Praise the Lord for the fellowship and blending in the Body of Christ! Every day we can enjoy Christ, every week we can get together to feast on Him, and periodically we can have feasts, blending times, conferences, and trainings in the church life. This is the church life – eating, drinking, and breathing Jesus! Here are some of the 2018 conferences, blending meetings, trainings, and feasts in the church life. For the 2017 conferences, see here.
2018 Conferences and Feasts in the Church Life
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December
4-6 and 11-13 January 2018 – video training in London, UK
See the Church in London website for more details.
16-18 February 2018 – International Chinese Speaking Conference in Taipei, Taiwan.
- Details concerning the conference and registration here.
- The location is: Nangang Exhibition Centre, No. 1 Jingmao 2nd Road, Nangang District, Taipei City, 115.
- Watch some of the videos from this conference here.
Report from the 2018 ICSC via Good News TV below.
2-4 March 2018 Phoenix Blending Conference – The Enjoyment of God and the Purpose of God. Listen to the mp3 messages via, Church in Phoenix.
10-11 March 2018 – Chinese-speaking Conference at Bower House, London, UK.
23-25 March 2018 – Spring European University Conference in De Hoof, The Netherlands.
- This conference is intended for university students but is also open to those 16 and over (in upper-secondary school or equivalent).
- Full details at,
- Subject: The Humanity of Jesus and the Building of God
- Location: De Hoof 18, 5712 LM Someren, Netherlands

2018 Spring College University Conference – group picture. Christian Students in Europe. Praise the Lord!
30 March – 1 April 2018 – International Blending Conference in London, UK.
- The Church in London in association with Amana Trust warmly welcomes you to a conference on The Crucial Revelation of Life in the Scriptures, during the weekend of 30 March – 1 April 2018.
- Meetings location: Bower Park Academy (Havering Rd, Romford RM1 4YY)
- We are pleased to announce an International Conference from 30th March to 1st April, 2018. We expect to have a rich feast in the Word of God and we are expecting the Lord’s blessing upon the fellowship among everyone who will be attending from all over the earth. Please see this link to register. We look forward to seeing you there!
- Childcare and parking will be provided. More info:, tel 07708 380 301.
- Meeting times: Friday and Saturday 10.30 am and 2.00 pm; Lord’s Day (Sunday) 10.00 am and 2.00 pm.
- Listen to / download the messages from this conference here.
30 March – 1 April 2018, Blending Conference in Ohio, Cleveland, USA, at Cleveland Marriott East in Warrensville Heights, Ohio.
- The saints in Ohio have invited the churches to blend with them in a conference with brother Ron Kangas on March 30 – April 1, 2018. This will take place at the Cleveland Marriott East in Warrensville Heights, Ohio.
- The churches in Ohio endeavor to remain in the up-to-date ministry and in the blending life of the Body of Christ. They look forward to being blended together with saints from many localities under the speaking of the ministry of the age.
- For additional information, please contact:
- Address: Cleveland Marriott East, 26300 Harvard Rd, Warrensville Heights, OH 44122
- Blending Conference in Ohio had the topic of, The Characteristics of the Overcomers as the Dispensational Instrument to Turn the Age. You can download / listen to the messages via this link.
6-8 April 2018 – South-East USA Blending Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Topic: “Called to Live in Ascension with the Transcending Christ to Carry Out God’s Eternal Purpose”. Download the messages here.
6-8 April 2018 – Spring 2018 Mid-Atlantic Blending Conference in Dunn Loring, Virginia, USA.
General Subject: The Practice of the Lord’s Table. Listen to the audio messages via the audio section of the website.
6-8 April 2018 – Parents and Serving Ones’ Conference in Toronto, Canada.
13-15 April 2018 – International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones in Anaheim, CA, USA.
Topic: Taking Christ as our Person and Living Him in and for the Church Life.
20-22 April 2018 – European Brothers’ Training at Bower House, London, UK.
We would like to announce the dates of the Spring 2018 European Brothers’ Training. The training will begin at 9:00 am on Friday, 20 April 2018 and conclude at 1:30 pm on Lord’s Day, 22 April 2018. The location will be Bower House, London, United Kingdom. Details and registration: here. Topic: Taking Christ as our Person and Living Him and for the Church Life.
