Being Fully Open to the Lord for Him Shine on us, Expose us, and Infuse us with Life

We need to be fully open to the Lord so that He may shine in us to expose us, convict us, judge us, and infuse us with His life.

The golden lampstand in the tabernacle, the house of God, was a piece of furniture designed by God Himself: only God can design such a lamp which bears light and yet looks like a tree, with cups, calyxes, and almond blossoms!

The type of the lampstand points to the Triune God: the Father is the nature and element (the gold), the Son is the embodiment and expression (the shape or form), and the Spirit is the expression and shining (the seven lamps).

Furthermore, the Triune God is not merely “shining for all to see the light” – He is a living, golden tree who is growing, branching out, budding, and blossoming to express God on all the earth! And His growth and branching out takes place in us, His people: the golden lampstand is also a type of the church as the reproduction of Christ and the reprint of the Spirit.

Today in the church there should be only Christ – He is all and in all – and only the Spirit should be the One flowing, living, and directing everything. We should be those who walk by the spirit, live in spirit, and do everything in spirit for the building up of the church as the house of God.

If we would shine forth the light of life, we need to be in resurrection – and not in our natural life. We need to get out of our introspective self by looking away unto Jesus, the One who is in resurrection and who is resurrection itself; when we look away unto Jesus, we are transported by Him into the clefts of the rock and the coverts of the precipice to be one with the crucified and resurrected Christ.

We need to let Christ grow in us: the more He grows in us and through us, the more light there is; the more we allow Christ to grow in our being and to spread in every part of our inner being, the more He can shine in us and through us with the light of life.

Today we want to see more concerning the way to experience the Triune God in detail, as typified by the lampstand, so that we may become the reproduction of the lampstand, so that the way would be paved for the Lord to come back and possess the earth.

The Lord Trims our Natural Life by the Divine Nature so that the Resurrection Life may Shine

Our charred natural life needs to be snuffed so that the shining of the resurrection life in us may be bright and pure. Witness Lee, Life-study of Exodus, p. 1090The lampstand had some utensils used for its maintenance and service: there were some pure gold tongs and firepans for trimming the charred wicks, and all these together with the lampstand were made of one talent of pure gold (see Exo. 25:38-39).

What is their significance and how can we apply these to our Christian experience? The tongs and firepans of pure gold for trimming the charred wicks signify the dealing with the old and charred natural life by the divine nature so that the shining of the resurrection life may be bright and pure.

Sometimes the wicks of the lampstand would burn out and become charred, so there was a need for the tongs and the firepans to trim these charred wicks. In our Christian life the Lord is trimming our charred wicks – our natural life – so that our shining may be bright and pure.

He uses not only situations and things but also persons so that He may snuff our charred natural life, so that the shining of the resurrection life in us may be bright and pure. We need to be open to the Lord’s trimming of our natural life by His divine nature and allow Him to trim us so that His resurrection life may shine brighter in us.

On the one hand the Lord uses people and situations to do the trimming, but on the other hand it is the divine nature that does the cutting, the cleansing, and the purifying.

The fact that the lampstand with all its utensils was one talent of pure gold (approx. 100 pounds of pure gold) signifies that Christ as the divine lampstand shining the divine light in resurrection is perfectly and completely weighty (see John 7:45-46; 18:37-38; cf. 1 Tim. 2:2; Titus 2:7).

When the priests sent some attendants to arrest the Lord, they were so impressed with what He spoke and who He was that they couldn’t arrest Him (John 7:45-46). When Pilate interrogated the Lord, he found no fault in Him (John 18:37-38).

Our Christ as the One shining the divine light in resurrection is perfectly and completely weighty, and we should live a Christian life in gravity, tranquility, and all godliness (see 1 Tim. 2:2; Titus 2:7).

Gravity is a quality in our human character which invites reverence, respect, and regard, and it implies dignity and inspires honour. When we enjoy the Lord in a genuine and pure way, there’s a gravity in us inspiring respect and honor from other people.

Lord Jesus, keep us open to Your trimming of our natural life by the divine nature. Lord, we just open to You and allow You to trim any charred wick in us so that Your resurrection life in us may shine bright and pure! Amen, Lord, have an unhindered way to shine in us and through us! Keep us enjoying You as the One who is perfectly and completely weighty. Lord, keep us enjoying You in a genuine and pure way until there’s a gravity in us which inspires respect and honor from other people. Amen, Lord, shine through us!

Being Fully Open to the Lord for Him Shine on us, Expose us, and Infuse us with Life

Prov. 20:27 The spirit of man is the lamp of Jehovah, searching all the innermost parts of the inner being.

The expression of the lampstand was the seven lamps of fire; these seven lamps are the seven Spirits of God as the seven eyes of Jehovah (see Zech. 4:10), the seven eyes of the redeeming Lamb (see Rev. 5:6), and the seven eyes of the building stone (Zech. 3:9) for God’s full expression.

The Holy Spirit has been intensified sevenfold to become the seven Spirits of God to express the Triune God among all the churches. This Spirit is for the Body, in the Body, and even is the Body. One Body and one Spirit (Eph. 4:4). In one Spirit we were all baptized into one Body (1 Cor. 12:13).

