![God's Move Depends upon Our Moving: the Church must Match Christ in His Move [In the picture: The wheels following the living creatures indicates that the move of God’s work depends upon our moving (Ezek. 1:19; cf. Eccl. 11:4).] God's Move Depends upon Our Moving: the Church must Match Christ in His Move [In the picture: The wheels following the living creatures indicates that the move of God’s work depends upon our moving (Ezek. 1:19; cf. Eccl. 11:4).]](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/wheels-follow-living-creatures-move-gods-work-depends-on-our-moving.jpg?resize=750%2C498&ssl=1)
The wheels following the living creatures indicates that the move of God’s work depends upon our moving (Ezek. 1:19; cf. Eccl. 11:4).
The creatures followed the Spirit, the wheels went with the creatures, and the Spirit was in the wheels – so mysterious, yet so real in our daily experience. This means that if we move in faith, the Lord will follow our move.
The move of God’s work depends upon our move, and when we move by following the Spirit, we have God’s move with us. We need to exercise to be one with the Triune God in the move of the great wheel of His economy by exercising to pray in the mingled spirit to be one with Him in His move.
The Lord tells us in Isa. 45:11, Concerning the work of My hands, Command Me! We as the church can command God concerning the work of His hands – and whatever we ask by abiding in the Lord, He will do for us (John 15:7).
When we move in faith, God will move in our move. We follow the Spirit by being one with the Spirit in our spirit (1 Cor. 6:17), and the Lord follows us with His move.
He moves in our move. If we move, God moves. If we don’t move one with the Lord, He is limited in His move.
Lord, save us from limiting You in Your move. May we see where You want us to move, and may we follow the Spirit to move so that God’s move may go on. Lord, we want to follow You wherever You go. We want to be one with You, Lord, in Your move on the earth. We are here for You, for Your move, for Your eternal economy!
When We Move God Moves – The Wheel Follows the Creatures
We are the “four living creatures” – we are those who love the Lord, enjoy Him, and are daily revived to be living both individually and with a group of vital saints in the church life.
As those who love the Lord and are here for His economy, we don’t need to wait until the Lord moves before we move. God has been waiting for His children, His believers, to move for the past 2000 years.
We need to see that the great wheel of God’s move in His economy follows the living creatures when they move. If we move, God moves. If we don’t move, God has no move on earth.
If we go to preach the gospel, God will go with us and save sinners. If we move for the church life, God will move in our move. We as living creatures follow the Spirit, and the Lord follows us in His move.
Wow, what an organic union! You don’t even know who follows who – do we follow the Spirit, or does the Lord follow us? In our organic union with the Lord, as we pray ourselves into the mingled spirit, we will be one with the Lord to move, and the Lord will follow us with His move!
We need to move on boldly in coordination with the Body, and the great wheel of the move of God’s economy will follow us. We need to move and go to the uttermost parts of the earth, starting with taking Europe for the Lord, and the Lord will follow us in our move!
This is the move that God desires to have on earth today – not a movement, not an organization, not a “mission board” sending people, but a group of living creatures who are blended together, who are under the Head of the Body and in coordination with the saints, and who move by following the Spirit!
The Church Must Match Christ – the Rim matches the Hub
Christ is the hub, the wheel within the wheel, and He is the center of God’s economy and of the church. When we have Christ as our center, we become the rim, the outer wheel, the full expression of Christ (Eph. 3:14-21).

With the wheel of God’s move, God’s activity, there is the need of the church as the rim to match Christ as the hub; when we have Christ as the center and the church as the rim, we will have the wheel of God’s economy moving all the time (Eph. 5:32; Col. 1:17-18).
Christ as the inner wheel, the hub, is always moving and living, and the church as the rim must match Christ. When Christ moves, the church must move also, and just as the hub moves a little the rim moves a lot, so when the Lord moves a little, the church moves a lot!
The Lord is waiting for the church to match Him in His move, and we are the spokes, the many members of the Body who are connected to the Head and express Him on earth. We magnify Christ (Phil. 1:20) and express Him in His move.
When we have Christ as the center and the church as the rim matching Him, we will have the wheel of God’s economy moving all the time (Eph. 5:32; Col. 1:17-18).
We need to pray for this. We need to pray for God to move on. We need to pray for God to move in Eastern Europe and in all the darkness of the Western “modern” Europe. We need to pray for God to move in the Arab-speaking countries.
He has to gain some shining lampstands in the darkness of Egypt, Irak, Iran, Afghanistan Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Algeria, Chad, Eritrea, Kuwait, Libya Syria, Sudan, Oman, Morocco, Palestine, Somalia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, and Qatar!