27-29 April 2018 – Spring Conference in Paris, France.
28 April – 1 May 2018 (Saturday – Tuesday) – Conference in Poland in Warsaw, Poland.
One-Week Training at Bower House, Spring 2018 – May 2018

One Week Training at Bower House – Spring 2018
“We need training in how to speak, how to preach the gospel, and how to teach and shepherd others. Every proper Christian who is up to the Lord’s standard should be one who is sent out, who speaks for God, who preaches the gospel, and who takes care of others. We should not be those who are merely saved and who are just waiting for heaven. Such believers are actually not very different from the people in the world. In contrast, we must be those who are continually sent out to speak for the Lord. We must preach the gospel and shepherd those who are saved through our gospel preaching. If we are like this, we shall be different both from the worldly people and from most Christians. We shall be a heavenly people carrying out a heavenly commission.” Witness Lee, Life-Study of Ephesians, Message 42 “Do not wait for others to be raised up to be the Lord’s servants or to the work of ministry. We all must function as apostles, prophets, evangelists, and shepherds and teachers. We all must be and we all can be the building members. We do not care to have some vain title or empty position. We would like to be today’s apostles and prophets in a practical way. We need to be genuine preachers of the high and rich gospel and also those who truly know how to shepherd the new ones. May we all go to the Lord in a desperate way and pray that He train us to be such members of His Body. I cannot be at rest until I see that all the saints in the Lord’s recovery are being trained in such a way. Our burden is to perfect the saints unto the work of ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ. “Witness Lee, Life-Study of Ephesians, Message 42 While we have all received the divine, eternal life through our regeneration, this life needs training to grow unto maturity and function. This training, therefore, will help the believers in the areas of truth, life, character and service by: 1. Learning to enjoy the Lord alone every morning to be revived and all day long to be rooted in Christ. 2. Learning to study, speak and propagate the truth for His spreading. 3. Learning to live the God-man life to express the divine attributes in their aromatic human virtues to attract and captivate the people around them. 4. Learning to practice the vital groups according to the three vital group trainings given by Brother Lee in 1992, 1993, and 1996 for the increase of the church. 5. Learning to practice begetting, nourishing, perfecting and building in a progressive and definite way, with the vital groups being the lifeline and the church meetings being the opportunity to prophesy for the building up of the church. 6. Learning to be blended, adjusted and to coordinate with others. May we all pray strongly and earnestly and give ourselves to the Lord desperately for this training that through it, the Lord may reach His goal and we, as faithful stewards, may be rewarded with the fullest enjoyment of Christ in this age and the uttermost enjoyment of Christ with all His overcoming saints in the age to come (Phil. 3:11-14). May the Lord bless and strengthen His move on the earth through this training.
Read the invitation, listen to some testimonies from the one week training, download the brochure with more details, see information concerning registration, and register or apply to go to the one week training.
5-6 May 2018 – Conference in Rome, Italy.
We warmly extend an invitation to all the saints to participate in the upcoming weekend conference in Rome, Italy on May 5th and 6th. We thank the Lord for the prayers of so many saints and churches throughout the earth, and now we invite you to consider coming to blend with us that together, as one Body, we might testify of the victory of Christ. Location: CASA DELL’AVIATORE, Viale dell’Università, 20, 00185 Roma. Casa dell’Aviatore is about 700 meters from Roma Termini train station, near La Sapienza University. Topic: The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery – to Bring Forth the One New Man
4 – 6 May 2018 – The Church in Dunn Loring invites all the saints to Washington DC Gospel to All the Nations Conference, on the topic of, The Crucial Revelation of Life in the Scriptures (at the The Church in Dunn Loring, 2317 Morgan Lane, Dunn Loring, VA 22027). More info here.
4-6 May 2018 – International Conference in Bucharest, Romania.
Topic: The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery – to Bring Forth the One New Man
10-12 May 2018 – Conference in Israel (in Karei Deshe, Israel)
Weekend Retreats Bower House, London, UK – 5-6, 12-13, 19-20 and 26-27 May

Weekend Retreats at at Bower House and Woodland Camp, Essex, spring 2018 – invitation.
