Christ will come as the General with His Bride to Fight against Antichrist at Armageddon

Eph. 6:13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.According to Rev. 19:11-21, Christ will come as the fighting General with His bride (who is composed of the overcoming believers, who are His army) to fight against Antichrist, the kings under him, and their armies at Armageddon.

In this age the Lord is working to build up the Body of Christ so that His bride may be prepared and He would return to rapture His overcomers, and these overcomers will enter into the wedding feast; at one point during the wedding feast, Antichrist and his armies will rebel openly against God and come to fight Him, and Christ will return to fight them – but He will not return alone.

It is Christ with His overcomers, who are now His bride, that will fight against the Antichrist and his armies, and they will defeat and destroy Antichrist and all his rebellious followers. Hallelujah!

How much we need to cooperate with the Lord today so that we may be prepared as the bride of Christ to be qualified to enter the wedding feast and return with Christ to destroy any rebellion against God!

On the one hand we need to be made beautiful by the washing of the water in the word, allowing Christ to remove any spots, wrinkles, blemishes, or such things, so that we may be His beautiful bride.

On the other hand, we need to learn through experience to overcome Satan and his temptations, and how to use the blood of the Lamb and deny our soul life so that we may be the overcomers in this age (Rev. 12:11).

The Lord today has some perfecters, some who cooperate with Him to work Christ into the being of the seeking saints to make them His overcomers and beautify them with the Triune God. We need to allow the Lord through His perfecters to adorn us with Christ and beautify us with the Triune God so that we may be the beautiful bride of Christ.

Our only beauty is the shining out of Christ from within us, and the only thing that the Lord considers as beautiful in us, His believers, is the Christ wrought into us and shining out from us in our God-man living.

May we be those who give the Lord our best cooperation today to be produced as His overcomers in this age so that we may be part of His beautiful overcoming bride!

Christ will come as the General with His Bride to Defeat Antichrist at Armageddon

Rev. 19:14 And the armies which are in heaven followed Him on white horses, dressed in fine linen, white and clean.In Rev. 19:11-21 we are told how Christ will return as a fighting General together with His bride to fight against and defeat Antichrist, the kings under Him, and their armies, at Armageddon.

After His wedding feast, Christ will come as the General with His bride (composed of the overcoming believers as His army) to fight against Antichrist who, together with the kings and armies under him, will gather together at Armageddon to fight directly against God.

The Bridegroom, Christ, is the Commander-in-chief, and the bride, the overcoming believers, are His army; this fight is part of their honeymoon. The bride is a warrior bride, a fighting bride.

The bride Paul spoke of in Eph. 5 is the warrior in Eph. 6, just as the loving Shulammite who is lovely to the Lord is also terrifying to the enemy.

The bride of Christ is composed of the overcomers who are not only lovers of Christ but also fighters; they know how to stay in the Body, put on the whole armor of God, and stand against the enemy’s attacks and stratagems.

When Christ comes as a “stone cut without hands” to crush the totality of the great human image, He will not come alone but together with His bride, the overcomers who have become His bride and now are one with Him to destroy and crush any rebellion against God.

Human government rebels against God, exalts man, and worship idols, and the consummation will be that it will fight against God directly; therefore, Christ as the embodiment of God will come together with His bride to crush the human government with Antichrist as its head.

On the day of His wedding, Christ will marry the one who has been fighting the battle against God’s enemy for years. This means that Christ will marry the overcomers, who have already overcome the evil one, the devil (Rev. 12:11). As the God-cut stone, Christ with His overcomers—the corporate Christ—will strike the ten kings with Antichrist (19:11-21), signified by the ten toes of the great human image. In so doing, the corporate Christ will crush the great image from the toes to the head (Dan. 2:35); that is, the corporate Christ—Christ with His newly married bride composed of the overcomers—will come as a stone cut without hands and smite the human government into pieces. In this way, Christ with His bride will annihilate human government. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 4346, by W. Lee)

Before His coming back, Christ will have a wedding, uniting His overcomers to Himself as one entity (Rev. 19:7-9). Christ will marry the one who has been fighting the battle against God’s enemy for years (Eph. 5:27; 6:10-18). In Revelation 19 Christ will marry the overcomers, who have already overcome the evil one. After His wedding Christ will come with His bride to destroy Antichrist (vv. 11-13). 2016 Thanksgiving Conference, outline 3Hallelujah, what a glorious destiny do the overcomers have! How we aspire to be those who overcome today so that we may join Christ in His wedding and in His victory over His enemy!