Who will rise up to pray for this? Who will pray for God’s move in all these countries? Who will command God concerning the work of His hands, that He would SAVE the lost and FILL many human beings with the Triune God as life?
God wants to move; He is eager to move into all these countries, but who will pray?
Being One with the Lord in His Move
We may look at our own situation, at the things we need to do, our job, our family, our church life, our needs… and we may be discouraged when it comes to God’s move.
But we need to turn to our spirit, and in this joining to the Lord as one spirit we will be one with Him for His move. What is IMPOSSIBLE with us it is POSSIBLE with God. He can do what we cannot do.
All we have to do is cooperate with Him through prayer. Just abide in Him, and pray in oneness with Him. When we abide in the Lord, He will put words in us, and He will pray in us the prayers that He needs for Him to move.
He will empower us to cooperate with Him and move one with Him. We may move one with the Lord a little by opening our mouth to speak the gospel to our classmate or workmate, or we may visit some new ones to read the Bible with them.
We move a little by following the Spirit, and He moves in our move. Step by step, little by little, prayer by prayer, day by day, a little move after a little move, God will have a way to move in us and through us.
Together, we will match Him in His move, and we as the rim will move as the hub moves – and there will be the great wheel of the move of God’s economy on the earth!
All we need to do is to be one with the Lord today in His move by praying in this organic union for Him to MOVE!
Lord, keep us in the organic union with You. Lord, we want to cooperate with You as much as we can today. Right now, Lord, we open to You. We are joined to You as one spirit, and we want to move one with You. Lord, move on earth! Lord, come in and SAVE! Lord, save so many in Eastern and Western Europe! Lord, save so many in all the Arab-speaking countries! Lord, may the great wheel of Your economy operate and move in all the earth, country by country!
References and Further Reading
- Sharing inspired from portions in, Life-study of Ezekiel (msg. 9), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Prayer and the Lord’s Move, week 5 (entitled, Being One with the Triune God in the Move of the Great Wheel of His Economy).
- Further reading: The Life and Way for the Practice of the Church Life (chapter 1).
- Hymns on this topic:
# God needs men who pray; / Those who lay the tracks for Him; / God’s economy is carried out through men of prayer. / They love not themselves; / But a willing sacrifice. / What they fear—offending God, losing His presence dear.
# Pray to labor with the Lord / Till the wheel begins to move; / Pray together with the Lord / Till the Church His pow’r shall prove.
# Teach us to pray that we may cause / The enemy to flee, / That we his evil pow’r may bind, / His prisoners to free. - Pictures source: with permission via, Inspiration Unlimited (Prayer and the Lord’s Move set).
In this universe, with the wheel of God’s move, God’s activity, there is the need of the church as the rim to match Christ as the hub. When we have Christ as the center and the church as the rim, we will have the wheel of God moving all the time. One may have the strongest and the most beautiful hub, but if there is no rim, there is no wheel. Let us pray for God’s move today. God needs to move on. With the divine move, there is the need of a hub, which is Christ Himself, and there is also the need of a rim, which is the church. If you have both the hub and the rim, then you have a wheel rolling on for God’s move on the earth. May the Lord be merciful to us that we may see these things in a complete way. Christ is the hub, and the church is the rim. (The Life and Way for the Practice of the Church Life, pp. 15-16)
Eze 1:19 & whenever the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them; & whenever the living creatures were lifted up above the earth, the wheels were lifted up also.
20 Wherever the Spirit was to go, they went-wherever the Spirit was to go. & the wheels were lifted up alongside them, for the Spirit of the living creature was in the wheel.
‘The wheels follow the creatures(v 19,21), & the creatures follow the Spirit, but the Spirit is in the wheel……Christ is the hub & the church is the rim. He is one with us (1Cor 6:17)…contrary to the concept..that we need to wait until the Lord moves…The Lord has been waiting for nearly 2,000 years. One day when we meet the Lord we may say, “Lord, we followed You,” but the Lord may say, “No, I followed you.”
Lord grant us the eyes to see & the confidence, assurance & faith to go on boldly for Your move!
for the wheel to go on moving we the church must have to take Christ as the hub, then we must be faithfull to cooperate the Lord in His work on earth. Lord Jesus by enjoying You each day, we see clearly Your divine administration, Your rulling as the wheel into our inner being. cause us a spirit of boldness to cooperate Your Move in all the function in the church with action. we need You o Lord Jesus..
We need to move on boldly in coordination with the Body, and the great wheel of the move of God’s economy will follow us. We need to move and go to the uttermost parts of the earth, starting with taking Europe for the Lord, and the Lord will follow us in our move! Amen! Oh Lord Jesus! We want to move with the Lord on the earth for the great wheel of the move of God’s economy. we here for for the God's economy. Amen!