Amana Trust is happy to announce the continuation of the Weekend Retreats this year during the month of May. The weekends will begin from 5-6 May 2018, the first weekend of the month, and will overlap with the end of each One-week Training also held in May. We would like to invite all those who would like to spend time in the Word of God and to enter into the practice of pursuing the Lord (both personally and with others). This is also a wonderful opportunity to meet others from your area who also love the Lord. We hope that as many as possible from throughout Europe will attend one of the weekends in May. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite friends, family, or someone you know who would like to know the Lord more or meet with other believers. We welcome those who are 18 years old and above. Many of those who came previously testified how enjoyable and profitable these times were, especially the times spent in the truth, meeting others from their area, blending with the full-time trainees, and entering into the practice of pursuing the Lord both personally and with others. More details concerning the Schedule, Registration, Transport, and Payment via Weekend Retreats at Amana Trust website.
19 – 21 May 2018 – Conference in Berlin, Germany
- Lebensstrom e.V. in fellowship with the churches in the German-speaking countries invites you to attend a conference on the weekend of 19-21 May 2018 in Berlin, Germany. We will be reviewing the messages from the recent ICSC in Taiwan on “The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery–To Bring Forth the One New Man.”
- The messages will be spoken in English with German, Russian, Chinese and Persian translation via FM-Radio.
- We expect a rich feast and the Lord’s blessing in the fellowship and blending among all the saints attending.
- The registration deadline is 1 May 2018. More information via Lebenstrom.
- Conference location: Holiday Inn Berlin Airport – Conference Centre, Hans Grade Allee 5, 12529 Schönefeld bei Berlin, Germany
- Topic: The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery – to Bring Forth the One New Man
Dear Saints, at this conference in Berlin on the One New Man, the brothers mentioned 25 cities in Germany where they had received a warm response from the Bible distribution last year. They would eventually like to see Lampstands in these cities: Leipzig, Germany Dresden, Germany Potsdam, Germany Cologne, Germany Aachen, Germany Bielefeld, Germany Bonn, Germany Tübingen, Germany Freiburg, Germany Karlsruhe, Germany Konstanz Friedrichshafen Hamburg, Germany Bremen, Germany Hanover, Germany Kiel University of Goettingen Darmstadt Mainz, Germany Heidelberg, Germany Gießen, Germany Lindberg Kassel, Germany Munich, Germany Regensburg, Germany. During one of the meetings, here’s what was shared: “Lord, we take you as our person; And may we never depart, from the urgent need of taking you, into our mind, emotion, will and of course in our heart. Our view must be broadened, and the One New Man to bring; Let’s take Christ as life, and with our spirits henceforth to sing. Together we just want to live Him. Let’s do it right now; Oh Ja, und Amen!”
20-21 May 2018 – Victoria Day Conference in Montreal, Canada (for the saints in Eastern Canada).
Topic: The Living of the One New Man. Hallelujah. Lord, we want to grow up into Christ in all things and learn Christ as the reality is in Jesus for the corporate living of the one new man!
25-28 May 2018 – International Memorial Day Weekend Conference in Kansas City, MO, USA
This year’s International Memorial Day Conference will be held in Kansas City, MO from Friday, May 25 through Monday, May 28, 2018. We would like to extend an invitation to all the churches and individuals to participate in this gathering. All the meetings will be held at the Westin Kansas City at Crown Center, in the Century Ballroom, and will be open to the public. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Please pray that the Lord will take more crucial steps in the advancement of His purpose during this gathering. Topic: The Spiritual Warfare of the Church as the New Man. Sharing from these messages here.
28 May – 2 June 2018 – YES training in Bower House (Year End Short-term training).
The Full-Time Training in London warmly invites students and working saints to join the Spring 2018 Year-End Short-term Training. This time is an opportunity to participate in the Full-Time Training for one week with additional sessions prepared for all those considering attending the Training in the future. Many full-time trainees received their burden to be trained by coming short-term. May the Lord use this opportunity for His good pleasure. More info and registration details: see website.
1-3 June 2018 – Weekend Retreat in Sofia, Bulgaria.