The church is the reprint of the Spirit, and the more of the Spirit we enjoy, the more of the church we have. “No Spirit, no church. More Spirit, more church” (The Church — the Reprint of the Spirit, p. 18). If there’s no Spirit, there’s no church; if you take away the seven lamps from the lampstand, there’s nothing left. We need to gain more of the Spirit every day!

And this Spirit today is the seven eyes of the Lamb to infuse us with Christ as the judicial Redeemer, and He is the seven eyes of the stone to infuse us with Christ as the organic Savior for God’s economical move on earth! Christ is the Lamb of God infusing us with Himself as the judicial Redeemer (John 1:29; Acts. 4:11-12), and He is our Savior organically to infuse us with Himself as life and everything for His move on earth for the goal of His building (Rom. 5:10; 1 Cor. 3:12).

In order for us to be transformed, we must fully open to the Lord in prayer to allow the lamp of the Lord with the seven lamps of fire to search all the chambers of our soul, shining on and enlightening our inward parts to supply them with life. Witness LeeThe Lord today has seven eyes as a flame of fire for watching us, observing us, searching us, and judging us by enlightening us and infusing us with Himself (see Rev. 1:14; 5:6; Dan. 10:6). The Lord is looking at us with His seven eyes mainly to purify us of anything natural and negative and infuse us with all that He is.

When we were regenerated, we were placed under the divine infusion, and when we will be glorified, the infusion will be complete. We need to simply spend time with God to be infused with God so that we may shine forth and glow with God.

The eyes of the Lord strengthen those whose heart is perfect toward Him, those who are fully committed to Him (2 Chron. 16:9). We need to be fully committed to the Lord, and the sevenfold intensified Spirit will infuse us and strengthen us.

We simply need to be open to the Lord in prayer and allow the lamp of the Lord (the sevenfold intensified Spirit) to search all the chambers of our soul, shining on and enlightening our inward parts to supply them with life (1 Cor. 2:11; Eph. 6:18).

Whenever the Lord shines on us, He both exposes us and infuses us with His life. We shouldn’t hide from the Lord’s light but rather open our whole being to the Lord without any reservation. The Lord as the Spirit is the lamp within our spirit (our spirit is a smaller lamp containing the Spirit of God, see Prov. 20:27), and He shines in us to expose us, convict us, judge us, and impart His life into us.

Wherever the Lord convicts and exposes, He also imparts life to that part, and He kills the negative things in that part. Never shut yourself from the light, because the one who experiences the greatest transformation is the one who is fully open to the Lord!

May we be those who learn to fully open to the Lord so that He may shine in us as the Spirit and expose us, convict us, and infuse us with His element, His life, and His nature to make us the same as He is, the reproduction of the lampstand.

Lord Jesus, we want to fully open to You to allow You as the Spirit to search all the chambers of our soul, shining on and enlightening our inward parts to supply them with life. Oh Lord Jesus, cause us to open to You again and again so that we may experience Your transformation through Your convicting, enlightening, exposing, and infusing! Save us from shutting our being to the light. Shine into us and impart Your life into us for Your building!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, brother Ed Marks’ sharing in the message for this week, and Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1979, vol. 1, “Life Messages,” msgs. 68, 70, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Crystallization-Study of Exodus (3), week 4 (week 28), The Intrinsic Significance, Subjective Experience, and Organic Maintenance of the Golden Lampstand for a New Revival.
  • All Bible verses are taken from, Holy Bible Recovery Version.
  • Hymns on this topic to strengthen this burden:
    # We have oil in our lamps—we are burning! / We have oil in our lamps today! / To the spirit, O Lord, keep us turning, / Keep us turning, turning all the way! / O Lord! Amen! Hallelujah! / We are burning, burning every day! (Hymns #1308)
    # Oh, purify us, Lord, by speaking in our heart; / Thy living, spoken word this washing will impart. / Increase Thy speaking, Lord, and cleanse our every part. / Oh, purify us, Lord, we pray. / Oh, purify us, Lord, today; / Wash all our natural life away. / Speak now Thy words in us, / And make us glorious. / O Lord, do speak in us today. (Hymns #1135)
    # Now the seven Spirits are / Seven lamps of burning fire, / Not to teach us, but to burn, / Satisfying God’s desire. / See the seven Spirits now— / Seven piercing, searching eyes. / In the church exposing us, / All the church He purifies. (Hymns #1122)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Brother L.
Brother L.
9 years ago

To have our spirit regenerated is simple. We confess our sins and receive the Lord. Then we have the Spirit of God within. To be transformed in our soul, however, is not easy. It needs the lamp of the Lord to search all the inner chambers. There are very few who have opened all their inner chambers to Him.

You may love the Lord, and you may pray regularly for your children and your grandchildren. Yet in your soul are two chambers that you reserve for yourself. You keep the Lord locked out of there….Without the spirit…the soul is dark. It needs the lamp of the Lord. A lamp is for use in darkness. Because man has fallen, he is in darkness….The only way to have light is to walk according to the spirit (Rom. 8:4). That light searches the inward parts of your soul. If you are not in your spirit, you cannot see your true condition. (Witness Lee, “Life Messages,” pp. 370-371)