And wow, what a honeymoon! Before His coming back, Christ will have a wedding, being united with His overcomers as one entity, and then He will return with His bride, His counterpart who matches Him to complete Him, to destroy any rebellion against God (Rev. 14:14; 19:7-8, 11-13).

The overcomers are those who have been fighting the battle against God’s enemy for years (Eph. 5:27; 6:10-18); they learned how to hate what the Lord hates and fight one with Him by standing in His victory over His enemy.

Christ will marry His overcomers, who are His bride, and after His wedding He will return with His bride to destroy Antichrist.

The bride will be one with Him, matching Him in every way: she cares for what He cares, she loves what He loves, she hates what He hates, and she is one with Him in fighting to destroy Antichrist. Hallelujah!

Lord Jesus, grant us the mercy and grace to be part of Your overcoming bride, the army returning with You to destroy Antichrist and his armies at Armageddon! Amen! Keep our heart loving You. Keep us in the process of Your organic salvation daily. Keep us denying the self, losing our soul life, applying the blood of Christ, and standing with Christ in His victory. Lord, we stand with You today on earth, taking the Body as our covering, and putting on the whole armor of God to withstand against the enemy. Make us Your overcomers, Lord! We love You, we want to be Your counterpart, and we want to be one with You in Your desire to end this age and destroy human government!

The Wedding Garment Qualifies us to attend the Wedding and join the Army to Fight the Ultimate War

The wedding garment — Christ lived out of us as our subjective righteousness — qualifies us not only to attend the wedding but also to join in the army to fight with Christ against Antichrist in the ultimate war — the war at Armageddon (Rev. 19:8, 14). 2016 Thanksgiving Conference, outline 3In Matt. 22 there was a King who made a wedding feast for His son, and many were called and invited, but some (at least one of them) didn’t have the wedding garment. This speaks of the wedding feast of the Lamb, to which you need to wear a special garment – fine linen, white and pure, the righteousnesses of the saints.

The wedding garment – which is Christ lived out of us as our subjective righteousness – qualifies us not only to attend the wedding but also to join in the army to fight with Christ against Antichrist in the ultimate war – the war at Armageddon (Rev. 19:8, 14).

On the one hand, the dress that the bride wears is her beauty, clean and pure, a Christ-expressing God-man living, an overcoming living that is beautiful and attractive to God. On the other hand, the same garment is an armor, it is the uniform for the army.

The army joining Christ to defeat Antichrist at Armageddon wears white linen. The same virtues – the God-man living, the Christ-expressing overcoming living, is not only our beauty toward God but also our armor toward the enemy.

The matter of the second garment is a serious matter: many are called, but few are chosen! Not ALL believers in Christ will participate in the wedding feast, and not all Christians will be part of Christ’s army to destroy Antichrist and abolish human government.

Only those who are called, chosen, and faithful are qualified to participate at the marriage dinner of the Lamb. All the guests at the wedding feast are actually the bride; they are invited to the feast, and they are the bride for the Bridegroom.

These called, chosen, and faithful are the ones who have grown in the divine life, are mature in life, have learned to fight and defeat the enemy, and have become the duplication and reproduction of their Husband.

The overcomers have attracted Christ to such an extent that He has to come back! May we be those who not only enjoy Christ as our righteousness before God covering us and giving us an entrance before God to partake of Him, but those who also allow Christ to work Himself into them until He is lived out of us as our daily righteousness.