1-3 June 2018 – East Malaysia Blending Conference in the meeting hall in Kuching. Topic: The Spiritual Warfare of the Church as the New Man
9-10 June 2018 – Southern California Blending Conference
Praise the Lord for the 2018 SoCal Blending Conference – over 4,000 saints from 50 churches came together to be blended through the enjoyment of the Lord’s up-to-date speaking. These three messages were given according to the last three outlines from the 2018 International Memorial Day Conference that took place May 25-28, 2018 in Kansas City, MO.
General Subject: The Spiritual Warfare of the Church as the New Man
The titles of the three conference messages were:
Message 1: “Fighting the Spiritual Warfare through Living in Christ’s Ascension as the New Creation in Resurrection to Become Christ’s Duplication and Counterpart”The Vision of the Age” – watch it here. Message 2: “The Formation of a Corporate Joshua to Possess the Good Land by Defeating the Satanic Forces” – watch it here. Message 3: “The Prayer of the Age to Fulfill God’s Economy and the Sacrifice of Praise to Display Christ’s Victory” – watch it here.
9 June 2018 – FTTL Graduation at FTTL Training Centre, Bower House, London, UK
Praise the Lord for the FTTL graduation meeting in Bower House (9 June 2018) with the topic of, Running the Race by Looking unto Jesus! Lord, release many more to register for the Full-Time Training in London! More at
9-10 June 2018 – Conferencia Internacional – iglesias en Colombia (National Conference of churches in Colombia)
15-17 June 2018 – International Conference of the church in St. George’s, Grenada.
- The church will provide transportation as well as hospitality. May the Lord grace, bless and strengthen His move on the earth through this time.
- To register: visit the Church in Miami conference invitation.
22-23 June 2018 – Conference in Dubai, UAE – Spiritual warfare of the church as the new man.
29 June – 1 July 2018 – Young People’s Conference in Auckland, New Zealand.
2-7 July 2018 – Semi-annual Training in Anaheim, CA, USA (summer training).
Topic: Crystallization-Study of Leviticus (2).See banners and message titles here.
20-23 July 2018 – Nordic Conference in Stockholm, Sweden.
- We warmly extend an invitation to the saints from the churches all over the world to participate in the weekend conference in Stockholm, Sweden on July 20-22, 2018. We welcome you to join us in blending fellowship with one another in the Triune God. You may register for the conference here.
- Following the weekend conference, there will also be a sisters’ fellowship in two meetings, from 10:00-15:00 on Monday, July 23, including a lunch. All sisters who attend the conference are warmly welcomed to participate in this post-conference sisters’ time.
- Location: Scandic Hotel Upplands Väsby, Hotellvägen 1, 19435 Upplands Väsby, Sweden
2018 Summer College Training in the USA – A New Heart and a New Spirit. Registration via

2018 Summer College Training in the USA – a New Heart and a New Spirit!
“I will also give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you.” — Ezekiel 36:26a There will be five trainings this year located in the Midwest, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southern California (West Coast South). This training is open to all college students and newly-graduated high school seniors. The goal of the summer college training is to supply college students with a vision, equip them with truth, help them in their experience of life, perfect them in the preaching of the gospel, and develop their character so they can become useful vessels for the building up of the Body of Christ.
- College Training in Midwest – 15-21 July 2018 – Champaign, IL. Download the messages mp3 via ageturners or all of them as a zip file here.
- College Training in Northeast – 13-19 July 2018 – Kingston, NY. Download the messages in MP3 format here or as a zip file here.
- College Training in Northwest – 13-19 July 2018 – Olympia, WA. Download the messages mp3 via ageturners or all of them here.
- College Training in Southeast – 14-20 July 2018 – Athens, GA. Download the mp3 messages via ageturners or as a zip file here.
- College Training in West Coast South / Southwest – 9-15 July 2018 – Yucaipa, CA. Download the messages mp3 via ageturners or all of them here.
