy life today. Oh Lord, we fear losing Your presence. We do not want to grieve the Holy Spirit within us. We do not want to miss any opportunity to buy the oil so that we can gain more of You in our being.
References and Hymns on this Topic
- Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother James Lee in the message for this week, and portions from, Life-study of 1 Peter, msgs. 11 and 21, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Living a Christian Life and Church Life under the Government of God for the Economy of God (2024 Thanksgiving Blending Conference), week 2, Living a Christian Life under the Government of God.
- Similar articles on this topic:
– The full salvation of the Triune God and its issues (6), a portion from, Life-Study of 1 Peter, Chapter 11.
– Touchstones of God’s economy: the Epistles of Peter, article via, Affirmation and Critique.
– A Christian’s Attitude toward Government and Politics, via, Shepherding Words.
– The Christian life being the life in which the believers of Christ live Christ and magnify Him, a portion from, The Christian Life, Chapter 1, by Witness Lee.
– What is the relationship between God’s government and God’s grace? More via, Living to Him.
– God having granted to us all things related to life and godliness, a portion from, Messages Given to the Working Saints, Chapter 3, by Witness Lee.
– 2 Peter (Program #9) – The Divine Government (2), via, Bible study radio.
– Life-study of Ephesians, Message 10: To Head Up All Things in Christ (3) – video message via, LSM Youtube.
– Sufferings and Transformation for New Jerusalem (5), via, New Jerusalem blog.
– The word of righteousness: the government of God and entrance into the kingdom, via, Affirmation and Critique.
– How Christ Becomes Wisdom to Us from God as Righteousness, Sanctification and Redemption, via, Holding to Truth in Love. - Hymns on this topic:
– We give ourselves to Thee, O Lord Jesus, / Never to turn aside; / Where’er the Lamb goes, there we would follow, / Follow whate’er betide. / We give ourselves to enter the kingdom, / That marriage feast, with Him; / Come persecution, suffering, and trials, / Still we will enter in. (Hymns #1246 stanzas 4-5)
– God hath not promised skies always blue, / Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through; / God hath not promised sun without rain, / Joy without sorrow, peace without pain. / But God hath promised strength for the day, / Rest for the labor, light for the way, / Grace for the trials, help from above, / Unfailing sympathy, undying love. (Hymns #720 stanza 1 and chorus)
– He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater, / He sendeth more strength when the labors increase, / To added affliction He addeth His mercy, / To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace. / When we have exhausted our store of endurance, / When our strength has failed ere the day is half-done, / When we reach the end of our hoarded resources, / Our Father’s full giving is only begun. (Hymns #723 stanzas 1-2)
Life-study of 1 Peter, pp. 185-186, by Witness Lee
The Lord Jesus is our pattern, He lived a life absolutely under the government of God and kept committing all things to Him who judges righteously.
And He is in us to enable us to live a Christian life under the government of God, even to pass the time of our sojourning in fear and be holy in all our manner of life.
Amen, may we shift our living from being under our government to bringing ‘all’ under His government. Amen
Amen brother!
Every minute of our sojourning must be in fear.
This is related to the holy manner of life. In all our manner of life we need to be holy, separated from the world.
Because we know that we have been redeemed by the precious blood of Christ.
It is vain to indulge in worldly entertainments or to purchase worldly clothing.
O Lord Jesus!🙏🏼
We need to see Christ as the model as one who suffered, not because of sin or guile, but one who lived committing everything – including the insults and injuries – to the one who judges rightously.
In our Christian life we need pass the time of our sojourning in fear, knowing that the Lord Jesus shed His precious blood to redeem us so that we may live a holy – not vain – manner of life.
Amen, Christ suffered on our behalf after committing no sin. In His suffering, He committed all to God’s righteousness and government.
His life is a model for us, always under the government of God.
We must pass the time in a healthy fear that leads us to behave holily.
Amen, He is in us 🙌🏻
We are sons & daughters of the King of kings.
Our Lord has redeemed us from our former vain manner of life. What release the Saviour has given us.
Formerly, we were trapped in Satan’s world of sin, self and the flesh, living a useless life entirely without true meaning & purpose.
Jesus not only redeemed us from this vain manner of life, He lived a human life Himself entirely under the government of God. He has provided us with a model for living under God’s control & restriction.
May every minute of our sojourning be in fear, even to the extent of committing all opposition & persecution to Him who judges righteously.
May we allow the holy manner of life to flow out of the precious redemption of Christ.