The Bible reveals the flowing Triune God—the Father as the fountain of life, the Son as the spring of life, and the Spirit as the river of life (Jer. 2:13; Psa. 36:9a; John 4:14; 7:37-39).
Our God is a God that always flows, moves, and advances. The book of Acts records the move of God in man in the first 67 or so years, and this book has no end because the unique stream of the work of God continues to flow throughout the ages!
God flowed from the eternity into man, and then He flowed in Jerusalem, Samaria, Antioch, eventually to Rome and to the uttermost parts of the earth. As long as we are one spirit with the Lord and we pray in oneness with Him to accomplish what is on His heart, we are in the unique stream of the divine life today.
God always advances, He never stops, and He never looks back or returns to where He has been before – He always goes on! The Father is the fountain of life, the Son is the spring of life, and the Spirit is the river of life (see Jer. 2:13; Psa. 36:9a; John 4:14; 7:37-39) – the flowing Triune God now flows in us!
In every age, God has flown and moved in a certain way, and today He desires to move to close this age as soon as He gets the overcomers. We need to humble ourselves before the Lord and ask Him,
Lord, keep me in the stream. Keep me in the up-to-date stream of Your move and Your work today. Until You return, Lord, keep me in Your flow in this age today. I want to cooperate with You fully that You may step on me and use me as a dispensational instrument for Your move in this age!
We are in Chapter 29 of Acts Today
The book of Acts has no ending – we are now writing “chapter 29” of the book of Acts. The Father is working, the Son is working (John 5:17) and today in this age we want to be in the unique stream of God’s work.
In every century God has been moving and working, and there is a stream of God’s work throughout the ages. He did not stop working, but rather – even though outwardly you may not see it – God is always advancing!
He started from Jerusalem with the disciples, and then moved onward to Samaria, in His desire to reach the uttermost parts of the earth. Then God flowed to Antioch, among the Gentiles (Acts 13). From Antioch, the stream went toward the West, then to Asia, Macedonia, and Europe.
The record in Acts is not merely the record of “the gospel missions of the apostles” but it is a record of the stream of God’s move and work.
From the last chapter of Acts as recorded in the written Bible, God continued to move throughout the earth to bring the gospel of the kingdom through the members of His Body to the uttermost parts of the earth!
In each age, He has a specific move, a specific work, and today we need to be in the up-to-date stream of God, in what He desires to do today. We live in chapter 29 of Acts (so to say) and we need to “write the history of God” by being one with God in His move, His stream, today!
Being in the Divine Stream Today
As long as we are one with the Lord in spirit and in coordination with the saints in the Body of Christ, God’s move is with us. The stream never stops, and it never goes back. If we stop the stream, it will go to someone else.
Watchman Nee once said, If God would use us just once in the stream of His move, our life is full of worth.
We hope that the Lord would use us again and again, but there’s no room for us to be complacent or proud, because it is the divine stream – it just flows, no mater what! If we are not for God, He can put us aside. He wants to make sure that the flow is not interrupted.

The Bible reveals the flowing Triune God—the Father as the fountain of life, the Son as the spring of life, and the Spirit as the river of life (Jer. 2:13; Psa. 36:9a; John 4:14; 7:37-39).
If we do what God wants to do in our generation, we will have the flow of the Spirit. If we always hold onto our past, on what the Lord did in the past in us and with us, and demand that God would do as we think it is good, we will lose the flow.
Forget the past. God always moves on. You may have had a revival and a great awakening, but God moves on. The minute we want to hold the flow we will lose the flow. We are not here to hold the flow but to follow the flow of God’s move today.
It was good to be Martin Luther at his time, but it is not enough to be Martin Luther today. It was good to be a Madam Guyon, a Wesley, a Darby, or a Zinzendorf at the time they were alive, but it is not enough to be one of them today.
God is always moving forward, and every one that is used by God realizes that God’s flow always moves on!
God is Always Advancing and Moving On
In every age God has a specific work that He does, and every age has a flow of God’s move. The trend is that God always moves on. We should never stop and linger in what He did in the past, but we should sail on, move on, and go onward all the time!
The river of God’s flow today is going toward the end of this age, and He will end this age soon – you can sense it. Will we be those who cooperate with the Lord today to be His overcomers in the unique stream of His work today?
If we merely see this but we don’t pray for this and we are not one with God in prayer to end this age, God will set us aside and will move on to another people. God always moves on, and He never looks back.
He moved on from Jerusalem to the uttermost parts of the earth, and because the Jewish were still holding on to the mixture in Jerusalem, He had to send Titus and destroy the city! Because Rome eventually became a terrible human organization, God today has nothing to do with the Roman Catholic church.
God is progressing all the time – in every age, there are some people raised up by God to be one with Him in what He intends to do in that age.