22-29 July 2018 – 2018 International College Training in Asia (in South Korea)
With a burden for the Lord to gain today’s Ezras, priestly teachers, the churches in Korea will be hosting the 3rd International College Training in Asia (ICTA). The training will be held from Monday, July 23rd to Thursday, the 26th, followed by blending trips from Friday, the 27th to the Lord’s Day, the 29th of July, 2018. The training will be held at the Bible Truth Ministry training center at 50, Hanbora 1-ro, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17080, Republic of Korea. We look to the Lord that through the ICTA, the college students in the Lord’s recovery from different countries in Asia would rise up to pursue the Lord in the present truth, practice the corporate God-men living in the training to have a proper spiritual habit in the church life, and participate in the Lord’s move all over the world as the one new man to bring the Lord back. We pray that the young people’s vision of carrying out God’s economy may become clearer, and their experiences of the riches of Christ be richer, for the building up of the Body of Christ. To facilitate the learning of language for the furtherance of the fellowship and coordination of the one new man, this training will be conducted in English. In the release of the word for this training, co-workers from the United States will coordinate with brothers in Asia and serve in a blended way. It is our earnest desire that this generation will be produced as today’s Ezras, knowing God’s heart’s desire, and be constituted with God for His corporate testimony to bring in the kingdom of God. Registration is open to the following countries with a maximum quota as stated: Korea – 150+ saints; Taiwan – 300 saints; China – 70 saints; Hong Kong – 50 saints; Indonesia – 50 saints; Malaysia – 50 saints; Philippines – 20 saints; Thailand – 20 saints; LMA countries – 20 saints; Japan – 10 saints; Singapore – 10 saints. Registration will be closed once the training capacity of 750 saints is reached. For every ten or less students, they should be accompanied by a serving one. Registration forms should be filled and submitted by each country. Dates: 22-29 July 2018 Location: 50, Hanbora 1-ro, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17080, Korea. Information and registration via ICTA in Korea website. Watch the messages and enjoyment from this time here and here.
Video introduction to 2018 ICTA
29 July – 4 August 2018 – European Young People’s Conference in Male Ciche, Poland.
Details at, Topic for the 2018 EYPC (young people) is, The Life and Work that Changed the Age, and for the Children and Parents Conference, Raising up the Next Generation for the Church Life.

The 2018 European Young People’s Conference in Male Ciche, Poland
The European Young People’s conference is a unique privilege to blend with young people from all over the earth and pursue the Lord together for His interest. It is one of the main events for the young people in Europe aged 13-19 years old. At the same time there is a parents and children’s conference going on. It is our desire that the Lord would have a way to reach each young person attending this conference, that each young person’s love for the Lord would grow and that they would consecrate themselves in a deeper and more thorough way in this conference. This requires the prayers of all the churches. We therefore ask all the churches to stand with us in prayer as we prepare for this conference and during the conference that the Word of the Lord would be prevailing. The teenage years are from thirteen to nineteen. After twelve years old and before twenty, there are seven years in your teens. The teenage years are the golden and most crucial years of a human being. They are a deciding factor for our whole life. If you expect to have success in the spiritual field, in seeking the Lord, you must treasure your golden years, your teenage years. Do everything you can. Get into the Bible as much as you can. Pray as much as possible, and function in the meetings with as much as you have. Exhaust yourself. Try your best to do this. Read the announcement and see registration details here. Sharing of enjoyment from the 2018 EYPC in Poland via 21st Century website. Here are some of their sharing:
- But the Young People Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord to Turn the Age!
- New Song – Finding Grace in God’s Eyes (composed at the 2018 EYPC in Poland)
- Stay Close to the Lord (our Husband) and Leave the World Fully!
- Lord, I WILL be One of the Ones who Build up Your Church, the Ark
- See a Vision of this Age, Find Grace, and Cooperate with Grace to be an Age-Turner
- Spend Time with the Lord to know God’s Secret for the Present Age
- God is Looking for Man’s Cooperation to Turn the Age
- Being ones who Live a Life and Work that Changes the Age
- Giving Ourselves to the Building of the Church
- Remaining Faithful to the Lord to be His Dispensational Instrument
2017 European Young People’s Conference in Poland – the Kingdom
11-12 August 2018 International Blending Conference in Bangkok, Thailand.
12-17 August 2018 – University Training at Bower House, London, UK.
