Overcome by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of our Testimony, and Not Loving our Soul-life

Hallelujah, we can overcome by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of our testimony, and by not loving our soul-life even unto death! The man-child consists of the overcomers who stand on behalf of the church, taking the position that the whole church should take, and do the work of the church; the […]

Becoming Part of the Man-child being Brought Forth to Defeat Satan and End this Age

Within the church God is producing a stronger part, the man-child, who will carry out His judgment on the enemy and will end the age to bring in the age of the kingdom; we want to be part of the man-child by being the overcomers the Lord needs today. In Genesis 3:15, after man fell, […]

Christ is the Leading Overcomer and the Overcoming Man-child is the Body of Christ

The man-child spoken of in Rev. 12 is not only Christ as the First Overcomer but Christ with His overcomers, for He is the Head, the life, center, and nature of the man-child, and the overcoming believers are part of the overcoming man-child. What the Lord is after today is the overcomers, for the church […]

We need to have Dispensational Value to God to End this Age and bring in the Kingdom

God is about to do the greatest move in the history of the universe, and for this, He needs a dispensational instrument; we need to be those who have a dispensational value before God to end this age and bring in the age of the kingdom. This week is our last week in the current […]

Earnestly Await the Lord’s Return and Live a Normal Life Loving the Lord’s Appearing

Since we love the Lord, we should earnestly wait for His coming; we need to be those loving the Lord’s appearing, those not fashioned according to this age but rather, having our hope and future in the Lord, and living to Him by living a normal Christian life on earth according to His standard to […]

We need to Run with Endurance the Race set before us by Looking away unto Jesus

We need to run the race with endurance, looking away unto Jesus to be infused with all that He is and be enabled to run the heavenly race and live the heavenly life on earth! Amen! Our dear, wonderful, precious, all-inclusive Lord Jesus Christ is the immense magnet, drawing all people to Himself; as we […]

Fight the Good Fight of the Faith for God’s Economy by Laying Hold on the Eternal Life

In 2 Tim. 4:7 Paul testified that he fought the good fight of the faith; we need to fight the good fight of the faith, fight for the faith, realizing that our service to God is a warfare, not being entangled with the things of this life, and lay hold of the eternal life. This […]