If God cannot secure a way through us, He will find others that He can step on, and we will then suffer the greatest loss. Each day the Spirit is bypassing people, groups of Christians, and congregations.
If the Spirit cannot accomplish what He intends to do through us, He must make a new start with someone else. We need to see the stream of God’s move and His work today, and be one with Him in prayer to end this age!
Together as the coordinated Body of Christ, we can pray one with God and function in our measure to bring the Lord back!
Lord, save us from remaining or lingering in what You have done in the past. We want to move on with You. Keep us advancing in Your move one with You. Lord, release the prayers that You need and make us the people You’re looking for to step on and use to do what You want to do today! Don’t pass us by, Lord! Use us in Your ultimate and final move. Lord, we want to cooperate with You in this age by praying and working together with You in the stream! Keep us in the stream today!
References and Further Reading
- Sharing inspired from brother Andrew Yu’s speaking in this message and portions in, The Divine Stream, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Prayer and the Lord’s Move, week 6 (entitled, A Praying Church in the Unique Stream of the Work of God).
- Further reading: The Collected Works of Watchman Nee, vol. 37, ch. 20.
- Hymns on this topic:
# A mighty flowing-out is God, / He flows throughout the ages. / And so to flow Himself to man / He is in many stages.
# In the stream! in the stream! let us work for the Lord, / By His mind, in His way, as revealed in His Word; / In the flow of His life let us work with His pow’r / For His Kingdom and Church in the time of His hour.
# At the closing of this age, / Just before Your kingdom’s dawn, / May You gain a people, Lord, / For Your dwelling place, Your home. - Pictures source: with permission via, Inspiration Unlimited (Prayer and the Lord’s Move set).
Praise You Lord of lords & King of kings, our Prince of Peace!
Lord grant us all eyes to see & even be included in this divine flow that it becomes in us a fountain which expresses You in Your highest expression ‘love’ so Your work will be accomplished & Your will be done!
Rev 22:1 & he showed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal proceeding out of the throne of God & of the Lamb in the middle of its street.
John 4:14 But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall by no means thirst forever; but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into eternal life.
The Divine Flow is a Work in Progress
‘Where the stream of living water flows, there is the work of God…It is the stream of life,..fellowship,…testimony,…the work of God…The book of Acts…does not have an ending…His work will go on until the kingdom & even until the new heaven & new earth.’
John 5:17 My Father is working until now, & I also am working
Notice that there is no end, no conclusion, to the book of Acts. There are twenty-eight chapters, but in the book of Acts in heaven today there may be twenty-eight hundred chapters. The twenty-eight chapters in our Bible are just the record of sixty or seventy years of history. There is an opening, but no closing, no conclusion. This is because this stream of life is still flowing and never stops flowing. The history of the church shows that this stream has continued to flow from generation to generation right up to this very day, and it is flowing still. Where it flows, there is the life of God; where it flows, there is the fellowship of the Body; where it flows, there is the testimony of Jesus; and where it flows, there is also the work of God. It is the stream of life, the stream of fellowship, the stream of testimony, and the stream of the work of God. (The Divine Stream, pp. 6-7)
Since the rebellion of Satan and the fall of man, God has been working until now, and the Lord is also working. God’s vessels are still carrying on with His work. God’s testimony can never be finished! His work will go on until the kingdom and even until the new heaven and new earth. God is always advancing; He never stops. What kind of work is the work of God? It is a work in the divine stream, the stream of living water, the river of water of life. By flowing God works; by flowing God preaches His gospel; by flowing God brings people to be saved. Where the stream of living water flows, there is the work of God. Where it flows, there is the life of God, the fellowship of the Body, the testimony of Jesus, and the work of God. May we care for this unique stream and stay in the flow of God’s work, the river of water of life that flows unto eternity!
Oh Lord Jesus, thank You for Your unique stream. Lord cause us to stay in the flow of Your move on the earth today. Cause us to fully open for this flow to flow in and through us Lord. We don't want to frustrate You in Your move Lord but cause us to be fully cooperative and one with You for this flow in this divine stream, the divine stream, the stream of living water, the river of water of life. Secure a way through us and cause Satan loss. Oh Lord Jesus!
It is very important to link our prayer with the unique stream of the work of God. Many well-intended Christians can pray and even experience some amount of success in their work. However, we must ask is my work for the Lord genuinely a part of the unique stream of God's work in this present age?
If we are praying for our personal affairs or even noble Christian works but fall short of the present flowing of the stream of God's work, God's goal will not be reached. May we be enlightened to see the times and what the Lord is doing in our generation so that our prayers may have real economic value before Him!
God is progressing all the time.We need to see the stream of a God's move and his work today.