“But flee youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” – 2 Timothy 2:22 The goal of the University Training is to perfect God-loving and Christ-pursuing students in the areas of biblical truth, experience of life, gospel preaching, and character development, all with a view to molding them into useful vessels in the Lord’s hands for the building up of His Body. Corporate and personal prayer and life practices are strongly emphasized to develop a personal and intimate relationship with the Lord. Trainees will also have the opportunity to blend with peers from universities and colleges throughout Europe. This six-day training will render untold benefit to a student whose heart seeks first the kingdom of God! Details at
25-26 August 2018 – UK and Ireland Blending Conference in Nottingham, UK.
Dear saints, Amana Trust in fellowship with the churches in the UK and Ireland invites you to attend a blending conference on the weekend of 25-26 August 2018 in Nottingham, UK. We expect a rich feast and the Lord’s blessing in the fellowship and blending among all the saints and churches attending. The conference will be held at Albert Hall Conference Centre, North Circus Street, Nottingham, NG1 5AA. Registration here.
Download and listen to the messages from this conference via Amana Trust website here.
31 August – 2 September 2018 – Conference in Bucharest, Romania. More info via, Curentul Vietii. 31 August – 3 September 2018, Labor Day Conferences. Praise the Lord for the conferences held during the Labor Day weekend in the USA! Here are some places where conferences were held, and links to where you can download and enjoy the mp3 of the messages:
- 2018 Mid-Atlantic Labor Day Conference. General Subject: Gleanings from the Book of Leviticus, via Church in Dunn Loring website.
- 2018 Labor Day Weekend Church Blending Conference in Denver. General subject: The Living of the One New Man. Download the messages via, Church in Denver website.
- 2018 Southeast Labor Day Blending Conference in Jacksonville, FL., on the weekend of August 31st – September 3rd. We would like to invite the brothers and sisters from many places to gather for this time of fellowship. We thank the Lord for His present speaking to the churches, and pray that He will use this conference to build up His Body, prepare His bride, and bring in the kingdom.
- 2018 NorCal Labor Day Conference – Dates: August 31 – September 2 (from Friday 7:30 pm to Lord’s Day 12:00 pm), Location: San Francisco. Topic: The practice of the New Testament Priesthood in the Church Life. You can watch the messages via NorCal churches website and via vimeo (msg. 1, 2, 3, 4)
14-16 September 2018 – Autumn Chinese Speaking Conference in Paris, France
Nous louons le Seigneur pour le soin pastoral qu’Il a donné aux saints d’Europe et particulièrement aux saints sinophones à travers les deux conférences annuelles en langue chinoise à Londres et à Paris. Cette année, la conférence d’automne aura lieu à Paris du 14 au 16 septembre. L’avance du Seigneur en Europe est rapide, car Il désire obtenir la réalité du nouvel homme. La conférence en langue chinoise n’est pas seulement dédiée aux saints sinophones, elle vise aussi à l’édification de tout le Corps de Christ. Un service de traduction pour les saints francophones et anglophones sera prévu pendant la conférence, ceci permettra à tous les saints de s’affranchir de la barrière de la langue et de se réjouir ensemble de la parole que le Seigneur adresse à Son Corps. Dates: 14 -16 septembre 2018 Lieu: Holiday Inn Paris – Versailles – Bougival,12 Rue Yvan Tourgueneff, 78380 Bougival France Registration: church in Paris website.
15-16 September 2018 – UK Sisters’ time at Bower House.
We would like to invite all the sisters from each area of the UK to come for a UK sisters’ time at Bower House on 15 and 16 September 2018. Registration and info here.
28 – 30 September 2018 – Young Adults Conference in Germany Conference, Oberbernhards, Germany.
Topic: Recovering Our Function In the Church Life To Be Normal Functioning Members In the Body of Christ Listen to the messages and download the outlines via, Church in Dusseldorf. Session 1: Our Desperate Need for the Increase and Building Up of the Church Session 2: Bearing Fruit and Caring for the New Believers Session 3: Bringing the New Believers and Young Ones into the Church Life to be Our Remaining Fruit Session 4: Having a Strong Beginning in the Group Meetings
6-7 October 2018 – Weekend Retreat in the Fall, at Bower House, London, UK.