May we be those who learn to fight by Christ as our garment against His enemy.

May we be those who cooperate with God’s organic salvation so that He can add Himself as the beauty to our inner being until we express Him, match Him, grow in Him unto maturity, and marry Him!

We want to be those who are ready for the Lord’s return – ready sooner, as the overcomers, the bride!

Lord Jesus, we want to be those who are ready for Your return as the overcomers. We give You our cooperation in Your organic salvation for You to add Yourself as the beauty to our inner being until we express You, are mature in You, become beautiful to You, and marry You because we match You! Lord, grant us to grow in life every day, learn to fight against Your enemy, and become Your reproduction so that we may become so attractive to You that You must return! Lord Jesus, we love You! Be wrought into us and lived out of us as our Christ-expressing God-man living as our beautiful garment and armor!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message by brother Mark R. for this week, and portions from, Life-study of Revelation, msgs. 54-55 (by W. Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Direction of the Lord’s Move (2016 Thanksgiving Conference), msg. 3 (week 3), To Prepare the Bride as the Counterpart of the Bridegroom (1) – The Readiness of the Bride.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # Backward drive the Evil One! / Force him out of every hold; / Smite until the sinking sun / Sets upon the warrior bold! / In the Overcomer’s Name / Be an overcomer too! / Stand and put the foe to shame / All the livelong battle through! (Hymns #883)
    # Though deep the darkness be / We still would onward go, / Till we the day of rapture greet / And glory ‘round shall glow. / ’Tis there we’ll see the Lord, / And Satan overcome; / The overcomers will rejoice, / Jesus, the Lord. has come! (Hymns #893)
    # We believers have been renewed, / Must grow in life and be matured, / Perfected as overcomers / So that we as the builded church, / The corporate Bride, will consummate / All in the New Jerusalem— / Fulfilling God’s, fulfilling God’s / Eternal plan! Eternal plan! (Song on being an overcomer)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
8 years ago

Revelation 19:14 says that the armies are dressed in fine linen, white and clean….The overcoming saints have two garments, the one for salvation and the other for reward. The fine linen here is the second garment. This second garment of the overcomers qualifies them both to attend the marriage dinner of the Lamb (vv. 8-9) and to fight with the Lord against His enemy. Thus, the wedding garment becomes the fighting garment. The second garment qualifies us not only to attend the wedding but also to join the army. As we have seen, this garment is Christ lived out of us to be our daily righteousness. Even today, we are fighting by Christ as our garment. Ephesians 6 indicates that the whole armor of God is Christ. Furthermore, the Lord’s army will be on white horses. We shall not be guerrillas; we shall be a properly formed heavenly army. Hallelujah! (Life-study of Revelation, p. 640, by Witness Lee)

Dang-Elba P.
Dang-Elba P.
8 years ago

Amen!! We need to be carried away in spirit onto a high mountain to see the New Jerusalem, the universal Body of Christ the bride of Christ.

Laz V.
Laz V.
8 years ago

Amen for this high peak truth concerning God’s administration. Lord make me such an overcomer. Overcoming daily until your appearing.

Felix P.
Felix P.
8 years ago

Praise the Lord!
GOD’S Economy is so glorious!

Sandra O.
Sandra O.
8 years ago

Lord, make us Your overcomers; make us part of Your bride!

Cezar R.
Cezar R.
8 years ago

Praise the Lord Jesus ! Alléluia

Necitas B.
Necitas B.
8 years ago

Lord, thank You for revealing this great revelation. Amen

Betty B
Betty B
8 years ago

Amen dear Lord don’t let us go!

C. S.
C. S.
8 years ago

“And we have the prophetic word made more firm, to which you do well to give heed as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; ” 2 Pet 1:19

Z. G.
Z. G.
8 years ago

Yeah. Even, overcomers already rejoicing as transformation is in sure process continuously & progressively as we unceasingly keeping calling on HiM