Let us pray for the binding of the blinding work of the god of this age

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would learn to pray for the binding of the blinding work of the god of this age so that the gospel of the glory of Christ might shine into the hearts of many unbelievers (2 Cor. 4:3-6 and notes 3-1, 4-1, and 4-4). Thirty years ago Brother […]

Let us pray for the saints to learn to exercise the Lord’s authority to bind the strong man, Satan

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would learn to exercise the authority of the headship and lordship of Christ, the Head, in praying to bind the strong man and in preaching the gospel to plunder sinners out of the kingdom of Satan into the kingdom of God (Luke 4:36; 9:1-2; Matt. 28:18-19). Christ […]

Let us pray for the saints to see that the way to bind the strong man is through prayer and fasting

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would see that the way to bind the strong man for the plundering of sinners out of his house is mainly by prayer and fasting (Matt. 17:14-21). The way to bind the strong man is to pray. When we come to [Matthew] seventeen, we shall see that […]

Let us pray for the saints to see the Lord Jesus’ work of freeing man from Satan’s usurpation

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would see that the Lord Jesus in His gospel service frees human beings from Satan’s usurpation by the Spirit of God for the kingdom of God (Matt. 12:28 and note 28-1; Luke 11:20; Mark 1:23-25). The fallen angels work with Satan in the air (Eph. 2:2; 6:11-12), […]

Being on Alert about our Speaking and Opinions, for One Accord is the Key to God’s Blessing

The master key to every blessing in the New Testament is the one accord; we need to realize that in the church life everything depends on God’s blessing, and He pours out His blessing, even the fullness of the blessing of Christ, upon the saints in one accord. Amen! The one accord is really the […]

Continue Steadfastly in the Apostles’ Teaching, the Holding Factor of the One Accord

The holding factor of our one accord is the apostles’ teaching; once we continue steadfastly in the teaching and fellowship of the apostles, we will be kept in one accord for the Lord’s move and purpose on earth. The landmark between the gospels and the book of Acts with the Epistles is not merely the […]

One Accord: Having Harmony in our Inner Being and Harmony of Inward Feeling among us

For us to be in one accord means that there’s harmony in our inner being, in our mind and will; to be in one accord is to be in harmony, having the same mind and the same will with the same purpose around and within our soul and heart. Being in one accord involves not […]