We would like to invite all those who would like to spend time in the Word of God and to enter into the practice of pursuing the Lord (both personally and with others). This is also a wonderful opportunity to meet others from your area who also love the Lord. We hope that as many as possible from throughout Europe will attend at least one of the weekends. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite friends, family, or someone you know who would like to know the Lord more or meet with other believers. We welcome those who are 18 years old and above. More info here.
4-6 October 2018 – International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (ITERO) will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 4-6 October 2018. Registration via
Topic: Propagating the Resurrected, Ascended, and All-Inclusive Christ as the Development of the Kingdom of God Venue: Intercontinental Addis. Kazanchis area, Guinea Conakry (Tito) Street, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia For those who would like to attend a Lord’s Table and blending meeting the day following the ITERO, there will be one held in Addis Ababa on 7th October. Full details and registration – see ITERO 2018 Addis Ababa.
Let us beseech the Lord that, through this training, He will make ALL the brothers able ministers of the New Testament, effective building material for the universal building up of the Body of Christ, and good stewards and serving ones in our respective local churches! Amen, may the Lord also build His Body through the blending of the brothers from the whole earth. Also PRAY for the full release of the Lord’s burden and word and receiving of the word by all those attending that the one accord among all the churches would be intensified for the carrying out of the Lord’s ultimate move in these days. Amen, Lord Jesus!
16-18 October 2018 – European Brothers’ Training in Baarlo, The Netherlands.
In addition to the elders, we encourage all those who are bearing responsibility and learning to serve to apply. This training is restricted to brothers only. We hope that through such perfecting times, the Lord will make us all able ministers of the New Testament, effective building material for the universal building up of the Body of Christ, and good stewards and serving ones in our respective local churches. More details here.
19-21 October 2018 – International Blending Conference in Baarlo, The Netherlands.
Amana Trust in fellowship with the churches in Europe invites you to attend a conference on the weekend of 19-21 October 2018 in Baarlo, The Netherlands. We expect a rich feast and the Lord’s blessing in the fellowship and blending among all the saints attending. The messages will be spoken in English with translation into other European languages. All meetings will be held at Kasteel de Berckt. Full details on the schedule, registration, accommodation, transportation, etc via Baarlo conferences here.
24 October 2018 – Yangon Region Young Working Saints Meeting, Myanmar.
Total 185 young people joined this meeting.
26-28 October 2018 – PTERO (Perfecting Training for Elders and Responsible Ones) in Cebu City, Philippines.
Philippines Training for Elders and Responsible Ones, in Cebu City. Topic: Propagating the Resurrected, Ascended, and All-Inclusive Christ as the Development of the Kingdom of God. Participating churches: 337. More info via this website.
31 October – 2 November 2018 – Southern Philippines Semestral-break Conference.
The General Subject for this year’s conference: O Timothy, Guard the Deposit. Details and registration via here. Southern Philippines Semestral-Break Conference at La Salle Academy, Iligan City, Students Conference. 1,600 Young people with saints
29 October – 24 November 2018 One-week Training at Bower House.
Each training will begin on a Monday and conclude on the following Saturday. There will be four sessions in November 2018 beginning on 29 October, 5 November, 12 November, and 19 November. The content for each session in the Autumn will differ from previous one-week trainings. The overall theme will be The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel. This was the theme of Brother Lee’s book from messages given in 1984 shortly after he completed the Life-study of the New Testament. These training sessions will be very helpful for all the saints throughout Europe regarding each of the four crucial pillars in the Lord’s recovery. We feel that these times will also be appropriate for the saints’ contacts and for seeking ones from the campuses, radio, publications, etc. We encourage all the saints to come in groups as much as possible. There will be a variety of special meetings. Attendees will spend some time with the FTTL (Full-time Training in London) and its activities and with the brothers and sisters in the church in London or surrounding churches. There will be particular fellowship regarding our daily life before the Lord, practicing the vital groups, entering into the spread of the divine truths throughout Europe, fulfilling the Lord’s desire that we all would be fruit-bearing branches in the vine, and developing our function for the building up of the church in our respective localities. There will also be a special outing related to the history of the Lord’s move in Europe. Registration, details, application, testimonies, dress code, map, contact info, and how to apply via One Week Training link here.
2-4 November 2018 – The Balkan Regional Conference in Tirana, Albania
Blending Conference in Tirana, Albania. Praise the Lord for the blending in the Body!
The saints in the Balkans warmly extend an invitation to all the saints and churches in the Lord’s recovery to participate in the upcoming weekend conference in Tirana, Albania on November 2-4, 2018. We’re so thankful to the Lord for the prayers of all the saints and churches throughout the earth, and now we invite you to consider coming to blend with us for the strengthening and spread of the Lord’s testimony in this region. We pray the Lord will bless this gathering for His further move in the Balkans, Europe, and the whole earth. Location: TeStela Resort, Autostrada Tiranë – Durrës, km 7, 1000 Tirana, Albania More details and registration via amanatrust.
2-4 November 2018 – Autumn European University Conference in Oswestry, UK
This year the subject of the conference is The Jubilee. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to announce the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to send away in release those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, the year of jubilee.” Luke 4:18-19 When: Fri 2 – Sun 4 November, 2018 Where: Quinta Hall, Oswestry, Shropshire, UK, SY10 7LR. More details at The messages are online to be downloaded / listened to here.
2-4 Nov 2018 – Serving Ones Training in Chennai, India.
Topic: Propagating the Resurrected, Ascended, and All-Inclusive Christ as the Development of the Kingdom of God
10-11 November 2018 – Conference in Brussels, Belgium.
22-25 November 2018 – International Thanksgiving Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina.
This gathering is one of the seven feasts each year which we all try to honour. Meetings at the Westin Charlotte Hotel (Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese translation). Watch the Working Saints Fellowship at the Thanksgiving Day Conference 2018, Charlotte, NC This video is from the working saints fellowship held on Saturday, November 24, 2018, during the 2018 International Thanksgiving Day Conference in Charlotte, NC. The fellowship was centered around the burden for the Lord’s move within the United States, particularly in the heartland states and on the campuses. A number of saints testified of their experience of migrating to support this burden, as well as how they were able to participate even while working full-time jobs. Brother Ted Williamson shared from his personal experience, and Minoru Chen briefly covered the history of increase in the Lord’s recovery to further strengthen this burden.
30 November 2018 – Churches in UAE Combined Meeting & Conference – “Propagating the Resurrected, Ascended, and All-Inclusive Christ as the development of the Kingdom of God.”
30 November – 2 December 2018 – Northern California Blending Conference
Topic: Living for God’s Eternal Purpose and being saved from this crooked generation. Listen / watch the messages via this link.
7-9 December 2018 – The Gospel To All The Nations Conference in Houston, TX, USA
This conference is held at the church in Houston meeting hall. Topic: Enjoying the Riches of Christ for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ.
14-16 December 2018 – Iberian Peninsula Conference in Malaga, Spain.
We are pleased to announce that this year the Iberian Peninsula Conference will be held in Málaga, Spain. We warmly invite all saints to join us for this time of receiving God’s word and blessing.
Nos complace anunciar que este año la Conferencia en la Península Ibérica tendrá lugar en Málaga, España. Con mucho gusto invitamos a todos los santos para que se unan a nosotros en este tiempo en el que recibiremos la palabra y la bendición de Dios.
Location: The conference will be held at Hotel Sol Don Pablo, Bajondillo 55, Paseo Marítimo, 29620, Torremolinos, Málaga, España. The accommodation arranged for the conference will be at this same hotel. Please pray that the Lord would richly bless this time.
Registration: via this link.
22-26 December 2018 – The Tour of a Lifetime, part 24, in Malabon (Philippines).
Topic: Daniel (part 1). Daniel 1:8 But Daniel set his heart not to defile himself with the king’s choice provision… Watch a video on, The Tour of a Lifetime, part 21, on, Jeremiah and Lamentations
24-29 December 2018 – Semiannual Training in Anaheim, CA, USA (winter training)
If you know of any other feasts, please email us at enjoyingthelord @ and we will add them. Some of the places online where you can find the list of local events are:
- Conferences in Europe – via Amana Trust
- Events from Living Stream Ministry.
- Church in London (UK) events.